Need advice of a moral and legal nature.

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1. I am not sure if I named the store or not but I don't think so.
2. There is no way I can decline to pursue this. Acohol and minors are all too often a fatal combination.

Then you'll just have to explain to your son that he's probably going to have to explain his actions to a judge.
I don't understand how that happened, bu immaterial. I expected him to be polite, not hostile. I didn't acuse him of anything, I stated a fact, and plainly at that.

What do you mean you didn't accuse him of anything.
You've already said that your comment to him was:
"I told him my 18 year old son had bought a bottle of vodka from his store."

1. How does he know that you didn't buy it?
2. How does he know that someone else didn't buy it?
3. The comment that you're stating as "fact" is in fact an accusation.
4. Please post what you think his "polite statement" should have been.
He hasn't done all he could. For example, he could have taken an interest in what I had to say, rather than pissing me off.

Give me a reason that he should believe you and take an interest.
When if fact, for all he knows; you're part of a sting operation and trying to get him to say something in agreement with you, so he can be arrested or ticketed.
Once again USF shows his double standard.

He can ask all the question he likes, and by GOD he expects some answers.

But ask him an inconvenient question and he's allowed to duck it..

Ten years of the same old crap from him, circular arguments and taunts, not a single word worth reading. You just know if this was one of his buddies relating the story, the thread would be going in a completely different direction at this point.
You know nothing of which you speak.

I know exactly of which I speak. I've spent more time in court than most lawyers. I was incarcerated for two years before I won my appeal. I've met many young men exactly the same as your son. Once you head down the road of blaming others you will be spending time in prison. Be responsible for your own actions and stop trying to blame others.
I know exactly of which I speak. I've spent more time in court than most lawyers. I was incarcerated for two years before I won my appeal. I've met many young men exactly the same as your son. Once you head down the road of blaming others you will be spending time in prison. Be responsible for your own actions and stop trying to blame others.

Don't try to compare your dumbass self to my son moron.
Don't try to compare your dumbass self to my son moron.

You have already done that...dumbass.
You posted on a public forum looking for backup. That tells me that you're not a man and the chances of your son becoming a man are pretty slim.....Grow up!
Our orisons are full of kids who have been taught to blame others for their crimes. If he's not yet a brat he soon will be. Men accept responsibility for their actions. Brats blame others.

While I understand your assertion; I just think think that applying the label of "spoiled brat", at this time, is unwarranted.
While I understand your assertion; I just think think that applying the label of "spoiled brat", at this time, is unwarranted.

Maybe but I've always found that shock will force a man to think. The boy has a problem. He's trying to find help in a bottle. His parent needs to help him find a solution to his problem. Trying to punish the man who sold him the booze will not do anything to help him with his problem. He needs an understanding friend, not a prosecutor.
Maybe but I've always found that shock will force a man to think. The boy has a problem. He's trying to find help in a bottle. His parent needs to help him find a solution to his problem. Trying to punish the man who sold him the booze will not do anything to help him with his problem. He needs an understanding friend, not a prosecutor.

I agree.
He's using the alcohol as a crutch and studies have shown, especially with younger people, that once the alcohol stops "helping", they move onto other "substances".
Turning in the store owner, for what could be an isolated incident, just seems like revenge and blaming someone else for what his son has done; ie: He wouldn't have brought the bottle home, IF the store hadn't sold it to him. Therefore the store is to blame for what my son did.
I agree.
He's using the alcohol as a crutch and studies have shown, especially with younger people, that once the alcohol stops "helping", they move onto other "substances".
Turning in the store owner, for what could be an isolated incident, just seems like revenge and blaming someone else for what his son has done; ie: He wouldn't have brought the bottle home, IF the store hadn't sold it to him. Therefore the store is to blame for what my son did.

Right on!
It is revenge but that's common when a parent just doesn't know what to do....
Treat the kid the same as you would your best friend with a problem because he is your best friend. You don't own an eighteen year old!
Right on!
It is revenge but that's common when a parent just doesn't know what to do....
Treat the kid the same as you would your best friend with a problem because he is your best friend. You don't own an eighteen year old!

I believe that revenge is part of this; because I posted the following:
Then you would have no problem with his kid facing legal consequences either?
How do we know who the cashier was? Could it have been a friend of the kid and has done this before, without the owners knowledge.
If he owner has done all that he can, except stand behind every employee 24/7, then why should he lose so much?

And the response was:
He hasn't done all he could. For example, he could have taken an interest in what I had to say, rather than pissing me off.

Without addressing the other points I brought up.

I think Rune is really pissed off and scared.
He's scared that his son is going to be in big trouble and he's scared; because of his comment regarding alcoholism.
When people get scared, sometimes the lash out at the people that are the easiet to blame; ie: the shop owner.

He could have walked into the store, asked to talk to the owner, handed the owner a picture of his son, told the owner that he thinks his son has been buying alcohol and could use his help, by posting the picture so the clerks could pay extra attention.
No accusation of the owner and probably solving the problem.
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