Threedee can back me up on this. My goal during d2 was to draw as much fire as I could and try to keep it from getting Jarod and Threedee. I kept PMing Jarod to stop arguing about the auto kill and plead stupid. In retrospect, it probably would have made me look more village if I had played the stupid n00b card as well.

I think Threedee did the best he could under the circumstances. I think the only thing I would fault him on is that he knew he not only had two new players who only played once before but neither one were wolves, so I think he could have provided us more direction.

Again, I will know better next time, but I didn't think the auto night would have raised the shit storm it did. If I had known, I would have stayed on Yoda the entire day. Also, and this is my own dumb mistake, when I was just fucking around during the end trying to draw more fire, it obviously didn't look good when Threedee voted Rune right after I did. As soon as I saw it, I thought AWWWW fuck.

Oh well, believe it or not Jarod, me and Threedee got along pretty well.

The auto night didn't cause any more shit storm then all the other ones have.
Any time there's a auto night and a villager is lynched, the next day a pile of crap talk starts.
That's good info about Joe, because I consciously picked him to nightkill because I perceived him as the more trusted of the two. I thought that SM's douchy attitude would generate some pushback by the likes of Moxy and Blarg.
That's good info about Joe, because I consciously picked him to nightkill because I perceived him as the more trusted of the two. I thought that SM's douchy attitude would generate some pushback by the likes of Moxy and Blarg.
LOL I think you have played this enough to understand how I could be pretty inured to douchy attitudes. Particularly when they're directed at me! :)

Actually either was a good pick. Rune played ILA like a wind up toy and when it turned out that ILA was a wolf, it gave Spunk Monkey serious village cred. That's why he didn't get much push back from me.
It wasn't solely board hate, as I said, I swear I saw a post of Billy saying something about peeking Yoda and I just had a hunch he was the seer. Obviously couldn't prove it. I will put in the category of Freak and Rune seeing a hidden code in Billy taking four times the recommended dose of Ambien. I may not have been right for the reasons I thought I was, but I was right in the end and I got the Seer.

There were these:
I said:
Flawed, your thinking is; because villager, I am.
Twerk replied with:
Nobody is a wolf until they are one.

Another comment by Twerk:
Wolves, please do the village a kindness and eat yoda. Have some pity on us.
When I saw USF playing full-retard, and knew Mott was out there somewhere, I figured that stupidity would help me out a lot. Then Gerud proved me wrong. I couldn't believe I got to be a wolf, only to get stuck with IHA and Gerud. I even figured at first that a douche like IHA would at least be good at killing people. By time the imaginary code came up, I was in desperate need for alcohol.

Watching Rune and Mott have a melt down was funnier then anything else
Like I said, I don't know how many times or ways I can say I fucked up. But, ya gotta admit, Threedee was asking for it. What did he think was going to happen playing with two n00bs?

Just curious, had I just played the "I'm a fucking n00b card right off the bat" do you think that would have given me cover? I thought about it, but I decided to try to get up in Rune's grill instead which obviously backfired. Or was I toast no matter what?

We learn less from what people TELL us to do, then we do from our own mistakes.
You probably learned more from "winging" it, then you would have from being told how to act.
Now to be fair to Threedee, we probably should have asked for some advice.

Of course I think his first PM to me and Jarod was

"what's up bitches. I'm gay"

So at the time I didn't know what his alt was. I actually figured it was USF at first

Rune thought I was Sam, on Day 1.
We learn less from what people TELL us to do, then we do from our own mistakes.
You probably learned more from "winging" it, then you would have from being told how to act.

Well that is true. You have no idea how much you were cracking me up. I could picture Rune and SF coming unglued every time they read one of your tortured Yoda lines.
Actually, I think you would be a pretty decent wolf to play with.

Just sayin

Not really.
One of the last time she played; she ended up getting lynched and then blamed it on the "men", picking on the "women".
As a matter of fact, she spent a great deal of time (posts) railing against Damo.
One thing I noticed is that everyone seemed to think Yoda was contentless but several of his posts were very definitive and could be used to read him.
i'm competitive in game but I seldom am mad at users or hate on people for playing a certain way. Maybe i'll be frustrated once in a while but then again who isn't.

I think people definitely need to not forget that it is a game, and yeah you can play seriously but don't forget to have fun at the same time. If someone isn't having fun and ending every game pissed off then they are doing something wrong.

I've been doing RPG's computer and live, since 1984.
Just pick a character, create a persona, and play it out.
That's where the fun is.
People might be surprised to find out; that if they put aside their personal self and get into character, that it's not that hard.
Moxy almost blew it yesterday with his little gambit. Had Jarod not killed USF it was game set match. IMO

I don't agree.
I think there was enough doubt about Olaf that the votes would have gone against him anyway.
Don't forget that I had defended Blarg and Padro prior to the last day.
in fairness, knowing history and how people play and reading people is part of the game, anon prevents that to some degree. I remember last game there was one or two people that I was like "if this person is x, I am fine. If this person is y, it means something else.

that said, I don't care that much. I can figure out who most people are anyway, and I guess it makes some people get along so w/e

Look how many thought I was Mott, in the last game. :p