ORGANIZED Religion is mass deception

what you believe about how mankind is connected the the greater world doesn't require you to have milllions of people walking next to you l.ike sheep and someone to order you about.

all it is is blind power
what you believe about how mankind is connected the the greater world doesn't require you to have milllions of people walking next to you l.ike sheep and someone to order you about.

all it is is blind power

You need unity. Unity is organized. And to be organized, you need a chain of command.

That poll is as about reliable as a broken clock!

I especially liked the part about Catholicism being stable in America and Protestantism dropping. I think it's the other way around. Still Atheism is the fastest growing trend in America. Here? 90% of people that were born here that identify themselves as Christian(Catholics especially) couldn't give a flying crap about religion. Last time I went to a Catholic mass I'd say the majority were immigrants. With maybe 2 percent under the age of 30 and white. There were more kids in Protestant churches, that is until they reach an age their parents can no longer force them to go to mass!
That poll is as about reliable as a broken clock!

I especially liked the part about Catholicism being stable in America and Protestantism dropping. I think it's the other way around. Still Atheism is the fastest growing trend in America. Here? 90% of people that were born here that identify themselves as Christian(Catholics especially) couldn't give a flying crap about religion. Last time I went to a Catholic mass I'd say the majority were immigrants. With maybe 2 percent under the age of 30 and white. There were more kids in Protestant churches, that is until they reach an age their parents can no longer force them to go to mass!

So your only way to refute the facts, is by just ignoring anything that doesn't fit your myopic view
So your only way to refute the facts, is by just ignoring anything that doesn't fit your myopic view

I believe my eyes over any report any day! For example.I see reports saying kids are smoking less drugs? When I know they are smoking more.

Born and raised in Toronto and I can tell you. Even though the people can identify themselves as "Christian"? They don't know the first thing about Christianity. And shun Bible thumpers like as if they were lepers.
people who take Jesus' words seriously are good people .

YOU can not know that until you meet them.

religion does a lot of people a lot of good.

Organizing it allows to much control of the real heart of what jesus tried to tell his fellow human beings.

when you let some lead you will end up with leaders who don't have the best of intentions but seek power.

When you create a seat of power powerseekers will try to get that power.

Organizing religion makes it corrupt.

Help your fellow man an see the world through the power of love.

You could not do more to make Jesus proud of you.

stop organizing unless you are organizing to help people and NOT to make your church more powerful
people who take Jesus' words seriously are good people .

YOU can not know that until you meet them.{/quote]

I have come to meet tons of people in my lifetime.

religion does a lot of people a lot of good.

Agreed. My problem is not with religion but Organized religion that is corrupt and distorts the purpose of religion.

Organizing it allows to much control of the real heart of what jesus tried to tell his fellow human beings.

Nope. The early Church was effective and organized. That is until the wealthy elites corrupted it.

when you let some lead you will end up with leaders who don't have the best of intentions but seek power.

Look at human nature? The people seek someone to lead them. There are leaders but the majority of humans are followers. Thus the symbolism of the shepherd and the sheep.

When you create a seat of power powerseekers will try to get that power.

Organizing religion makes it corrupt.

Help your fellow man an see the world through the power of love.

You could not do more to make Jesus proud of you.

stop organizing unless you are organizing to help people and NOT to make your church more powerful

You just contradicted yourself. You agree that organizing to help people is a good thing. It's not the organization that makes it corrupt. It's the wealth and power involved. Limit the wealth, limit the power, and you will see less corruption.

Malachi 3:9-10

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

9 You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you! 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.
organizing to help people is not the same as organizing your religion to make it stronger.

a food drive takes SOME organization huh?
organizing to help people is not the same as organizing your religion to make it stronger.

a food drive takes SOME organization huh?

We are discussing organization. You then agree that some aspects of organization is necessary?

For the food to be properly allocated? yes.
Orangizing to help people with your jewish neighbors by gather and distributing food is not the same as collecting money to send to a church head 500 miles from your home
Organizing a church to try and GROW that church instead of helping people which is what jesus wanted will not get you to heaven
Orangizing to help people with your jewish neighbors by gather and distributing food is not the same as collecting money to send to a church head 500 miles from your home

Jewish neighbors?LOL Isn't that what the government does with your taxes, to see where it can be properly allocated?
Organizing a church to try and GROW that church instead of helping people which is what jesus wanted will not get you to heaven

Jesus said to spread His word. Jesus said that His Kingdom will abound when His word is spread throughout the earth and that all knees will bow to Christ. There is nothing wrong with wanting to grow your church or business. The problem lies with how you go about it. The honest or dishonest way.
Go get the actual passage and I will address it.

BTW no one really knows what Jesus said.

Most of what jesus said was about being a good human to other humans