Official Werewolf Game v. 8.1.2 New and Improved with Vigilante

After reading through the thread, I have a few thoughts:

Grind is going to great lengths to direct attention away from Mott, e.g. post #136 and #184. In post #186, he attempts to come across as moderate on the subject (the "he could be a wolf but let's hold off for awhile" sort of deal), but only after repeated calls to withdraw the lynch votes. This strikes me as a bit suspicious. While there is little to go on at this point, I would have to say my primary suspects at this point are Grind and Mott. I'm also 99% certain Rana is a villager. Beyond that, I have no ideas.

I'm sticking with my vote to lynch Mott for the time being. I'm going to have a second look through the thread. If someone can provide a compelling reason to change my vote, I will give it serious consideration.

Could be an act, but its a positive-looking post for Voltaire, granted its parroting things about Grind and Rana which were already stated.
3D - between Superfreak and LadyT, who do you think is more likely a wolf?

The thing that gets to me about Superfreak is how aggressive/paranoid he is. Is that normal for him?
3D - between Superfreak and LadyT, who do you think is more likely a wolf?

The thing that gets to me about Superfreak is how aggressive/paranoid he is. Is that normal for him?

I am always paranoid in this game. I don't want to Watermark the village with an incorrect decision.

You, Lady T and I are all saying the same thing.... 'it's not me, thus it has to be one of the other two'

I do find it a tad amusing that suddenly Lady T no longer has a problem posting (just after each of the three of us stated why she might be the wolf)

I honestly still lean to Voltaire given the fact that he flipped to defending Christie... but certainly up for more feedback.
I am always paranoid in this game. I don't want to Watermark the village with an incorrect decision.

You, Lady T and I are all saying the same thing.... 'it's not me, thus it has to be one of the other two'

I do find it a tad amusing that suddenly Lady T no longer has a problem posting (just after each of the three of us stated why she might be the wolf)

I honestly still lean to Voltaire given the fact that he flipped to defending Christie... but certainly up for more feedback.

I never defended Christie. I thought she was a wolf as early as Wednesday night. My suspicion continued well into yesterday, that is until your aggressive, erratic behavior caught my attention. But as you are surely aware, I voted to lynch Christie last night. In fact, I have voted to lynch two wolves: I am the one who began the movement to lynch Mott. Why do you insist on lying about what has transpired? If you cannot even be honest, why should we trust you?
I never defended Christie. I thought she was a wolf as early as Wednesday night. My suspicion continued well into yesterday, that is until your aggressive, erratic behavior caught my attention. But as you are surely aware, I voted to lynch Christie last night. In fact, I have voted to lynch two wolves: I am the one who began the movement to lynch Mott. Why do you insist on lying about what has transpired? If you cannot even be honest, why should we trust you?

1) Again, you have touted your Mott vote a couple of times.... again... I ask you... WHY did you initially vote for Mott? Your stated reason was "keeping with tradition" (initially) which is like going to Vegas and saying "I called the right number on roulette" It wasn't because of any insight.

2) On Christie.... I paid attention to the thread. Both Rana and I asked you to re-read the thread with the hope that you would figure out why we were adamant about Christie being a wolf. The being aggressive with her was to try and get her to defend herself and potentially reveal who the other wolf was in the process. It was right after that that you changed from "I think the wolves are Christie and Superfreak" to "I think the wolves are Rana and Superfreak". THAT made it appear you were the last wolf trying to defend Christie. The only way that makes ANY sense if you are a villager is if you didn't re-read the thread (which would be odd given as villagers we are supposed to make as an informed decision as possible) or you re-read it and panicked and knee jerked your response to saying the wolves were Rana and myself.

3) as for your finally changing your vote to Christie, you did so well after it was apparent she was going to get hung anyway. So no, you don't get credit for jumping on so late.

4) Please give us examples of my 'erratic behavior'

5) Then... do tell us, what is it you think I am 'lying' about?

Tossing out phrases like 'you lie' or 'you're erratic' without providing any substance simply makes you appear desperate.
The other scenario is that Lady T (who made her one post for the day to proclaim innocence) planned to sit back and watch Voltaire and I play a game of 'I am the villager and you are the wolf' back and forth until Threedee decides to hang one of us, all the while laughing at us with her wolfy grin.
Side note... About 4:00 MTN time I will be signing off to hit the gym before heading out for the night. While I may be able to access the site via my phone, I will likely not be on much.

Actually, this was the first time I've touted my vote for Mott. And my reasoning was a hunch, nothing more.

I am prepared to make a decision, however, as obviously one has to be made anyway. Until further notice,

How many wolves are there again? I'm sure it was mentioned at the beginning of the thread, but I am too lazy to go back. 0_o

Anyway, so as to not break from tradition, LYNCH MOTT.

The above is where you voted first to Lynch Mott.

Also... you twice touted the above vote.... not once... if we are going to be 100% factual here.
Current Status:

[table=sortable][tr=][th]Cast Member[/th][th]Votes Against[/th][th]voted for[/th][/tr][tr=][td]Threedee(KoR)[/td][td]0[/td][td]n/a[/td][/tr][tr=][td]Voltaire(KoGods)[/td][td]0[/td][td]LadyT[/td][/tr][tr=][td]Superfreak[/td][td]0[/td][td]n/a[/td][/tr][tr=][td]LadyT[/td][td]1[/td][td]n/a[/td][/tr][/table]
I am always paranoid in this game. I don't want to Watermark the village with an incorrect decision.

You, Lady T and I are all saying the same thing.... 'it's not me, thus it has to be one of the other two'

I do find it a tad amusing that suddenly Lady T no longer has a problem posting (just after each of the three of us stated why she might be the wolf)

I honestly still lean to Voltaire given the fact that he flipped to defending Christie... but certainly up for more feedback.

Agreed, LadyT is forcing me to consider 3 people instead of 2.
For the record, I'm sure it was Grind who first noted Christie's mistakes, even though Voltaire claimed it was himself. While its tactical for a Wolf to join a bandwagon on a dying team member, its weird that Voltaire joined in with the rest of the HT on voting Mott early on Day 1. I was annoyed at Mott, and Billy has that Detroit-Ohio rivalry going on...
Suspicious that Volt. essentially is trying to play it safe (from SF) by voting LadyT.

Yeah, that and because he can't quite seem to recall some of the facts of his previous postings is bugging me. I have to leave in 20 minutes.... so here is what I propose... I will vote Voltaire. If you agree, jump on. If you think it is Lady T, then jump on. if you and Voltaire decide its me, it still leaves you the ability to change to that later. I will try to get back on before the end of 'night' but since it will be via phone.... no guarantees.

For now.... Lynch Voltaire.
Oh... and just to be clear... yes... I did just put the responsibility on you. If you choose wrong it was you that screwed the village, not me. :)
Current Status:

[table=sortable][tr=][th]Cast Member[/th][th]Votes Against[/th][th]voted for[/th][/tr][tr=][td]Threedee(KoR)[/td][td]0[/td][td]n/a[/td][/tr][tr=][td]Voltaire(KoGods)[/td][td]1[/td][td]LadyT[/td][/tr][tr=][td]Superfreak[/td][td]0[/td][td]Voltaire[/td][/tr][tr=][td]LadyT[/td][td]1[/td][td]n/a[/td][/tr][/table]