Normal Barbie

I don't recall anyone saying that Barbie was made by a man to man's specifications....of course, I may have missed it.

Is that why this bothers some of you so much? That you feel these women are "man-bashing" over this? Believe me, I can empathize with the feeling.....whenever my wife decides to watch a Lifetime Movie Network Marathon on one of her days off, after one movie....two at the maximum....I start to feel the same fact, I call Lifetime and LMN the "male bashing channels".

But...that's MY issue, isn't it? There are other TV's in the house, I can go play guitar in the basement, I can do many things.

This however, has nothing to do with male bashing and everything to do with what "society" expects women to look like....and the marketing of products, diets and services to "help" them to achieve that ideal. People making huge amounts of money on the insecurities that they helped create.

I think that anyone who takes this thread as male bashing has a guilty conscience...
I don't recall anyone saying that Barbie was made by a man to man's specifications....of course, I may have missed it.

Is that why this bothers some of you so much? That you feel these women are "man-bashing" over this? Believe me, I can empathize with the feeling.....whenever my wife decides to watch a Lifetime Movie Network Marathon on one of her days off, after one movie....two at the maximum....I start to feel the same fact, I call Lifetime and LMN the "male bashing channels".

But...that's MY issue, isn't it? There are other TV's in the house, I can go play guitar in the basement, I can do many things.

This however, has nothing to do with male bashing and everything to do with what "society" expects women to look like....and the marketing of products, diets and services to "help" them to achieve that ideal. People making huge amounts of money on the insecurities that they helped create.

Well, man bashing just goes with the territory if you are a white male these days. Whether it be gays, blacks, women, hispanics, one legged midgets; you name it we are the blame for all of their insecurities

But, as I mentioned before, I seen women be much more critical of other women than any man has ever been. But, maybe that is too sexist of me to say ;)
Well, man bashing just goes with the territory if you are a white male these days. Whether it be gays, blacks, women, hispanics, one legged midgets; you name it we are the blame for all of their insecurities

But, as I mentioned before, I seen women be much more critical of other women than any man has ever been. But, maybe that is too sexist of me to say ;)

Let's see...I'm a white, heterosexual Christian male. I don't feel "bashed" in any way, shape or form....other than the aforementioned Lifetime thing....but like I said....that's MY problem....and it's not real, it's in my head....and truthfully? It doesn't bother me....I just get away from it....My wife still loves me and treats me the same after 8 hours of horrific true behavior(most of those movies are based on real events) of terrible males.

Another reason I get away from it is that the movies suck, according to my tastes...the scripts are shoddy, the acting is mediocre or worse and they tend to be low budget endeavors. All of which makes me bored.
Let's see...I'm a white, heterosexual Christian male. I don't feel "bashed" in any way, shape or form....other than the aforementioned Lifetime thing....but like I said....that's MY problem....and it's not real, it's in my head....and truthfully? It doesn't bother me....I just get away from it....My wife still loves me and treats me the same after 8 hours of horrific true behavior(most of those movies are based on real events) of terrible males.

Another reason I get away from it is that the movies suck, according to my tastes...the scripts are shoddy, the acting is mediocre or worse and they tend to be low budget endeavors. All of which makes me bored.

You don't seem to be showing very much empathy

tell me do you think Jesus would have whipped the moneychangers if at the time they were working with the government to make sure the poor people got fed?
Let's see...I'm a white, heterosexual Christian liberal male. I don't feel "bashed" in any way, shape or form....other than the aforementioned Lifetime thing....but like I said....that's MY problem....and it's not real, it's in my head....and truthfully? It doesn't bother me....I just get away from it....My wife still loves me and treats me the same after 8 hours of horrific true behavior(most of those movies are based on real events) of terrible males.

Another reason I get away from it is that the movies suck, according to my tastes...the scripts are shoddy, the acting is mediocre or worse and they tend to be low budget endeavors. All of which makes me bored.

Oh my mistake

could you direct me the the post number of your answer?

Just go look for the last time you asked me. It shouldn't take you long. I think it will be a worthwhile exercise for you. Now I should warn you. You asked for an answer. I gave you one. You didn't ask for an answer you would like

Have a blessed day :)