When I saw USF playing full-retard, and knew Mott was out there somewhere, I figured that stupidity would help me out a lot. Then Gerud proved me wrong. I couldn't believe I got to be a wolf, only to get stuck with IHA and Gerud. I even figured at first that a douche like IHA would at least be good at killing people. By time the imaginary code came up, I was in desperate need for alcohol.
When I saw USF playing full-retard, and knew Mott was out there somewhere, I figured that stupidity would help me out a lot. Then Gerud proved me wrong. I couldn't believe I got to be a wolf, only to get stuck with IHA and Gerud. I even figured at first that a douche like IHA would at least be good at killing people. By time the imaginary code came up, I was in desperate need for alcohol.

Why didn't you provide more direction to me and Jarod? You pretty much let us wing it knowing we were both n00b wolves. You were asking for it assuming we wouldn't fuck something up. Do you think you get good at Werewolf by osmosis?

Jarod and I have only played once before and that was the last game which pretty much ended in a wipeout with Grind taking over. So while yes Jarod and I majorly fucked up, you didn't exactly provide much guidance to keep us from fucking up. I would think an experienced player would have said "Hey you douchebags, make sure you don't do X, Y and Z"

If I had to guess, I would bet that friggin uptight SuperFreak would have spelled out how he wanted us to play and Grind pretty much would have too. So while I definitely feel for ya and realize that Jarod and I didn't make it easy on you, you aren't entirely blameless from that perspective in my book.

Just sayin
Why didn't you provide more direction to me and Jarod? You pretty much let us wing it knowing we were both n00b wolves. You were asking for it assuming we wouldn't fuck something up. Do you think you get good at Werewolf by osmosis?

Jarod and I have only played once before and that was the last game which pretty much ended in a wipeout with Grind taking over. So while yes Jarod and I majorly fucked up, you didn't exactly provide much guidance to keep us from fucking up. I would think an experienced player would have said "Hey you douchebags, make sure you don't do X, Y and Z"

If I had to guess, I would bet that friggin uptight SuperFreak would have spelled out how he wanted us to play and Grind pretty much would have too. So while I definitely feel for ya and realize that Jarod and I didn't make it easy on you, you aren't entirely blameless from that perspective in my book.

Just sayin

That is a very safe bet...
Why didn't you provide more direction to me and Jarod? You pretty much let us wing it knowing we were both n00b wolves. You were asking for it assuming we wouldn't fuck something up. Do you think you get good at Werewolf by osmosis?

Jarod and I have only played once before and that was the last game which pretty much ended in a wipeout with Grind taking over. So while yes Jarod and I majorly fucked up, you didn't exactly provide much guidance to keep us from fucking up. I would think an experienced player would have said "Hey you douchebags, make sure you don't do X, Y and Z"

If I had to guess, I would bet that friggin uptight SuperFreak would have spelled out how he wanted us to play and Grind pretty much would have too. So while I definitely feel for ya and realize that Jarod and I didn't make it easy on you, you aren't entirely blameless from that perspective in my book.

Just sayin

Three doesn't take the game too seriously, usually. To Grind and SF, this game is pretty much their life, they would take leadership immediately. The rest of us, well, I'm not sure I would've done any better than the myself, pulling for the entire team.
Three doesn't take the game too seriously, usually. To Grind and SF, this game is pretty much their life, they would take leadership immediately. The rest of us, well, I'm not sure I would've done any better than the myself, pulling for the entire team.

lol... not really my life... I am just very competitive. I kind of like winning. I think based on 3D's own words, he does take it seriously.
IHA, we all played one game and earned our stripes. It's not rocket science. I played with SF and Mott, and SF did a lot of messaging out of fear of Mott, but wolves need to go out and establish separate strategies that are ultimately tied together in a big picture through conversation. The fact that you were PMing me a lot about what you and Gerud were up to convinced me you had plans, and I tried to avoid stepping on them.
That is a very safe bet...

Like I said, I don't know how many times or ways I can say I fucked up. But, ya gotta admit, Threedee was asking for it. What did he think was going to happen playing with two n00bs?

Just curious, had I just played the "I'm a fucking n00b card right off the bat" do you think that would have given me cover? I thought about it, but I decided to try to get up in Rune's grill instead which obviously backfired. Or was I toast no matter what?
IHA, we all played one game and earned our stripes. It's not rocket science. I played with SF and Mott, and SF did a lot of messaging out of fear of Mott, but wolves need to go out and establish separate strategies that are ultimately tied together in a big picture through conversation. The fact that you were PMing me a lot about what you and Gerud were up to convinced me you had plans, and I tried to avoid stepping on them.

True, I agree with that, but where would Jarod and I have ever known about not auto nighting? I agree that you didn't micromanage and I appreciate that. But, I think there could have been some direction. If anyone thinks that a n00b is going to intuitively know not to auto night, I think that is a lot to ask.
Like I said, I don't know how many times or ways I can say I fucked up. But, ya gotta admit, Threedee was asking for it. What did he think was going to happen playing with two n00bs?

Just curious, had I just played the "I'm a fucking n00b card right off the bat" do you think that would have given me cover? I thought about it, but I decided to try to get up in Rune's grill instead which obviously backfired. Or was I toast no matter what?

Playing the noob card would have worked better than getting in someone's face in my opinion. Wolves tend to get defensive because as a wolf you tend to think the village is 'on to you'... sometimes you are right... most of the time, especially early in the game, they are just firing shots to see if anything hits.
I have an honest question for the board:

It was my plan during D1 to try and swing the wagon toward Nom because I figured Moxy and Yoda would remain easy targets down the road. My plan worked, and Nom was well on his way to being lynched. Then the other wolves leaped in instead of staying on the marks they appeared to have set.

People have accused me of sucking, and I don't know if it's smacktalk, or perception... So, what would you do if your noob allies fucked up like that? Yes, i could have thrown Olaf under the bus, but IHA recommended he play up his noob status, and it seemed to work. Then IHA managed to draw everyone's suspicion. Obviously, it was a mistake to try and run interference for him, but i really felt the game was lost at this point. If there weren't so many idiots in the village, it probably would have been more decisive.

And no, i haven't recovered yet. I may not be as vocal, but i do take this game as seriously as SF. I really wanted to write a bunch of hate-filled messages to the other agents. Especially Jarod.
Well "the code" just really put the spot light on you after analysis it wasn't just that. You tried to give cover Scissor and later in the day Scissors also tried to give you cover and that was a big mistake by scissors. The lesson here for you is that after RWS was lynched when you started getting grilled aggressively you lost your moral and your focus. So yea you got dealt a shit sandwhich but I've seen wolves snatch victory from defeat by staying focused and you lost yours.

That was Jarod's fatal mistake too. He lost focus. If you're a wolf the last thing you want to do is cast the vote that causes an auto-night when a villager has just been lynched. Particularly if there's still a significant time left to play. Cause it's going to bring the whole village down on your head. A villager is unlikely to lose focus about something like that. Jarod learned a hard lesson.

RWS/ILA made some pretty big strategic errors too but I won't go into them as I want to use/exploit them in future games. LOL
True, I agree with that, but where would Jarod and I have ever known about not auto nighting? I agree that you didn't micromanage and I appreciate that. But, I think there could have been some direction. If anyone thinks that a n00b is going to intuitively know not to auto night, I think that is a lot to ask.

Its all part of learning the game. I would be willing to bet neither of you does that again.
Now to be fair to Threedee, we probably should have asked for some advice.

Of course I think his first PM to me and Jarod was

"what's up bitches. I'm gay"

So at the time I didn't know what his alt was. I actually figured it was USF at first
Playing the noob card would have worked better than getting in someone's face in my opinion. Wolves tend to get defensive because as a wolf you tend to think the village is 'on to you'... sometimes you are right... most of the time, especially early in the game, they are just firing shots to see if anything hits.

Well, it is definitely harder playing a wolf than a villager because you are juggling a lot of shit. Trust me I am as competitive as they come. I will get better at this game :)
RWS/ILA made some pretty big strategic errors too but I won't go into them as I want to use/exploit them in future games. LOL

Don't count on it bitch ;)

I may be a lot of things, but one thing I never, ever, ever do is repeat mistakes. Now I may make new ones, but don't count on seeing what you saw this game next time around.
When I saw USF playing full-retard, and knew Mott was out there somewhere, I figured that stupidity would help me out a lot. Then Gerud proved me wrong. I couldn't believe I got to be a wolf, only to get stuck with IHA and Gerud. I even figured at first that a douche like IHA would at least be good at killing people. By time the imaginary code came up, I was in desperate need for alcohol.
LOL PM me your address I'll send you a bottle. LOL
Don't count on it bitch ;)

I may be a lot of things, but one thing I never, ever, ever do is repeat mistakes. Now I may make new ones, but don't count on seeing what you saw this game next time around.
Who said I was going to use them on you? ILA...you're not going to like hearing this but we started day two with a dead seer and not clearly knowing who the wolves may be but then you got played by 3 other players in this game and the way they played you....can be done to others!! That was not lost on me.

What surprised me was Rune was one of the ones who played you. I sold Rune short...won't do that again.