I decline. Anyone who can send that whiny little yurt-tit into tailspins is ok.
And yet it does appear that you've had your own little "crash and burns" lately.
Several of them on the same day.

I decline. Anyone who can send that whiny little yurt-tit into tailspins is ok.
And yet it does appear that you've had your own little "crash and burns" lately.
Several of them on the same day.![]()
I decline. Anyone who can send that whiny little yurt-tit into tailspins is ok.
I decline. Anyone who can send that whiny little yurt-tit into tailspins is ok.
you weren't invited, chump
you weren't invited, chump were just bitching about me talking about you in one post....about your political views....and here you are AGAIN bitching about me, but nothing about politics.
you're hilarious. you clearly love me and wish i felt the same. too bad for you i have standards.![]()
you should see her multiple post rant in the CE section. i hope she isn't around sharp objects....
Boy you sure were imagining all kinds of things this weekend. Lost weekending it huh?
and you wonder why you have no credibility with most posters. you had a 3 consecutive post rant about me, but damo deleted it. and he deleted the other couple dozen posts you exhibited a hilarious meltdown. how funny you're hiding behind damo deleting your posts and lying about making them.
I am puzzled, Grind.....before I left for vacation you thought Legion was the best poster on the board, now you want to ignore him......I assume you got bored because I was gone and started reading his posts.....
I am puzzled, Grind.....before I left for vacation you thought Legion was the best poster on the board, now you want to ignore him......I assume you got bored because I was gone and started reading his posts.....
you honestly thought that i thought legion was the best poster on the board? god you're thick.
I'm not putting legion on ignore. I don't give in to blackmailers! You could tell me I have to put STY on ignore to be part of the cool group, and I still wouldn't do it and i don't even like him!
It's called integrity you little shit!
And anyway, now that Dixie told me he dropped out I don't want to join anymore.
Really is that what happened? Mushrooms huh?
You're up early Yurt, what's the matter, couldn't sleep? I think you splashed on a little too much Obsession and the smell is keeping you up. Just a little behind the ears yurt. No need to parade around stinking like a french whore.