Normal Barbie

Damocles, Barbies have been around for decades, well before TV became as important as it is today. So they had influence then outside of what was shown on TV. And the images on TV have changed over time as well, to where they seem to be a lot more "sexy" than they used to be. Miss America was once a year (and lots of us didn't watch it); dolls were played with daily by many children. (Moi, I tended to stick to stuffed animals... and I had dolls other than Barbie... but I did have a couple Barbies)

Since you have never been a little girl, playing with dolls who are "prettier" than you can ever hope to be; since you haven't seen messages aimed at you that say "thinner is better" and "you should look like Barbie" - unless you've done some kind of sociological study in this area, this may not be your best place to argue.

Of course now girls are influenced by the women on TV as well as their dolls. But having the dolls have more realistic proportions is one step of many that we can do to help our girls out.

Another example- African American girls were forced to play with white dolls for decades because there just weren't any black dolls; there were no dolls that looked like them. You don't think that affected them? That they didn't grow up thinking silky hair and white skin is better than their hair and skin? yes, media also stressed that; but the dolls didn't help.

In ways big and small, our culture influences us. Yes, finally, alternative toy companies started making "ethnic" dolls. But you walk down the toy aisle and it's still heavily white and pink.

There's a lot of work to do. Dolls are just one of the areas that need work. Are they the only area? no. But they're one of them.

Or maybe parents shouldn't treat their children like they're worthless and help them understand that a damn toy is just a damn toy.
You mean proportionately correct, and no. They're not. Nor is Ken, who would be a skinny giant with muscles that would break his own legs.

For clarification:
GI Joe's Biceps would be a whopping 26 inches. A more realistic comparison would be the steroid enhanced biceps of Mark McGuire, which were 20 inches at their best. The closest thing to 26 inches on most men would be their overly large heads. Mark's steroid "enhanced" forehead was probably 26 inches. Another comparison. Arnold Schwarzenegger's thighs in the Terminator movies were 28 inches... That's about the size your arms need to be to match up to GI Joe... None of the world's largest body builders got quite that big in the biceps.

Even Bradley University's "The Body Project" states this very clearly. GI Joe's proportions are nearly impossible to attain, and most of us short guys will never have the opportunity.

Of course they project that little boys used to huddle in circles playing with GI Joe and got upset later in life when they couldn't grow to monstrous proportions. Which is really quite incredible. We played war with fake guns and watched Lyle Lovett marry beautiful women like Julia Roberts. Yeah... boys fully understand that their awesome godlike looks are not the key to happiness.

I just don't understand why anyone's self worth would be tied to a doll. But, oh well
If it was JUST a doll, it wouldn't be a problem....but the doll represents only one aspect.....look at magazines with teenage girls as their demographic, look at teenage oriented television. It all goes hand in hand.
You aren't special unless you buy "X" clothing" oh...."X" clothing doesn't fit? You aren't're a fucking Cow. Same with Makeup and and a host of other bullshit criteria for "being acceptable".

But ILA's OK with all that shit....because he's a profit/loss kind of guy....he doesn't care how many girls turn anorexic, bulemic, or just go out and kill long as Hollister, American Eagle and Maybelline are flush with money.

You're obviously in touch with your femine side; but you've been touching it a little to often and it's making her feel dirty.
why do we set girls up to think their beautiful human female bodies are not acceptable

Maybe you should be the one asking questions.
Maybe you should find out how come your parents never showed you any love.
Maybe you should find out how come your parents thought everything you did was a failure.
So that's why you hate your vagina.
It's because Barbie didn't have one.

Now that you mention it don't Barbie and GI Joe have the same private parts? It has been lots of years since I have seen either one of them disrobed, so I can't be sure. Desh is clearly more of an expert in this area than I, but I do seem to recall them being quite similar south of their belly button.
So that's why you hate your vagina.
It's because Barbie didn't have one.


Tekky thinks it's ok for Desh to suggest that someone is lacking a penis; but suggesting that Desh has no vagina is wrong.
I guess Tekky's hypocrisy has totally consumed her. :palm:
Now why did this make me laugh almost as much as when I read Desh's post? I have some introspection to do... But that was funny USF.

Maybe it's because you're a fucking obnoxious moron who spent a lot of time loudly not listening to a woman. And you enjoyed it. So why wouldn't you enjoy USF's disgusting remark about the same woman?

Tekky thinks it's ok for Desh to suggest that someone is lacking a penis; but suggesting that Desh has no vagina is wrong.
I guess Tekky's hypocrisy has totally consumed her. :palm:

It is enlightening to see those who thought Desh's comment to me was the funniest thing going and I have to admit even I got a laugh out of it, but now turning the tables on Desh is beyond the pale.

The truth is that it has become acceptable to bash men and bash Christians because well, they deserve it for hundreds of years of real or perceived oppression. Us men alive today who did not participate in said oppression must stand by and take it like good little boys because some individuals have a spleen to vent
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