Moving is Stressful...

Which explains why you hide in a hole. Living in rural areas is great. Very little noise and light pollution. Cities stink. They smell like sewers although I'm sure you are used to it by now, Niblick.

Where we used to live it always smelled like bus and car exhaust. I did like though when neighbors would be grilling, and the fragrance of fresh-cut lawns. Don't miss it a bit though. Now we have the scent of pines in the sun, wildflowers, rain, the Lake, the snow, wet chipmunks -- and grilling and fresh-cut grass.
Where we used to live it always smelled like bus and car exhaust. I did like though when neighbors would be grilling, and the fragrance of fresh-cut lawns. Don't miss it a bit though. Now we have the scent of pines in the sun, wildflowers, rain, the Lake, the snow, wet chipmunks -- and grilling and fresh-cut grass.

Some people like living in the country, some people like living in sewers. Each to their own! :thup:
About the only thing tight about the skanks. :laugh:

I see what you did there!

Where we used to live it always smelled like bus and car exhaust. I did like though when neighbors would be grilling, and the fragrance of fresh-cut lawns. Don't miss it a bit though. Now we have the scent of pines in the sun, wildflowers, rain, the Lake, the snow, wet chipmunks -- and grilling and fresh-cut grass.

Maybe I'm crazy but I miss the smell of jet fuel on a warm summer night as we were across the bay from JFK and the smell from the bakery making rolls and bagels ,The sounds of the elevated subway line and the fire dept 2 blocks from our apartment (public housing built for returning vets WWII) When we moved out to long island took getting use to because the quite
Maybe I'm crazy but I miss the smell of jet fuel on a warm summer night as we were across the bay from JFK and the smell from the bakery making rolls and bagels ,The sounds of the elevated subway line and the fire dept 2 blocks from our apartment (public housing built for returning vets WWII) When we moved out to long island took getting use to because the quite

While I'll be the first to agree that jet fuel smells like "Freedom", a common smell around all military airbases, I don't miss the sound of Marine Reserve RF-4s blasting off with full AB early Saturday morning while I'm trying to sleep off a Friday night hangover from the O'Club. It was painful.
Maybe I'm crazy but I miss the smell of jet fuel on a warm summer night as we were across the bay from JFK and the smell from the bakery making rolls and bagels ,The sounds of the elevated subway line and the fire dept 2 blocks from our apartment (public housing built for returning vets WWII) When we moved out to long island took getting use to because the quite

Aren't childhood memories so wonderful, and so connected with smell? Even to this day the smell of a cut orange takes me back to Christmas as a child -- my mom put one in each of our stockings. Found out later that that was an old European tradition. But she told us that it was to remind us of how very fortunate we were. Her father was a drunk, she grew up in the middle of the Great Depression, they had true food struggles, and often her (and her siblings') only Xmas gift was often just an orange.
While I'll be the first to agree that jet fuel smells like "Freedom", a common smell around all military airbases, I don't miss the sound of Marine Reserve RF-4s blasting off with full AB early Saturday morning while I'm trying to sleep off a Friday night hangover from the O'Club. It was painful.

Up until 1956 it was all prop planes, at night they would stack up over the ocean past our apartment and into jfk every two minutes
Aren't childhood memories so wonderful, and so connected with smell? Even to this day the smell of a cut orange takes me back to Christmas as a child -- my mom put one in each of our stockings. Found out later that that was an old European tradition. But she told us that it was to remind us of how very fortunate we were. Her father was a drunk, she grew up in the middle of the Great Depression, they had true food struggles, and often her (and her siblings') only Xmas gift was often just an orange.

Yes my parents had stories about the struggles during the depression especially my mother who came from a large family. growing up there was always a lot of food in our home, it was a kind of security
Posted like the life-long professional victim and loser you've been for over 50 years. You should put it on your tombstone, Goofy.
Bro, even Mason knows you are a snitch. Owl is the only one here that sees snitching as a good quality. You're here 24/7, Damo should pay you to be his snitch.
Bro, even Mason knows you are a snitch. Owl is the only one here that sees snitching as a good quality. You're here 24/7, Damo should pay you to be his snitch.

Only criminals, cucks and cocksuckers worry about snitches. Given your victim mentality I'm thinking you're a cuck. Did your ex step out on you? Was she the guest of honor at a bukkake party and then sent you a video link along with her goodbye?

It's possible you are a thief or white collar criminal but, frankly, I doubt you have the moxie. You could be gay too but I doubt it so that leaves cuck. Your victim mentality helps confirm the opinion.
Only criminals, cucks and cocksuckers worry about snitches. Given your victim mentality I'm thinking you're a cuck. Did your ex step out on you? Was she the guest of honor at a bukkake party and then sent you a video link along with her goodbye?

It's possible you are a thief or white collar criminal but, frankly, I doubt you have the moxie. You could be gay too but I doubt it so that leaves cuck. Your victim mentality helps confirm the opinion.
It took you less than a minute to reply. Damo needs you to replace Rana. People without a life end up as mods on a political site.
I had only had one major move as I was being forged in Rockford Il, then I when to Michigan State and spent all of my time a Hedrick House, a housing co-op. Military moving at first seemed to be an adventure but as the kids started coming I hated it more and more, especially the over the pond moves. Our last move was 2004. I intend to die in this house.

My Oasis.