i remember in game mott actually had some solid posts. everyone loves shitting on mott but he's fine. should have fought harder for himself yesterday though. you never know what can happen in final 3.
So here are some random thoughts

I enjoy playing this game tremendously. I still suck at it but in all fairness to me and Jarod this was probably really our official first game. The last one doesn't count because Grind pretty much took over and it ended quick.

I can't speak for Jarod but I didn't think the auto night would cause such a shit storm. We auto nighted the last game pretty early and nobody seemed to care, I presume because we got a wolf.

Threedee probably never had a chance given me and Jarod are not only new to the game but it was two first time wolves.

It is much harder being a wolf than I thought it would be

It was my call night killing Billy and whether anyone believes me or not I saw him post about peeking Yoda. That is what led me to think he was Seer. Plus I really enjoyed night killing his ass

As far as players

Rune and Suprefreak are pretty good but take themselves way too seriously.

USF wasn't as bad as everyone thought. They just got too caught up in his Yoda shtick. There were times I couldn't stop laughing

Once I saw the shit storm from the auto night I knew the jig was up for me. At some point you can't defend yourself anymore. Yeah I know Rune and SF will say they know better but in the end when I was lynching and I unlynching, I was just doing it randomly to fuck with Grind. I was planning in going through the whole village but ran out if time

Hindsight is always 20/20 but I was amazed Jarod made it to the last day. I would have sworn he would kill Padro and let Blarg go after Yoda.

I thought Mott actually played alright up until that shtick of lynching himself then backing off of it.

Any way. Can't wait to play again. Been going back and reading old games and surprisingly most of haven't changed your game from four years ago especially SF
So here are some random thoughts

I enjoy playing this game tremendously. I still suck at it but in all fairness to me and Jarod this was probably really our official first game. The last one doesn't count because Grind pretty much took over and it ended quick.

I can't speak for Jarod but I didn't think the auto night would cause such a shit storm. We auto nighted the last game pretty early and nobody seemed to care, I presume because we got a wolf.

Threedee probably never had a chance given me and Jarod are not only new to the game but it was two first time wolves.

It is much harder being a wolf than I thought it would be

It was my call night killing Billy and whether anyone believes me or not I saw him post about peeking Yoda. That is what led me to think he was Seer. Plus I really enjoyed night killing his ass

As far as players

Rune and Suprefreak are pretty good but take themselves way too seriously.

USF wasn't as bad as everyone thought. They just got too caught up in his Yoda shtick. There were times I couldn't stop laughing

Once I saw the shit storm from the auto night I knew the jig was up for me. At some point you can't defend yourself anymore. Yeah I know Rune and SF will say they know better but in the end when I was lynching and I unlynching, I was just doing it randomly to fuck with Grind. I was planning in going through the whole village but ran out if time

Hindsight is always 20/20 but I was amazed Jarod made it to the last day. I would have sworn he would kill Padro and let Blarg go after Yoda.

I thought Mott actually played alright up until that shtick of lynching himself then backing off of it.

Any way. Can't wait to play again. Been going back and reading old games and surprisingly most of haven't changed your game from four years ago especially SF

What got me was everyone was complaining so much, that I wasn't convinced that they were even reading the suggestions I was making; because I kept being asked questions that I had already answered.
Such as who was I voting for, after I had already posted. :dunno:
i remember in game mott actually had some solid posts. everyone loves shitting on mott but he's fine. should have fought harder for himself yesterday though. you never know what can happen in final 3.
I couldn't think of a way without delaying the game which is a wolf tell. Good thing I was right about Olaf.
official list:

El Padro - watermark
Olfa - jarod
Blarg - Auster
Space Monkey - Rune
Yoda - USF
Twerk Master Miley - Billy
Runs With Scissors - ILA
Plumber Joe - Super Freak
Michael Sam - 3D
Non - Dungheap
Moxy Fruvous - Mott the Hoople

You're kidding? Wow. I would have sworn that Mott was Olaf, Jarod was Nom, and DH was Moxy. My mind is kinda blown. Interesting.
official list:

El Padro - watermark
Olfa - jarod
Blarg - Auster
Space Monkey - Rune
Yoda - USF
Twerk Master Miley - Billy
Runs With Scissors - ILA
Plumber Joe - Super Freak
Michael Sam - 3D
Non - Dungheap
Moxy Fruvous - Mott the Hoople

Interesting... then Mutt actually played a decent game and Dung was the moron in round one.
What got me was everyone was complaining so much, that I wasn't convinced that they were even reading the suggestions I was making; because I kept being asked questions that I had already answered.
Such as who was I voting for, after I had already posted. :dunno:

Actually you were giving some good points. SF is just a prick all the way around. He thinks the game has to go just one way. I am surprised nobody has exploited that weakness if his.

And it wasn't like it was magic figuring I was a wolf after the auto lynch.

I pretty much threw in the towel and spent the rest of the day trying to save Jarod from himself. I had to talk him out if trying to defend thenautonight. And just admit to stupidity. I thought about going the stupidity route too but I didn't think it would save me and I didn't think anyone would buy it out of both of us.
You're kidding? Wow. I would have sworn that Mott was Olaf, Jarod was Nom, and DH was Moxy. My mind is kinda blown. Interesting.

I thought the same... Well, we were correct that Olaf was an idiot, we just had the wrong one. Tip of the hat to Mutt though... other than your (well understood) desire to lynch Yoda instead of Olaf, you played a good game.
I got all the anons right. Can't say it is that hard

SF is his prick self
Rune is his prick self
USF was easy
Billy pretty much gave it up
I knew me
Watermark was easy because he showed up about as much as he did when he moderated the last game and at the same times.

Rest was process of elimination