ORGANIZED Religion is mass deception

Are you sure they weren't hardened criminals those police were going after?

No - ordinary miners, and the prettier of my female students. In the Midlands the former were under virtual house-arrest, the latter always stopped by the bored bully-boys on the Motorway, in between illegally smashing windscreens. 'Do we look like miners?' they used to chorus.
Your point is that you think like a moron from 2013 that can't possibly conceive what the authors of 2000 and more years were dealing with....

your perspective is today....think of a magician today going into some of the remote wilds of Africa and astounding the natives....what would they
say about him.....a God maybe ?.....would they be astounded and worship him for the miracles he would show them....?
What would they say of those amazing feats to those that would follow them. How would they portray his visit ?

How would they describe a bonehead like you to there grandchildren....?

No matter what they said or how they described the events, it would be the truth as they saw they perceived would be a part of THEIR HISTORY

Precisely my point you idiot. The Magician's tricks have rational explanations. The rabbis and the Christian ministers are selling it as something supernatural TODAY! It's their history but it is HEAVILY(MASSIVE UNDERSTATEMENT) exaggerated/embellished!

History has always been written by the victors and always biased.

What did Napoleon say? All history books are is agreed upon lies.
It wasn't a royal bloodline until many generations after Adam and even Abraham, when the Jewish kingdom was established and the first king was crowned (because apparently judges weren't good enough for everyone). After that, of course, the royal line continued, but the kingdom itself was lost, and by the time it got to Joseph and Jesus the geneology had collapsed into meager simplicity.

At first it was just a noble blood line. Then it became royal. No one cared about the bloodline of the poor, because there was no inheritance to be had.
Precisely my point you idiot. The Magician's tricks have rational explanations. The rabbis and the Christian ministers are selling it as something supernatural TODAY! It's their history but it is HEAVILY(MASSIVE UNDERSTATEMENT) exaggerated/embellished!

History has always been written by the victors and always biased.

What did Napoleon say? All history books are is agreed upon lies.

Nova is a bagger and is conditioned to disagree with everything. That's why 'it' can figure out when two people are in agreement. Why waste time even responding to bagger swine?
Religion is the most malevolent of all mind viruses. ~ Arthur C. Clark

All thinking men are atheists. ~ Ernest Hemingway

Faith is believing in that which I know ain't so. ~ Mark Twain

We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further. ~ Dan Barker

It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. ~ Carl Sagan

So far as religion of the day is concerned, it is a damned fake. Religion is all bunk. ~ Thomas Alva Edison

I am myself a dissenter from all known religions, and I hope that every kind of religious belief will die out. ~ Bertrand Russell

Religion is so absurd that it comes close to imbecility. ~ H. L. Mencken

Religion is fundamentally opposed to everything I hold in veneration--courage, clear thinking, honesty, fairness, and, above all, love of the truth. ~ H. L. Mencken

Religions vary in their degree of idiocy, but I reject them all. For most people, religion is nothing more than a substitute for a malfunctioning brain. ~ Gene Roddenberry

Faith: not wanting to know what is true. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Your ignorance offends me.

You should have been around when he started a post that said if you were religious, you were more apt to be in prison.
Which attempted to use to insinuate that religious people get arrested more then the non-religious.
Then he went on to completely ignore the fact that most prisoners take up religion, AFTER they were in prison.

It was hilarious watching him run around in circles trying to support his stupidity.
You should have been around when he started a post that said if you were religious, you were more apt to be in prison.
Which attempted to use to insinuate that religious people get arrested more then the non-religious.
Then he went on to completely ignore the fact that most prisoners take up religion, AFTER they were in prison.

It was hilarious watching him run around in circles trying to support his stupidity.

Wrong guy freedumb!
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God? ~ Epicurus

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. ~ Galileo
Precisely my point you idiot. The Magician's tricks have rational explanations. The rabbis and the Christian ministers are selling it as something supernatural TODAY! It's their history but it is HEAVILY(MASSIVE UNDERSTATEMENT) exaggerated/embellished!

History has always been written by the victors and always biased.

What did Napoleon say? All history books are is agreed upon lies.

The point is NOT that the tricks are tricks, its how a scientifically unsophisticated people would react to them and how they would explain it for their
the writers of the early books of the "bible" did.

Everything has a rational explanation....when you discover it......The Old Test. was written by simple, scientifically ignorant people....explaining the unexplainable
with the little knowledge they possessed....the history of bloodlines, wars and the like is what it is....thus you have the intertwining of folklore history and
religious mysticism....I hardly doubt if they were purposefully trying to deceive anyone .... my point is the motives of the authors....

Rabbis and the Christian ministers selling it as something supernatural TODAY is hardly a good reason to dismiss the ancient writings as bullshit...thats my point.
It MAY be inaccurate accounts of history in your eyes today, but when it was written, I think it was as about an accurate an account of what was known and believed at that time that those people could produce. It IS what it IS....

Using it to hoodwink people today what I'm trying NOT to discuss.
Nova is a bagger and is conditioned to disagree with everything. That's why 'it' can figure out when two people are in agreement. Why waste time even responding to bagger swine?

YOU usually don't respond to me mainly because I ban you from posting in my threads....I don't need to read your crap or respond to assholes like you....
The point is NOT that the tricks are tricks, its how a scientifically unsophisticated people would react to them and how they would explain it for their
the writers of the early books of the "bible" did.

Everything has a rational explanation....when you discover it......The Old Test. was written by simple, scientifically ignorant people....explaining the unexplainable
with the little knowledge they possessed....the history of bloodlines, wars and the like is what it is....thus you have the intertwining of folklore history and
religious mysticism....I hardly doubt if they were purposefully trying to deceive anyone .... my point is the motives of the authors....

Rabbis and the Christian ministers selling it as something supernatural TODAY is hardly a good reason to dismiss the ancient writings as bullshit...thats my point.
It MAY be inaccurate accounts of history in your eyes today, but when it was written, I think it was as about an accurate an account of what was known and believed at that time that those people could produce. It IS what it IS....

Using it to hoodwink people today what I'm trying NOT to discuss.

The way it is being interpreted by ORGANIZED religion IS bullshit 100%!

Listen man. If you want to believe in the Noah's story or the parting of the red sea, that's fine, but it's 100% bullshit!

Even the Bible states the scribes were full of shit.

Jeremiah 8:8-9

New International Version (NIV)

8 “‘How can you say, “We are wise,
for we have the law of the Lord,”
when actually the lying pen of the scribes
has handled it falsely?
9 The wise will be put to shame;
they will be dismayed and trapped.
Since they have rejected the word of the Lord,
what kind of wisdom do they have?
The way it is being interpreted by ORGANIZED religion IS bullshit 100%!

Listen man. If you want to believe in the Noah's story or the parting of the red sea, that's fine, but it's 100% bullshit!

Even the Bible states the scribes were full of shit.

Jeremiah 8:8-9

New International Version (NIV)

8 “‘How can you say, “We are wise,
for we have the law of the Lord,”
when actually the lying pen of the scribes
has handled it falsely?
9 The wise will be put to shame;
they will be dismayed and trapped.
Since they have rejected the word of the Lord,
what kind of wisdom do they have?

I don't particularly care what the fuck you or anyone else believes in the mystical or religious sense...its none of my IS one of the earliest historical documents we have written by men of the time they explained the story of Noah or Moses escaping Egypt or how they explained their very existence or anything else is irrelevant to my point....
They explained things as best they could with what little understanding they had of the weather, the world or the universe.....and their work should be
viewed with the respect it deserves....
I don't particularly care what the fuck you or anyone else believes in the mystical or religious sense...its none of my IS one of the earliest historical documents we have written by men of the time they explained the story of Noah or Moses escaping Egypt or how they explained their very existence or anything else is irrelevant to my point....
They explained things as best they could with what little understanding they had of the weather, the world or the universe.....and their work should be
viewed with the respect it deserves....

LOL!!! Your a jew aren't you!!! What respect does it deserve??? The fact that it has been used to kill millions of people with? The New Testament, The book of Ecclesiastes and Proverbs are great books. The rest? Nothing special. Other then the fact it historically records the corrupt Jewish leadership.
LOL!!! Your a jew aren't you!!! What respect does it deserve??? The fact that it has been used to kill millions of people with?

Starting with the strawmen bullshit already?

No, it deserves respect because of what it is, ancient history....right up there with the Dead Sea Scrolls and Egypt's hieroglyphics......and any other
data we discover that can help us understand our history.

You'll understand better after you mature a few more years...out grow that pinhead stage your wallowing in.
No, it deserves respect because of what it is, ancient history....right up there with the Dead Sea Scrolls and Egypt's hieroglyphics......and any other
data we discover that can help us understand our history.

This is nothing more then someone (2cents) demanding that those who believe in God to stop and yet no one is telling him that he has to believe.

If I choose to believe in God and find out that there isn't one, after death, then I've just wasted my time
If someone chooses to not believe in God and then they find out that there is one, after death, then they're wasted.
Starting with the strawmen bullshit already?

No, it deserves respect because of what it is, ancient history....right up there with the Dead Sea Scrolls and Egypt's hieroglyphics......and any other
data we discover that can help us understand our history.

You'll understand better after you mature a few more years...out grow that pinhead stage your wallowing in.

Is that the new tactic for people that cant debate? Just insert word strawman?lol

If they all deserve the same respect? Why are the other Biblical apocrypha books excluded from the "sacred texts"? Because it didn't fit into their brainwashing?