Now it's getting pitiful, can you say "Temper Tantrum", now it's the Ocean?

Lol! No golf for you!

I was in Court this morning and the Judge was handing out Ambassadorships, he claimed authority to do so because he was the highest ranking government official working.
Its a joke, I am lampooning the idea the President Obama has closed the Ocean. Geesh, I have to explain everything to Conservatives.

Perhaps it's because there is something inherently petty and small being illustrated by the executive branch. The explanation for golf courses remaining open was they are self-supporting, cost nothing. As mentioned over and over again, same holds true for many sites that the gestapo troops have tried to close.

Now refusing to pay for the burial of soldiers, with money already appropriated?

I fail to find the humor, but you go right on enjoying yourself.
Its a joke

Liberals joke while the families of America soldiers killed in combat are denied by the Obama administration.


Perhaps it's because there is something inherently petty and small being illustrated by the executive branch. The explanation for golf courses remaining open was they are self-supporting, cost nothing. As mentioned over and over again, same holds true for many sites that the gestapo troops have tried to close.

Now refusing to pay for the burial of soldiers, with money already appropriated?

I fail to find the humor, but you go right on enjoying yourself.

I find the bold hilarious.

And, no, there is no money appropriated for this purpose. Funny how Republicans suddenly want Obama to adopt creative readings of legislation they passed.
There was money appropriated for the the purpose of paying death benefits to bereaved families of US soldiers killed in action...but Obamas' DoD refuses to pay.

Perhaps it's because there is something inherently petty and small being illustrated by the executive branch. The explanation for golf courses remaining open was they are self-supporting, cost nothing. As mentioned over and over again, same holds true for many sites that the gestapo troops have tried to close.

Now refusing to pay for the burial of soldiers, with money already appropriated?

I fail to find the humor, but you go right on enjoying yourself.

Thanks, I will... I agree that the Government should be paying the death benefits and I blame the minority in the House who are refusing to support a clean CR, and Boehner for refusing to allow a vote.

Yesterday you were claiming the President was trying to shut down the Ocean, now you are claiming he is refusing to pay these death benefits. You have no creditability.
I heard Obamas' DoD threatened to arrest priests who celebrated Mass with troops...

But that same Democrat-headed DoD refuses to pay death benefits to the families of American soldiers killed in action....

Another ridiculous Faux-created rumor.

"Todd "Toddles" Starnes might be Jesus' BFF; but that doesn't stop him from lying his copious, Southern fried ass off whenever the opportunity presents itself. And despite his problem with truthiness, he had no qualms over accusing President Obama of lying about the Affordable Care Act. Toddles' sources? Anecdotes posted on his Facebook! Yesterday, in yet another example of Toddles' less than honest reporting, he provided his drooling Twitter followers with information that was pulled straight from the aforementioned posterior. According to Toddles, the evil Muslim, Marxist, atheist, Kenyan born, communist, Satan worshipping president "won't let 50 Catholic military chaplains celebrate Mass today." Bet ya didn't know; that but thanks to all the Christian and right wing blogs who hang on everything said or penned by Starnes, lots of people now do!

While Starnes' Tweet makes it look like Pres. Obama targeted 50 priests, the reality is, as with anything Toddles says or tweets, very different. According to Starnes' very own linked Fox "News" October 5th article, "the U.S. military has furloughed as many as 50 Catholic chaplains due to the partial suspension of government services, banning them from celebrating weekend Mass." The bishop for the Catholic Archdiocese for Military Services told Starnes that because there is a shortage of active duty chaplains, military bases utilize the services of local priests. In other words, these guys are contractors just like all the other contractors who service our government and military and according to the law, are not allowed to perform their jobs unless they are "essential." (And if there are local non-military priests and parishes to fill in for the official military priest/contractors, then how "essential" are these furloughed priests?)

Bishop Broglio told Starnes that some of the priests have been forbidden to say Mass while they are not getting paid. As usual, Starnes quoted an anonymous source who claimed a furloughed Air Force (ground zero for alleged persecution of Christians) chaplain was told he couldn't go to his office and barred from any religious activity. Toddles didn't mention that according to Air Force Lt. Col. Laurel Tingley “any civilian employee who volunteers their time to the government while furloughed is violating the Anti-Deficiency Act, as is any supervisor who allows an employee to do so."
While Starnes claims that 50 priests are forbidden to say Mass, the Military Times reports that whether the 374 contracted military priests "are working during the shutdown depends on how they are funded." If they are paid with public funds, they are not working. So we can't say for sure how many priests are not working. But Toddles' Tweet says, without providing a source other than Friday's article, that the president "won't let 50 Catholic military chaplains celebrate Mass" on Sunday."

Starnes' claim, that President Obama (who is not responsible for the shutdown) "won't let 50 Catholic military chaplains celebrate Mass," has no basis in reality. But as reinforcement for Christian claims of persecution by the evil Obama administration, it's vintage Starnes.

It gets a biscuits on fire rating!

And one more thing. Toddles obviously thinks that it is OK for priests to break the law, but not the Pentagon and that priests are more "essential" than the Department of Defense?

Tomorrow President Obama himself is dismantling the Washington Monument brick by brick because of the government shutdown.
I find the bold hilarious.

And, no, there is no money appropriated for this purpose. Funny how Republicans suddenly want Obama to adopt creative readings of legislation they passed.

Telling how you edited out what the gestapo was in reference to :rolleyes:, however your point may be correct about the appropriations, there is an alternative:

Amid Outrage, Private Foundation Offers to Restore Military Death Benefit During Shutdown
y Luis Martinez

Oct 8, 2013 6:03pm

Though the government shutdown has not halted U.S. combat operations in Afghanistan, it has put a stop to the $100,000 check military families receive when a loved one dies there, sparking outrage today among some lawmakers.

Known as the “death gratuity,” the money is normally paid to the families of America’s fallen soldiers within three days of their death in a combat zone.

Lawmakers’ frustration over the delayed payments boiled over on Capitol Hill today.

“I say to those families, ‘Your government’s let you down at a time when you’re in need,’” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told reporters. “There is no excuse for this.”

On the Senate floor, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said he was “embarrassed” and “ashamed.”

“All of us should be,” he said, calling on members of both parties to “sit down and talk like grownups” about ending the government shutdown.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the situation was “shameful and embarrassing.”

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., announced today that a private foundation has stepped forward to help. “The Fisher House generously agreed to offer the families an advance grant until the government can make reimbursements at an appropriate time,” Manchin said in a statement. “The Fisher House will also cover flights, hotels and other incidentals for family members.”

Ken Fisher, chairman and CEO of Fisher House Foundation, said, “After losing a loved one in service to our nation, these families should not have to endure more pain as the result of political squabbling.”

Manchin thanked the Fisher House Foundation for stepping forward “to make sure there is no funding gap during a time of unimaginable grief. ”

Before the shutdown, which began one week ago, Pentagon Comptroller Bob Hale explained that the gratuity would still be paid out to families if paperwork was being processed before Oct. 1. During the shutdown, however, these benefits are not being paid to the families who have lost loved ones in combat. Once the shutdown ends the processing will begin and the payments will be made — but they will be delayed, Hale said.

That is little comfort for the families of five confirmed U.S. fatalities that have occurred since the start of the shutdown a week ago.

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., wrote Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel today to say that the death gratuity payments should never have been interrupted in the first place.

He argued that the recently enacted Pay Our Military Act “provides the authority to issue payment of death gratuity and other appropriate pay and allowances.” Hunter said the Pentagon’s decision not to issue the death gratuity was “a matter of choice” and that insisting on Congress to fix the situation “overstates the complexity of the problem and deflects responsibility.”

Hunter attributed the cut off in payments of the death gratuity to what he called a “careless legal interpretation,” which he said “is now mistakenly denying payments of Death Gratuity and other benefits to the families of those who make the ultimate sacrifice.”

Also suspended during the shutdown is the program that pays for the travel of families to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware to witness the return of their loved ones as well as burial and funeral expenses. That means families that wanted to travel to Dover would have to pay out of their own pockets.

The shutdown has not interrupted other benefits paid to the families of fallen military service members, including $400,000 life-insurance payments; the Survivor Benefit Program, a monthly stipend based on the deceased’s base duty pay that is paid by the Treasury out of a retirement fund; and the Special Survivors Indemnity Allowance, which is payable to the surviving spouse of active-duty service members whose survivor benefit is offset by Veterans Administration dependency and indemnity compensation.

The death gratuity used to be $12,000 until 2005, when Congress passed a law that substantially increased it to $100,000. It also made the increase retroactive to Oct. 7, 2001, so families who had lost loved ones in that time frame got the same payment. The year 2005 was also when Congress increased the size of the life insurance paid to military families from $250,000 to $400,000. The increased payment was also made retroactive to October 2001.
Obama is also cancelling Columbus Day, October 12th has been cancelled. IN fact he made it illegal to refer to D.C. as the District of Columbia because the holiday has been cancelled.
Telling how you edited out what the gestapo was in reference to :rolleyes:, however your point may be correct about the appropriations, there is an alternative

(1) I didn't edit out anything.

(2) Using the term "gestapo" in reference to anything other than the Geheime Staatspolizei, and particularly in reference to parks being closed, is mind-blowingly stupid.
At least the Islamic Museum is staying open because Obama is funding it with his own private funds, just ask Fox News.
Next week Obama is confiscating all Coins and Bills in circulation as they are federal bills and the federal government is closed.

Did you know that Obama has ruled that all babies born during the shutdown will not be U.S. Citizens?
By the way, here's the relevant text of the resolution appropriating money to pay the troops. It only allows for payments to members of the Armed Forces, not to their families or next of kin:

There are hereby appropriated for fiscal year2014, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for any period during which interim or full-year appropriations for fiscal year 2014 are not in effect—

(1) such sums as are necessary to provide pay and allowances to members of the Armed Forces (as defined in section 101(a)(4) of title 10, United States Code), including reserve components thereof, who perform active service during such period;

It sucks, but that's what they passed.
Thanks, I will... I agree that the Government should be paying the death benefits and I blame the minority in the House who are refusing to support a clean CR, and Boehner for refusing to allow a vote.

Yesterday you were claiming the President was trying to shut down the Ocean, now you are claiming he is refusing to pay these death benefits. You have no creditability.

Translation: I blame the minority because I have my nose rammed deep up Obama's ass and refuse to hold him accountable for anything even though he is the President and should be a leader. Republicans should just cave to all his demands and rebuke their constituents because we lefttards find the Constitutional limitations to our power repugnant.

You’re a dimwit of epic proportions; the irony is that you really are too stupid to comprehend this.
By the way, here's the relevant text of the resolution appropriating money to pay the troops. It only allows for payments to members of the Armed Forces, not to their families or next of kin:

It sucks, but that's what they passed.

But... But... But... Fox and Glen Beck said...