Now it's getting pitiful, can you say "Temper Tantrum", now it's the Ocean?

By presidential decree, all "purple mountains majesty" will now be referred to as chartreuse.
Friday the President himself is going to fill in the Grand Canyon.

I truly wish you were funny, really I do; but you're not. In fact, instead of funny, you appear small minded and pathetic.

You really need to see someone about that Pinocchio nose stuck in Obama's ass though. It is having a deleterious effect on what few brain cells you have left suffering from a lack of oxygen.

I truly wish you were funny, really I do; but you're not. In fact, instead of funny, you appear small minded and pathetic.

You really need to see someone about that Pinocchio nose stuck in Obama's ass though. It is having a deleterious effect on what few brain cells you have left suffering from a lack of oxygen.

You my frien are the funniest of butthurt conservatives
All "amber waives of grain" are to be reaped as of tomorrow morning, by Obama's order.
You my frien are the funniest of butthurt conservatives

Why thank you dimwit. I only wish I could say the same about you; but you're just another painfully stupid repugnant leftist asshat. It’s hard to find anything redeeming about raw unrepentant ignorance.

I truly wish you were funny, really I do; but you're not. In fact, instead of funny, you appear small minded and pathetic.

You really need to see someone about that Pinocchio nose stuck in Obama's ass though. It is having a deleterious effect on what few brain cells you have left suffering from a lack of oxygen.

You are ass funny as most conservatard hacks
The "fruited Plain" is now to be referred to as a "baron rocky outcropping" Obama's wording.
Perhaps it's because there is something inherently petty and small being illustrated by the executive branch. The explanation for golf courses remaining open was they are self-supporting, cost nothing. As mentioned over and over again, same holds true for many sites that the gestapo troops have tried to close.

Now refusing to pay for the burial of soldiers, with money already appropriated?

I fail to find the humor, but you go right on enjoying yourself.

Hell, even *I* got the humor re golf courses. They aren't run by the federal govt, after all.
Jarod, you missed this one I think - Pres. Obama has closed down all the highways because they were paid for by federal funds. They're being turned into private speed skating tracks.
Pres. Obama has ordered a makeover for the Statue of Liberty - Brittney Spears won the bidding war, so it will now be known as Liberty Spears