Normal Barbie

I give a damn about breasts really, and full hips and ass are nice but believe it or not lack of intellect will kill my attraction regardless of how she looked. I dated a woman in Germany who was an ad exec with BMG. She was stunning, we went to a bar in Munich that I had been to once before and that time waited 1 hour and 45 minutes to get in. With this woman, the guy at the door walked out to us before we got into line and led us to the door. It wasn't my good looks that got us in. With all her success working for BMG she was very limited intellectually. The relationship did not last very long. I do not view a woman as solely a sum of her parts, but we are ALL drawn to physical beauty first, men and women.

Actually I'm not. Maybe to glance at, but in order to really be attracted, no. I am weird though.
intellect is pretty damned important.

but even more so is the ability to be kind and fair.

a good looking guy with big brains is worthless if he is a sociopath
Well, I wouldn't expect that any makeup artist could make a man prettier than a woman. It is disheartening to see how bitter modern day feminism has made some women..

That wasn't the point; the point was that Dustin Hoffman realized he had been judging women on their looks and thus he had missed talking to a lot of interesting women; and he realized how wrong it was to judge women that way.

No, feminism hasn't made us bitter. Men just generally say that when a woman doesn't go along with them just because they're men. Not saying that's why YOU are saying it. But that's what I've noticed.

Feminism is the solution, not the problem.
Damocles, Barbies have been around for decades, well before TV became as important as it is today. So they had influence then outside of what was shown on TV. And the images on TV have changed over time as well, to where they seem to be a lot more "sexy" than they used to be. Miss America was once a year (and lots of us didn't watch it); dolls were played with daily by many children. (Moi, I tended to stick to stuffed animals... and I had dolls other than Barbie... but I did have a couple Barbies)

Since you have never been a little girl, playing with dolls who are "prettier" than you can ever hope to be; since you haven't seen messages aimed at you that say "thinner is better" and "you should look like Barbie" - unless you've done some kind of sociological study in this area, this may not be your best place to argue.

Of course now girls are influenced by the women on TV as well as their dolls. But having the dolls have more realistic proportions is one step of many that we can do to help our girls out.

Another example- African American girls were forced to play with white dolls for decades because there just weren't any black dolls; there were no dolls that looked like them. You don't think that affected them? That they didn't grow up thinking silky hair and white skin is better than their hair and skin? yes, media also stressed that; but the dolls didn't help.

In ways big and small, our culture influences us. Yes, finally, alternative toy companies started making "ethnic" dolls. But you walk down the toy aisle and it's still heavily white and pink.

There's a lot of work to do. Dolls are just one of the areas that need work. Are they the only area? no. But they're one of them.

Well said. Barbie have a big, pointy bosom, doe eyes, long thin legs. Pretty clear this is how toymakers thought the ideal adult women in the '50s should look like, otherwise why not make her more like the average woman? Barbie's a caricature from when males dominated society and it's long past the time she should be brought up to date.
Nope. I just live in Realville.

Have a blessed day :)

Realville? Emotional pain and self image isn't real? I suggest....with all due respect, mind you....that people's emotional experiences....good and bad....shapes their behavior for life....or at least until they change it....on their own or with help and perhaps that....even if you yourself aren't affected by this type of thing, that other people are.

It boils down to empathy(the ability to put yourself in another's shoes), compassion, mercy and love.....and just to throw it out there, that's how we follow Christ's example.
So you would be just as likely to date a guy that looks like Newman on Seinfeld as someone that looks like Pitt or Clooney?

I personally have always found Seinfeld repulsive, so bad example, LOL.

Some of my exes are conventionally attractive,others not. But I found them all attractive. They are ALL intelligent and funny.
Well said. Barbie have a big, pointy bosom, doe eyes, long thin legs. Pretty clear this is how toymakers thought the ideal adult women in the '50s should look like, otherwise why not make her more like the average woman? Barbie's a caricature from when males dominated society and it's long past the time she should be brought up to date.

Damo says otherwise and he is the resident expert on women though, sorry.
Hey that was nice.

thank you.

I don't believe in your god but would be exstatic to believe in the kindness and good that is contained in your religion.

Now do you think Jesus would have whipped the moneychangers if the moneychangers were working with the government at the time to make sure the poor were fed?

I don't profess to know what Jesus Christ would or wouldn't have done.

But, it should be noted that in a free market the government would be moral enough to shun the moneychangers. It is a socialist government which breeds crony capitalism of which you complain so vociferously
I personally have always found Seinfeld repulsive, so bad example, LOL.

Some of my exes are conventionally attractive,others not. But I found them all attractive. They are ALL intelligent and funny.
Well I don't doubt that, but to say that you don't notice physical appearance, except perhaps in passing, and that you are just as likely to date a guy who is 5'5" 298 lbs., as you are a guy that in 6'3" 195, ALL other things being equal is just a bit hard for me to believe. Not saying you are lying, just hard for me to believe.
Guys just don't get it. One of the top plastic surgeries women opt for is breast enhancement. Who makes women think they "need" bigger boobs? It's not other women.

Respectfully, I disagree. Women can be most cruel when it comes to other women. I have heard things said about women by women that would never be said about other men. Women give each other eating disorders.

It is women magazines run by women putting out these so called "unattainable" looks, yet you want to keep blaming men. If that keeps you from placing responsibility where it belongs then so be it, but it still isn't true
Realville? Emotional pain and self image isn't real? I suggest....with all due respect, mind you....that people's emotional experiences....good and bad....shapes their behavior for life....or at least until they change it....on their own or with help and perhaps that....even if you yourself aren't affected by this type of thing, that other people are.

It boils down to empathy(the ability to put yourself in another's shoes), compassion, mercy and love.....and just to throw it out there, that's how we follow Christ's example.

Sorry, but I don't see why I have to be empathetic or sympathetic with every perceived slight someone thinks they feel. Can I feel sympathetic to someone who just lost a parent or child? Yes. Can I feel sympathetic toward someone who just learned they were diagnosed with a terminal disease? Yes. Can I feel sympathetic toward someone who just saw their entire worldly possessions destroyed in a natural disaster? Yes.

Can I feel sympathetic toward someone who places their self worth in a plastic doll? No, not even in the slightest.

There is no requirement to feel sympathetic or empathetic about every emotion someone else is feeling
Well I don't doubt that, but to say that you don't notice physical appearance, except perhaps in passing, and that you are just as likely to date a guy who is 5'5" 298 lbs., as you are a guy that in 6'3" 195, ALL other things being equal is just a bit hard for me to believe. Not saying you are lying, just hard for me to believe.

I admit I like tall men...also for some reason I have a thing for well developed forearms.

But generally, no, looks really don't get me going.
That wasn't the point; the point was that Dustin Hoffman realized he had been judging women on their looks and thus he had missed talking to a lot of interesting women; and he realized how wrong it was to judge women that way.

No, feminism hasn't made us bitter. Men just generally say that when a woman doesn't go along with them just because they're men. Not saying that's why YOU are saying it. But that's what I've noticed.

Feminism is the solution, not the problem.

Some people use the feminism card just like the race card.