New Zealand's semi-automatic rifle ban

I didn't want to read through your shitposting.

But I did answer two questions in my last post.



Why do you keep the picture of the existing wall that is being fixed and claim it is new wall? It is not. Trump did get some money for walls and the contracts are being worked out now. When that happens, and they start building new wall, you can put big ass pictures of the wall everywhere. But this is more of your dishonesty for all to see.
Why do you keep the picture of the existing wall that is being fixed and claim it is new wall? It is not. Trump did get some money for walls and the contracts are being worked out now. When that happens, and they start building new wall, you can put big ass pictures of the wall everywhere. But this is more of your dishonesty for all to see.

But it wasn't "fixed"; because the old barrier was REMOVED and then replaced with a BIG BEAUTIFUL NEW WALL. :D

I just did. I'm saying it won't happen.
You think they will lose their freedom, so when do you think it will happen? Five years? Ten years? A hundred years?

And since you've supported the idea of Climate Change, when will this be occurring and the world ending (as we know it now)?
Gun nuts always tell us that more gun control would lead to a dictatorship because the people would be unable to fight back against the government.
New Zealand is set to ban all semi-automatic rifles. Who wants to theorize how gun nuts will explain why New Zealand didn't become a dictatorship?

That’s the first I have heard that theory.
It hard to compare New Zealand with the US.
Connecticut and California already have bans on assault weapons. How is that working out.
California violent crime rate is ranked 16 and is higher than national average of 394 per 100,000 residents.

You will always have a percentage of nut jobs in the world that are pure evil and will do harm whether they have an assault weapon or not.
Haven’t there been bombings. Haven’t there been nut jobs driving their vehicles into crowds.