Oh, you think I got played with Superfreaks throw away vote of Yoda? Yeah, I didn't see that for what it was :eyeroll:

Now maybe I shouldn't have, but you can ask Threedee. By 11am, I had already thrown in the towel and by 2pm I was trying to draw as much attention to me as I could. Was that the right move? Who knows? The biggest concern I had at the time was Jarod was trying too hard to defend his auto night move instead of just saying "I fucked up". Now, I may be inexperienced at Werewolf, but even common sense tells me not all three wolves need to survive to win the game. At that point, I figured me and Jarod's fuck ups were going to cost us, I just wanted to try to keep heat off of Threedee and get Olaf to stop immolating himself.

There is no way anyone is going to convince me that I wasn't getting lynched on day 2. That dye was cast by noon. That you were dragging it out had more to do with trying to smoke out other wolves than deciding on whether it would be me. My goal at that point was just to drive the board crazy along with USFs help. Don't get me wrong, there was a point where I was really trying to argue a case particularly about the Moxy/Yoda bandwagons. But, my big fuckup at that point was wrongly accusing Rune of jumping on the Nom bandwagon. That is when I knew the jig was up and I had no chance. So I just went into "psycho" mode trying to keep you guys from IDing anymore wolves. So yup, I switched votes to Yoda. Then I switched votes back. Then I switched votes again. I never figured out what SF did. Nope, never did ;)

I took some big learnings from this game.

1) the freak out over auto night
2) avoiding key words (I won't say what they are)
3) being better about going back and reading posts before I post. that is probably the biggest thing that caught me day two. I was just grasping at certain points. I made what I felt were decent arguments, but then I would make a dumb ass mistake in a post.

You're wrong about one thing. You are not a certain lynch in Werewolf until the last vote is cast.
i'm competitive in game but I seldom am mad at users or hate on people for playing a certain way. Maybe i'll be frustrated once in a while but then again who isn't.

I think people definitely need to not forget that it is a game, and yeah you can play seriously but don't forget to have fun at the same time. If someone isn't having fun and ending every game pissed off then they are doing something wrong.

I know you said seldom so you are giving yourself wiggle room, but what I find funny about this is that I just finished going through an old werewolf game where Yurt was a wolf and you friggin lost your mind.
Well, I wouldn't say I got played as they just took advantage of my inexperience. Others just had to sit back and watch the fireworks as I played into their hands. Had Jarod and I laid low and I stuck with my Yoda vote, who knows how it would have played out.

Yes, you started day 2 with your Seer gone and having lynched a villager. However, you also got a wolf on two consecutive days and it was pretty clear that Olaf was a wolf. Despite that advantage, you villagers almost fucked it all up. I am convinced that had Jarod night killed Padro it would have been a cinch getting Yoda lynched.

Now I haven't gone through all of the old games yet, but what is hilarious is that all I ever hear about is "how shitty Mott" plays and now you are passing yourself off as some Werewolf expert. Maybe, maybe not. But, don't forget, I picked up on tells too ;)

Yours. Rune's and especially SuperFreaks

You are still a moron and you always will be.
Which is why I like the anon characters. What possible difference should who someone is make in this game?

in fairness, knowing history and how people play and reading people is part of the game, anon prevents that to some degree. I remember last game there was one or two people that I was like "if this person is x, I am fine. If this person is y, it means something else.

that said, I don't care that much. I can figure out who most people are anyway, and I guess it makes some people get along so w/e
I was halfway onto PJ myself at the beginning of D2 (my first post was a question to PJ). That pretty much dried up as I read further and further through the thread and started focusing instead on how unbelievably wolfy scissors was being.

Scissors did end up getting a lot of attention.
I have an honest question for the board:

It was my plan during D1 to try and swing the wagon toward Nom because I figured Moxy and Yoda would remain easy targets down the road. My plan worked, and Nom was well on his way to being lynched. Then the other wolves leaped in instead of staying on the marks they appeared to have set.

People have accused me of sucking, and I don't know if it's smacktalk, or perception... So, what would you do if your noob allies fucked up like that? Yes, i could have thrown Olaf under the bus, but IHA recommended he play up his noob status, and it seemed to work. Then IHA managed to draw everyone's suspicion. Obviously, it was a mistake to try and run interference for him, but i really felt the game was lost at this point. If there weren't so many idiots in the village, it probably would have been more decisive.

And no, i haven't recovered yet. I may not be as vocal, but i do take this game as seriously as SF. I really wanted to write a bunch of hate-filled messages to the other agents. Especially Jarod.

At first, that is all I thought it was. But after they nuked you on night one and you turned out to be the seer... my mind went into hyper analytical mode looking for 'codes' :)

The note I made to myself, about the 4 reference, was never meant to be posted.
Then when it was read, you guys wouldn't let go of it. :D
Again, hindsight is 20/20 and I am not trying to bus Jarod now because I think he played a smart game yesterday. But, in the moment I wanted to throw him under the bus that day, but I feared I would only add fuel to the fire and they would have gotten both of us because at the time he was really defending his actions for auto nighting so I was trying to protect him without being obvious. Like I said, as far as I am concerned this was really my first game. I definitely have a lot more insights and guarantee I will play a better game next time.

After going over this game and reviewing previous Werewolf games in the archive, I will have a much better strategy.

One big mistake we made is we really didn't have a plan. If I am ever a wolf again it will be more concrete than just deciding who to night kill

I think everyone played a really good game and the only ones who lost, are those who choose not to play.