ORGANIZED Religion is mass deception

The same people who give a fuck about the Pharaohs of Egypt, the Tzars of Russia, Confucius, and basically every other historical anything that has had a profound effect on our modern lives: every fucking intelligent person in the entire world who understands that you can understand a lot about the modern world by looking at relevant history.

I can't fathom not understanding that basic anthropological fact. Especially coming from someone who has labeled himself "wise".

The majority of people DONT give a fuck about any of those. Maybe Confucius, but he was a wiseman. I understand you can learn from history, but the history of the Jews is LESS significant then the ones you mentioned above.

I understand a lot more then you think. And regardless of the relevance of jewish history? The book has been used to deceive from the very beginning, but we all know that satan deceived from the beginning and how did he do it? he disguised himself as a minister of light of course. So he could lead the people astray with his bullshit lies.
If you didn't like my NOT mentioning religion in ANY of my posts, you could have ignored them....\
you bitched about the "bible" and claimed it had no value.....I'm trying to show you that it has value.

And I'm telling you it has very little value and it's content has been used to deceive and destroy rather then aid society.
"The old testament is history to the Jews and should only mater to the Jews. If they want to believe all that bullshit in Genesis? Then it's up to them."

Thats as stupid as saying that the pyramids are Egyptian and should only matter to the Egyptians....we should ignore these wonders of the world because they
aren't in the middle of New York ?
"The old testament is history to the Jews and should only mater to the Jews. If they want to believe all that bullshit in Genesis? Then it's up to them."

Thats as stupid as saying that the pyramids are Egyptian and should only matter to the Egyptians....we should ignore these wonders of the world because they
aren't in the middle of New York ?

You want to compare the Egyptian pyramids to the jews? ROTFLOL!!! What wonders did the jews accomplish???? They built a temple that kept getting destroyed. A temple that was used to pay poll tax to the King of Kings(which was a Assyrian warlord).
The Quran dates from the 5 century I think and has nothing to do with todays western civilization....should be just ignore it too...I'm sure hundreds of millions
have been killed over that book, do you claim its useless. Don't scholars of today study that writing even today to gain some insight of the Islamic culture ?

Are you really so narrow-minded in everything ?

Your two cents is definitely short a penny, at least.
You want to compare the Egyptian pyramids to the jews? ROTFLOL!!! What wonders did the jews accomplish???? They built a temple that kept getting destroyed. A temple that was used to pay poll tax to the King of Kings(which was a Assyrian warlord).

And how did you find out 'they built a temple'....'that it kept getting destroyed'....that is was used to pay poll taxes....that the King of Kings was an Assyrian warlord ?

Did all this come to you in a vision...........OR did someone much smarter than you discover all this and thats how you come to know this.
The same people who give a fuck about the Pharaohs of Egypt, the Tzars of Russia, Confucius, and basically every other historical anything that has had a profound effect on our modern lives: every fucking intelligent person in the entire world who understands that you can understand a lot about the modern world by looking at relevant history.

I can't fathom not understanding that basic anthropological fact. Especially coming from someone who has labeled himself "wise". You have to live with these 'deceived sheep' and everything they do to your world -- why would you ever deliberately fail to figure out why they want what they want?

Thanks least you get it....talking to a bullheaded, ignorant, fool like Mr. 2cents is a total waste of time.
The Quran dates from the 5 century I think and has nothing to do with todays western civilization....should be just ignore it too...I'm sure hundreds of millions
have been killed over that book, do you claim its useless. Don't scholars of today study that writing even today to gain some insight of the Islamic culture ?

Are you really so narrow-minded in everything ?

Your two cents is definitely short a penny, at least.

Yes they do, especially because of it's poetic nature. Do you think most people really care about the Quran and the Muslim culture? Only Historians. Most people never even heard of the Quran until 9/11 and they lived their lives just fine! So what makes the OT anymore special or significant in our every day lives?

Most people especially if you watch mainstream TV, view the Muslims as backward people. Little do they know, those backward people are what Christianity looked like a long time ago. When Christianity was PURER!!!
And how did you find out 'they built a temple'....'that it kept getting destroyed'....that is was used to pay poll taxes....that the King of Kings was an Assyrian warlord ?

Did all this come to you in a vision...........OR did someone much smarter than you discover all this and thats how you come to know this.

Someone smarter? LOL!!! Because he discovered some historic text?lol I know this because I read the OT. Now how has this bettered my life? What is the relevance of this to my life? What makes it so significant? Answer? It's not.


I believe in religion, I believe it can be a positive thing for society. I went to a local Evangelical Church the other day. And there were people singing and crying for GOD for help, and they were receiving comfort from one another. And it melted my heart.

My problem is with ORGANIZED religion. I see it for what it is. CORRUPT!! The bigger the religion, the more money involved? The more corrupt. And the more people being deceived. Well I am here to put an end to this nonsense! I might get assassinated for my But my conscience does not allow me to remain silent!
You're a joke....are you implying that the Evangelical Church isn't 'organized' ?....Get a clue, they are.

Didn't you realize they were crying to God for help because of Obama.

You should have asked the pastor if he believed in the Bible, both Old and New Testiments....I'm sure its important to him and his flock.
But, aside from that, its important to historians....just as all discoveries from're reading it was obviously a waste of your time....stick to
the books with lots of pictures and if you like the 'poetic stuff', discover Mother Goose...
You're a joke....are you implying that the Evangelical Church isn't 'organized' ?....Get a clue, they are.

Didn't you realize they were crying to God for help because of Obama.

You should have asked the pastor if he believed in the Bible, both Old and New Testiments....I'm sure its important to him and his flock.
But, aside from that, its important to historians....just as all discoveries from're reading it was obviously a waste of your time....stick to
the books with lots of pictures and if you like the 'poetic stuff', discover Mother Goose...

It was a SMALL NON-denominational!That actual split up from a larger denomination that kept on demanding their recruits and all their money!!

They were crying to GOD for help because of Obama? HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAGHHHAHHAHHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHA!! OH MY GOD THIS HAS TO BE THE STUPIDEST COMMENT I HAVE EVER HEARD!!!! Everything is about Obama? lol They have family back home they miss, some are ill, some have guy problems, etc....

Yes the pastor believes in it, but that is besides the point. You can believe in Unicorns and still be a positive influence in society. :)

Ya it is a major waste of time! Most of it is inaccurate historical events, turned into supernatural events by deceivers. I cant remember how many times I fell asleep reading the same page! The New Testament on the other hand, kept me awake.

The good thing about reading it, is I can point out all the bullshit to people being deceived!
It was a SMALL NON-denominational!That actual split up from a larger denomination that kept on demanding their recruits and all their money!!

They were crying to GOD for help because of Obama? HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAGHHHAHHAHHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHA!! OH MY GOD THIS HAS TO BE THE STUPIDEST COMMENT I HAVE EVER HEARD!!!! Everything is about Obama? lol They have family back home they miss, some are ill, some have guy problems, etc....

Yes the pastor believes in it, but that is besides the point. You can believe in Unicorns and still be a positive influence in society. :)

Ya it is a major waste of time! Most of it is inaccurate historical events, turned into supernatural events by deceivers. I cant remember how many times I fell asleep reading the same page! The New Testament on the other hand, kept me awake.

The good thing about reading it, is I can point out all the bullshit to people being deceived!

very true.

I don't care what someone believes as long as they will help me help people and do no harm.

Oraganizing what you believe ruins what you believe.

when you organize you craft a leash put the loop around your neck and hnad the lead end to a stranger.

why people insist on doing it is beyond me
very true.

I don't care what someone believes as long as they will help me help people and do no harm.

Oraganizing what you believe ruins what you believe.

when you organize you craft a leash put the loop around your neck and hnad the lead end to a stranger.

why people insist on doing it is beyond me

It's not the organizing that is a problem. It's the money and power that go with it. Power corrupts most folks.....And once you start following a person that is corrupt, he will lead you astray.....
yes it is the organizing that does it.

it gives anyone with the power to hold the leash handle automatic power over the people.

No organizing ( you know JUST BELIEVE whatever you believe) and quit trying to make an army of like believers
That Army will SEEK a dictator to order it about

Are you saying then you don't believe in government?lol You NEED to be organized! Yes, the followers will always seek for a leader. But no one seeks a dictator. Go ask anyone in the US army if they seek a dictator to order them around?
Also let it be known that the early Christian Church operated in a socialistic way. Until the Emperor seen all the money they were racking in. The capitalist Emperor, then proceeded to persecute Christian leaders, martyr them and then replace them with his own puppet leaders. And the corruption of the Church began......
Are you saying then you don't believe in government?lol You NEED to be organized! Yes, the followers will always seek for a leader. But no one seeks a dictator. Go ask anyone in the US army if they seek a dictator to order them around?

is the pope the dictator of the catholic church?