Cancel 2016.2
The Almighty
This Hearing for the Village of Proleville is Now in Session.
I, the most Badass Muthafuckah in Town, hereby call the Assembly to Order!!
The Accused are Superfreak and Christie. The charge is voting with Mott. How do you both Plea?
Um... I didn't.... Mott jumped last minute onto Grind, that is who I had voted for prior to heading to the gym. While I was wrong on Grind, Grind was wrong on you and Mott, you were wrong on Grind. The only ones that had it right were those who voted for Mott. That happens day one. My guess is that Mott jumped onto the only other person that had two votes, which could have forced a tie.... right up until some vigilante shot poor Grind.
I will now open up the Floor to hear arguments for and against these two otherwise upstanding citizens.
Um... I didn't.... Mott jumped last minute onto Grind, that is who I had voted for prior to heading to the gym. While I was wrong on Grind, Grind was wrong on you and Mott, you were wrong on Grind. The only ones that had it right were those who voted for Mott. That happens day one. My guess is that Mott jumped onto the only other person that had two votes, which could have forced a tie.... right up until some vigilante shot poor Grind that was actually not a bad move for Mott.