Normal Barbie

Lol, I had to correct my post, he doesn't even know me.

I had a friend who went to the London School of Economics for a year. She went to a LOT of plays while she was there - would pick up a ticket just before the show, when the unsold ones or ones turned in were sold for cheap. In one of her letters home she mentioned she sat next to Dustin Hoffman. AND THAT WAS ALL SHE SAID!! I wrote back saying "Details! I need details!!!" She didn't understand why I wanted more...
Well, I wouldn't expect that any makeup artist could make a man prettier than a woman. That is a good thing. It is disheartening to see how bitter modern day feminism has made some women. I guess I will never understand why people put so much stock in dolls and movies. They are made up things.
His choking up made me cry. I loved this man before seeing this but this has endeared him to me even more. I will have to watch "Tootsie" again with this new understanding of Hoffman.

Hoffman is awesome.

when I was like 13 I saw Little big man.

I fell in love with him.

The man is a great actor.

Great actors can only be truly great by being empathetic human beings.

Its one of the reasons there are so many liberals in this art
I far prefer fuller hips on a woman. I am pleased that women like J-Lo, Beyonce and (ugh) Kim K., have made hips and butt on a woman acceptable again. As a teen of the 80's it was quite disconcerting to see women who looked like adolescent boys from behind.
My brother and I used to play with my sisters Barbies. My brother and I used to do tableuxs with them. We did Joan of Barbie where we tied her to a stake with duct tape and set her on fire with lighter fluid. We did the passion of the Barbie where we stapled her onto a crucifix and gave her a crown of tacks. We also did Fireball Barbie where we put her inside of a model race car, set it on fire and slammed it into a brick. My favorite was when we took one of Barbies heads and put it on a stick. We called that "Barbie Carpenter".

So see guys you can have all sorts of fun playing with Barbies! :)

Geez. I'm surprised you two didn't grow up to become serial killers.:whoa:
I far prefer fuller hips on a woman. I am pleased that women like J-Lo, Beyonce and (ugh) Kim K., have made hips and butt on a woman acceptable again. As a teen of the 80's it was quite disconcerting to see women who looked like adolescent boys from behind.

The 80's were different. I remember one of the most popular stores was 5-7-9. I was a junior size 9, 5'5, hour glass. Widely considered to have pretty much an ideal shape. So much so that I often disguised my looks when I went out during the day, wearing baggy clothes, my hair pulled into a very severe bun, and no makeup. I really never liked dealing with all of the attention that being young and conventionally good looking brings. Some of it was scary, most of it just annoying. And even now when I frankly no longer have that knock out body, and of course the bloom of youth is gone, I don't miss it, don't want that level of attention back. I have not yet reached "invisible" status, and don't know how I will feel then.

Here is the point; beauty standards changed. In the 90's came Ally McBeal and I no longer had the culturally ideal figure. Regardless of what individual men felt.

Today, 5-7-9 could not exist because the ideal size is 0. Yes, women have actually been encouraged to starve to a size 0! A non-existent size! A nothing! Think about that and all of its implications.

And the thing is that women need to be able to have worth in this society even if no one wants to fuck them. I think that's really important. I appreciate that some men want to tell us they like a woman with tits and ass...but, our worth cannot be dependent upon that. And I think society teaches us all that it largely is.

Even those women who enjoy conventional good looks will eventually lose them, or at least a part of them. And some will never have them, let's be honest, just as some men will never be conventionally attractive. (does not mean someone won't find them attractive, do not get me wrong).

We all have worth that is far greater than this. We must have.
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I far prefer fuller hips on a woman. I am pleased that women like J-Lo, Beyonce and (ugh) Kim K., have made hips and butt on a woman acceptable again. As a teen of the 80's it was quite disconcerting to see women who looked like adolescent boys from behind.

Tyra Banks is another...
Geez. I'm surprised you two didn't grow up to become serial killers.:whoa:

think of it as experiments in flamables and plastic.

The evil intent is not nessessarily a true point of these boy games.

its just fantasy that sparks experimental jaunts into the properties of heat and plastics.

this is why a parent needs to watch kids and tend to their emotional health.

the emotional investment in the fantasy of harm is not automatically present in this type of childhood experimentation.
Nope. I just live in Realville.

Have a blessed day :)

Hey that was nice.

thank you.

I don't believe in your god but would be exstatic to believe in the kindness and good that is contained in your religion.

Now do you think Jesus would have whipped the moneychangers if the moneychangers were working with the government at the time to make sure the poor were fed?
The 80's were different. I remember one of the most popular stores was 5-7-9. I was a junior size 9, 5'5, hour glass. Widely considered to have pretty much an ideal shape. So much so that I often disguised my looks when I went out during the day, wearing baggy clothes, my hair pulled into a very severe bun, and no makeup. I really never liked dealing with all of the attention that being young and conventionally good looking brings. Some of it was scary, most of it just annoying. And even now when I frankly no longer have that knock out body, and of course the bloom of youth is gone, I don't miss it, don't want that level of attention back. I have not yet reached "invisible" status, and don't know how I will feel then.

Here is the point; beauty standards changed. In the 90's came Ally McBeal and I no longer had the culturally ideal figure. Regardless of what individual men felt.

Today, 5-7-9 could not exist because the ideal size is 0. Yes, women have actually been encouraged to starve to a size 0! A non-existent size! A nothing! Think about that and all of its implications.

And the thing is that women need to be able to have worth in this society even if no one wants to fuck them. I think that's really important. I appreciate that some men want to tell us they like a woman with tits and ass...but, our worth cannot be dependent upon that. And I think society teaches us all that it largely is.

I give a damn about breasts really, and full hips and ass are nice but believe it or not lack of intellect will kill my attraction regardless of how she looked. I dated a woman in Germany who was an ad exec with BMG. She was stunning, we went to a bar in Munich that I had been to once before and that time waited 1 hour and 45 minutes to get in. With this woman, the guy at the door walked out to us before we got into line and led us to the door. It wasn't my good looks that got us in. With all her success working for BMG she was very limited intellectually. The relationship did not last very long. I do not view a woman as solely a sum of her parts, but we are ALL drawn to physical beauty first, men and women.