Official Werewolf Game v. 8.1.2 New and Improved with Vigilante

In the first post I set this rule:

"Every villager has to vote at least once per day period, missing two votes will make you a suicide (unless it is in the final rounds, less than 6 playas left)..."

Now I'll stick to it. I agonized over trying to change in the middle of the thread like that. Not a good idea, the rules shouldn't change mid-stream and there are 6 left not less than 6.
Just as the village was getting ready for bed, a scream rang out, the village rushed to Rana's hut only to find her remains... and a message... "One left, hidden, see if you can find me!"

Rana was the SEER...

The village sees that two of their number are missing, did the wolf get them too? They run to check on Watermark and USFreedom only to find them intact, but immobile. Threedee checks their pulse and finds that they are both dead. At the table there is a bottle of wine, he sniffs it... "Poison!"

Watermark and USF were Villagers...
Current Status:

[table=sortable][tr=][th]Cast Member[/th][th]Votes Against[/th][th]voted for[/th][/tr][tr=][td]Threedee(KoR)[/td][td]0[/td][td]n/a[/td][/tr][tr=][td]Voltaire(KoGods)[/td][td]0[/td][td]n/a[/td][/tr][tr=][td]Superfreak[/td][td]0[/td][td]n/a[/td][/tr][tr=][td]LadyT[/td][td]0[/td][td]n/a[/td][/tr][/table]

There are 1 Wolves, 1 Vigilante, 2 regular joes remaining.

[table=][tr=][th]Cast Member[/th][th]Killed By[/th][th]Role[/th][/tr][tr=][td]CaptBilly(KoGuns)[/td][td]Killed by Wolves[/td][td]Villager[/td][/tr][tr=][td]Grind (KoJ)[/td][td]Killed by Vigilante[/td][td]Villager [/td][/tr][tr=][td]Mott the Hoople[/td][td]Killed by Village[/td][td]Wolf[/td][/tr][tr=][td]Christiefan[/td][td]Killed by Village[/td][td]Wolf[/td][/tr][tr=][td]Rana[/td][td]Killed by Wolves[/td][td]SEER[/td][/tr][tr=][td]USF911[/td][td]Suicide[/td][td]Villager[/td][/tr][tr=][td]Watermark(KoN)[/td][td]Suicide[/td][td]Villager[/td][/tr][/table]
Interesting... In one post, you express confidence that I am a villager; but as soon as I question your identity, you immediately pounce. This strikes me as being rather suspicious. You and Rana have stuck together throughout this round, just as you stuck with Mott.

I am not changing my vote. If you want the seer to peek me, by all means:

Seer, please peek me tonight and reveal that I am precisely who I say I am: a vanilla villager, nothing more.

No.... that is not what happened. But nice try. Go back and re-read the thread. I stated :
I was leaning Voltaire as a villager with Lady T as the remaining wolf.... until she voted to lynch herself. That was either an extreme gamble for her as a wolf to take or she really is having computer problems and wanted to let the village know. but if that is the case, then by process of elimination either Voltaire is the last wolf or I am wrong about the Damo slip on Water/USFREE.

I said that after Rana gave her first hint that she was the SEER. Right after she gave that you stated:

Upon further reflection, I am beginning to have my doubts about Christie. I'm leaning toward Superfreak and Rana as the two remaining wolves. Yesterday, Superfreak voted to kill Grind, Rana voted to kill Christie, and Mott voted to kill Grind. The pattern is similar today (notice how none of them suspect each other), and I am very, very reluctant to jump on that wagon. Yes, I know Rana seems "villagery," but what the hell does that mean, anyway? Nothing.

I was correct about Mott. I also believe I am correct about Superfreak, and potentially Rana as well.

If I'm missing anything here, please point it out.

You went from 'suspecting' Christie and myself to defending Christie and suspecting Rana and Myself. you then proclaimed that you were right about Mott, yet when I asked you WHY you had voted for him, you never replied. In the above you also mentioned my vote for Grind as a reason I was a wolf. I pointed to the exact post where you too thought Grind was a wolf. Later in the thread, I showed where Mott had been tagged correctly by Grind (you then parroted my comments a few posts later).

Now... given that Water and USFree just committed suicide and we find that they are indeed two villagers, then it comes back to my earlier comment. It is you or Lady T as I know I am a villager and 3D is. In my opinion, your defense of Christie says you are the last wolf. However, Lady T did stay rather silent the last time she was a wolf, so it is possible that her 'computer problems' are not real, but an excuse not to post and thus reveal herself.

Threedee... right now I am about 70/30 Voltaire/Lady T being the final wolf. What are your thoughts?

I'm at work, so I don't have time to reply to your post. All I can say is I have my reasons for believing/voting the way I did. That, and the village has already essentially won. But kill me if you wish... hell, Threedee can go ahead and shoot me for all I care. It will only reveal that I am a villager. Either way, the village wins and I am happy.

I'm at work, so I don't have time to reply to your post. All I can say is I have my reasons for believing/voting the way I did. That, and the village has already essentially won. But kill me if you wish... hell, Threedee can go ahead and shoot me for all I care. It will only reveal that I am a villager. Either way, the village wins and I am happy.

Not sure I follow your math... How have we essentially won? It is 3 villagers to 1 wolf... If we lynch the wrong person, the wolf gets a nightkill and game over wolf wins. So while I will take your cavalier attitude about killing you into consideration, I want to actually win.

I'm at work, so I don't have time to reply to your post. All I can say is I have my reasons for believing/voting the way I did. That, and the village has already essentially won. But kill me if you wish... hell, Threedee can go ahead and shoot me for all I care. It will only reveal that I am a villager. Either way, the village wins and I am happy.

That won't work, if a villager is lynched, the wolf kills one tonight, this creates a tie and the wolves win. It is important to select the right target tonight. Today is for all the marbles.
Okay, everyone, here are my thoughts for the day.

1) Two posters I never underestimate are Grind and SF, so I am very cautious of what SF is saying, because he's more than capable of, say, getting Watermark to hand the wolves a victory two rounds ago. That said, all of his points have been pretty strong, without there seeming to be a lot of stretching.

Example: Christie had to really stretch, making all kinds of nifty excuses about the actions of other posters, but one could more-or-less see through them.

2) I have entertained the possibility that LadyT is a wolf. She could easily have been trying to lay off the grid, and one Day 1, she made what appeared to be a safe vote by selecting me, because it would seem probable that no one would complain much, and there was no way to know Grind might try and bandwagon me at the end. She could mask her refusal to vote for either Mott or Christie, or a more dangerous player such as Grind or SF, under the guise of relative noobie-status.

Her vote for Christie could be explained as she was running out of safe targets, and the casual way she communicated with Rana. If LadyT is the wolf, she must have viewed Rana as the most active poster of Day 2 in lynching a wolf, and killed her, lucking out in that Rana was also the Seer.

Again, this is all speculation, as it premises that we assume LadyT to be the wolf for the sake of argument.

3) Voltaire has been out of the box in his thoughts and votes. Much of what he has said has been highly suspicious. I'm going to look some more into his activity.
Yep, my math was wrong. Sorry, I slept terribly last night; please bear with me.

Here are the facts: the only person who we can be 100% certain is not a wolf is Threedee, for obvious reason. This narrows the suspects down to Superfreak, LadyT, and myself. Since I know I am not a wolf, as far as I am concerned that leaves Superfreak and LadyT. Under normal circumstances, this would be a slam dunk (LadyT = wolf), but given how cunning SF can be, I am somewhat reluctant to jump on the LadyT wagon.

I am leaning 75/25 for LadyT/Superfreak, but I'm also nervous.
Definitely not me. As a matter of since you're the vigilante, I'll vote for whoever you want me too. I do have a sneeking suspicion that Rana peeked me already. When she FB'd me she said, "We need you to change your vote". I'm PLEADING with you, its us versus one of them at this point.
Definitely not me. As a matter of since you're the vigilante, I'll vote for whoever you want me too. I do have a sneeking suspicion that Rana peeked me already. When she FB'd me she said, "We need you to change your vote". I'm PLEADING with you, its us versus one of them at this point.

Who do you think the remaining wolf is?
Definitely not me. As a matter of since you're the vigilante, I'll vote for whoever you want me too. I do have a sneeking suspicion that Rana peeked me already. When she FB'd me she said, "We need you to change your vote". I'm PLEADING with you, its us versus one of them at this point.

Well, I still can't decide yet between SF and Voltaire, so stay tuned. I don't think Damo will accept this solution to the problem:




Village wins, 1-0 :yay:
I think it depends on the wolf. The first game I played, Yurt was a wolf and he talked constantly. Yet when LadyT was a wolf, she posted less than some of the others. Of course I can only comment on the games I actually played.

I'm leaning toward wolves speaking out more as they get more confident with the games.

Possible attempt to throw suspicion onto LadyT by a wolf. Since Yurt isn't playing, it looks even better, because he becomes a hypothetical reference.