Normal Barbie

Pretty much happening in the cell phone industry right now...

Yes, government gets involved - if an acquisition is going to cause a monopoly, govt stops it. That's so we don't end up with very expensive ice cream all in one flavor (to use Steel's excellent analogy)

I may not like all the results of deregulation, but did you enjoy the days when AT&T was the only phone company and airlines cost a fortune because they didn't have to compete in a free market?

The bad thing about the standard oil issue? They were broken up into 12 see most of them around you today...Exxon, Gulf, Texaco, etc.....but they made a mistake....they are still just subsidiaries of.....Standard Oil.

I forget exactly how it was a mistake in the courtroom, I do know that. But a chunk of the profits of those big 12(if there are still 12) still goes directly into a master account. I read about it in Dylan Ratigan's "Greedy Bastards". Good read if you have the time.
The bad thing about the standard oil issue? They were broken up into 12 see most of them around you today...Exxon, Gulf, Texaco, etc.....but they made a mistake....they are still just subsidiaries of.....Standard Oil.

I forget exactly how it was a mistake in the courtroom, I do know that. But a chunk of the profits of those big 12(if there are still 12) still goes directly into a master account. I read about it in Dylan Ratigan's "Greedy Bastards". Good read if you have the time.

You lie and misrepresent the greatness of Rockefeller. BTW isn't aRockefeller a democrat?
The bad thing about the standard oil issue? They were broken up into 12 see most of them around you today...Exxon, Gulf, Texaco, etc.....but they made a mistake....they are still just subsidiaries of.....Standard Oil.

I forget exactly how it was a mistake in the courtroom, I do know that. But a chunk of the profits of those big 12(if there are still 12) still goes directly into a master account. I read about it in Dylan Ratigan's "Greedy Bastards". Good read if you have the time.

Darn. figures. And of course they've been re-merging anyway... Chevron bought Texaco, probably some others by now. I really should have stayed working at Chevron; would have had a nice pension, and lots of stock, and oil companies always make money. But darn, I wanted job satisfaction. WHAT was I thinking? Even though I only worked there for 7 y ears, I still will be getting a small pension when I retire...
You lie and misrepresent the greatness of Rockefeller. BTW isn't aRockefeller a democrat?

You know what? I am done with you. I'm not putting you on ignore....but I'm not engaging you anymore. You just keep on BELIEVEING what you want and don't even research for yourself....that's the path to to reason and sanity...right? To blindly believe and never question......unless, of's not.only QUESTION....but CONDEMN.

Fuck you, you ignorant stooge.
BTW they should say proportionately correct rather than anatomically correct. There is a rather large difference.
You know what? I am done with you. I'm not putting you on ignore....but I'm not engaging you anymore. You just keep on BELIEVEING what you want and don't even research for yourself....that's the path to to reason and sanity...right? To blindly believe and never question......unless, of's not.only QUESTION....but CONDEMN.

Fuck you, you ignorant stooge.

I see you are all butt hurt now. Yes, you are lying about Standard Oil.

Here, this is for your enjoyment. It is a long read, but it is a great perspective on the reality of Standard Oil and not the leftist myth that has been perpetrated by big gobblement types. Was Rockefeller a saint? Hell no. Was he ruthless? Yes. Did he do more to improve the quality of life of Americans than any President or US Congress? Fuck yeah.

I question everything. I condemn corporations. I do condemn government because its history is filled with tyranny and despair. Corporations like government are run by people who are flawed to the core. But, unlike government, I can choose to use a corporations goods and services. I don't have a choice with government. You like that. You don't complain about it, in fact you ask for more. You and your ilk turn to government to solve every need or want in your life whether real or perceived.

I will always put my faith in the free market. While not perfect it has created more prosperity for more people than any other system ever devised. Your system is destined for the scrap heap of history like all tyranny's

You will however choose to believe the myth of Standard Oil and Rockefeller because to do otherwise would create to big a disturbance in your world view and that will not be tolerated by you.

Did you know that Rockefeller did more to save whales than the Sierra Club and Greenpeace combined? Yeah, its true. Because of his business practices he was able to bring down the price of kerosene to a level that made whaling obsolete as a business practice.

When Standard Oil was broken up, prices were lower than ever for the people and improved their standard of living. Why is that wrong to you?
I see you are all butt hurt now. Yes, you are lying about Standard Oil.

Here, this is for your enjoyment. It is a long read, but it is a great perspective on the reality of Standard Oil and not the leftist myth that has been perpetrated by big gobblement types. Was Rockefeller a saint? Hell no. Was he ruthless? Yes. Did he do more to improve the quality of life of Americans than any President or US Congress? Fuck yeah.

I question everything. I condemn corporations. I do condemn government because its history is filled with tyranny and despair. Corporations like government are run by people who are flawed to the core. But, unlike government, I can choose to use a corporations goods and services. I don't have a choice with government. You like that. You don't complain about it, in fact you ask for more. You and your ilk turn to government to solve every need or want in your life whether real or perceived.

I will always put my faith in the free market. While not perfect it has created more prosperity for more people than any other system ever devised. Your system is destined for the scrap heap of history like all tyranny's

You will however choose to believe the myth of Standard Oil and Rockefeller because to do otherwise would create to big a disturbance in your world view and that will not be tolerated by you.

Did you know that Rockefeller did more to save whales than the Sierra Club and Greenpeace combined? Yeah, its true. Because of his business practices he was able to bring down the price of kerosene to a level that made whaling obsolete as a business practice.

When Standard Oil was broken up, prices were lower than ever for the people and improved their standard of living. Why is that wrong to you?

Wow...A Koch Brothers parrot blog.....color me shocked.
I knew you wouldn't read it. Your loss. The last refuge if weak arguments is denigrating the source. Oh well. I tried good day to you sir.

I did read it....the I looked to the right of the article and noticed all their other topics of their blogs. Then, I clicked on the "about" link...and the first person's name that came up was a former bigwig from Enron....THEN I did a Google search on the site and learned that tthey are shills for big energy.
I did read it....the I looked to the right of the article and noticed all their other topics of their blogs. Then, I clicked on the "about" link...and the first person's name that came up was a former bigwig from Enron....THEN I did a Google search on the site and learned that tthey are shills for big energy.

That doesn't make it any less true my good friend. Have a blessed day
Seriously? You thought evince was a man? Uh.

Evince/Desh typoed her FP name as Desrubinator. Once Bush, or "The Shrub," left office, she chose to change her name, but still keep the typo tradition alive, so she went with a sort of redneck misspelling of "evidence," since people on political boards are notorious for demanding it, and because Desh always claims to champion it.

So that's how Desh came to be Evince.
No, the point is they are toys. Do you really believe that the vast majority of healthy women measure they're value based on the shape of a toy? If they do, it is the woman that needs to change, not the toy.
Why wouldn't they measure they're value based on a toy? Us men do! :)

The difference between men and boys is the cost of their toys.
GI joes are anatomically correct.

You mean proportionately correct, and no. They're not. Nor is Ken, who would be a skinny giant with muscles that would break his own legs.

For clarification:
GI Joe's Biceps would be a whopping 26 inches. A more realistic comparison would be the steroid enhanced biceps of Mark McGuire, which were 20 inches at their best. The closest thing to 26 inches on most men would be their overly large heads. Mark's steroid "enhanced" forehead was probably 26 inches. Another comparison. Arnold Schwarzenegger's thighs in the Terminator movies were 28 inches... That's about the size your arms need to be to match up to GI Joe... None of the world's largest body builders got quite that big in the biceps.

Even Bradley University's "The Body Project" states this very clearly. GI Joe's proportions are nearly impossible to attain, and most of us short guys will never have the opportunity.

Of course they project that little boys used to huddle in circles playing with GI Joe and got upset later in life when they couldn't grow to monstrous proportions. Which is really quite incredible. We played war with fake guns and watched Lyle Lovett marry beautiful women like Julia Roberts. Yeah... boys fully understand that their awesome godlike looks are not the key to happiness.