ORGANIZED Religion is mass deception

Is that the new tactic for people that cant debate? Just insert word strawman?lol

If they all deserve the same respect? Why are the other Biblical apocrypha books excluded from the "sacred texts"? Because it didn't fit into their brainwashing?

Like I said, STRAWMAN CRAP....

I've steered clear of any religious use of the Old Test.....I've pointed out is historical value, several times, as a matter of fact...IN EVERY POST and specifically in post 32
said I was trying to avoid any talk of religion yeah, you've brought in the religion as the strawman.... its what pinheads do...each and every time they run out of ammo.

You're excused sonny....
Like I said, STRAWMAN CRAP....

I've steered clear of any religious use of the Old Test.....I've pointed out is historical value, several times, as a matter of fact...IN EVERY POST and specifically in post 32
said I was trying to avoid any talk of religion yeah, you've brought in the religion as the strawman.... its what pinheads do...each and every time they run out of ammo.

You're excused sonny....

It's historical value is negligible.
Like I said, STRAWMAN CRAP....

I've steered clear of any religious use of the Old Test.....I've pointed out is historical value, several times, as a matter of fact...IN EVERY POST and specifically in post 32
said I was trying to avoid any talk of religion yeah, you've brought in the religion as the strawman.... its what pinheads do...each and every time they run out of ammo.

You're excused sonny....

Are you fucking stupid??? The thread IS ABOUT RELIGION!!! The OT has minimal historical value. Only of which it pertains to the inheritance of the Land of Israel which has been the cause of multitudes of dead Jews and others.

Running out of Ammo? Buddy I'm locked and loaded and armed to the teeth. I haven't even begun to show my teeth yet! The book is just a regular historically inaccurate text, considered written by GOD and infallible by the wolves in sheep's clothing! There is nothing "sacred" about the OT!
It's historical value is negligible. I've already said, "It is what it is"......and its not that its the only source of data from that time in our history.
And, its really not that much different than many of the written discoveries found in that region....but every tiny bit gives us more than we had before.

Are you fucking stupid??? The thread IS ABOUT RELIGION!!! The OT has minimal historical value. Only of which it pertains to the inheritance of the Land of Israel which has been the cause of multitudes of dead Jews and others.

Running out of Ammo? Buddy I'm locked and loaded and armed to the teeth. I haven't even begun to show my teeth yet! The book is just a regular historically inaccurate text, considered written by GOD and infallible by the wolves in sheep's clothing! There is nothing "sacred" about the OT!

Yeah, your thread is.....none of my posts are, so don't try to drag me in that direction....religion doesn't interest me and certainly doesn't scare me at it does
most lefties. Religion's history is littered with dead bodies and good deeds like every culture on earth is.

I would say the historical value of any written discoveries from that time are beyond putting a value on...just because they exist, that in itself is a wonder.
Only idiots would say we didn't learn something from them....
So they didn't reveal some astounding event or give us a cure for cancer or the secrets of the what. Its at least some insight into the lives and times
of the people finding pottery and cave drawings, skulls and fossils.....
Yeah, your thread is.....none of my posts are, so don't try to drag me in that direction....religion doesn't interest me and certainly doesn't scare me at it does
most lefties. Religion's history is littered with dead bodies and good deeds like every culture on earth is.

Except religion's atrocities are attributed to a guy in the sky, even though it is all about man's own greed.

I would say the historical value of any written discoveries from that time are beyond putting a value on...just because they exist, that in itself is a wonder.
Only idiots would say we didn't learn something from them....
So they didn't reveal some astounding event or give us a cure for cancer or the secrets of the what. Its at least some insight into the lives and times
of the people finding pottery and cave drawings, skulls and fossils.....

It still doesn't take away from the fact that the Bible is exaggerated bullshit. And the bullshit is perpetuated(and manipulated deceivingly) by Rabbis and Christian ministers!

Beyond value? If it wasn't for the hocus pocus and belief in the imaginary god of the jews, the book would be near worthless to the majority of people. No one would give a fuck about Abraham and his descendants.

YUP! This guy is a atheist jew for sure! The Atheist jews constantly bad mouth religion but ALWAYS manage to defend the OT(and Israel) because it is what empowers most jews. People have to believe the bullshit for the jews to excel.

Really? What did you learn from them? If the books were never found the world would be a far better place! It has been the source of countless slaughters!!!

It is apparent you are trying to make the OT more relevant then it is.
Just a quick question here -- are we being classically Occidentocentric and defining 'Organized religion' as Judeo-christianity? Or can we count Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucian, Shintoism, Juche, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Sikhism, Sufism, and all of the other organized religions in there, too?

Because that's not very PC of you.
Just a quick question here -- are we being classically Occidentocentric and defining 'Organized religion' as Judeo-christianity? Or can we count Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucian, Shintoism, Juche, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Sikhism, Sufism, and all of the other organized religions in there, too?

Because that's not very PC of you.

How many people have been slaughtered in the name of those religions?
How many people have been slaughtered in the name of those religions?

Many millions. At this very moment, Buddhists are leading huge anti-Muslim riots and murdering our brothers in monotheism in Burma. But it's irrelevant to either my post's question or the OP's assertion.
Many millions. At this very moment, Buddhists are leading huge anti-Muslim riots and murdering our brothers in monotheism in Burma. But it's irrelevant to either my post's question or the OP's assertion.

Are they doing it in the name of Buddha or their religion? Buddhists see the Muslims as a threat. Most monotheist religions have a history of violence. I'm pretty sure I answered the question. My assertion is that organized religion is corrupt and mass manipulation.
Except religion's atrocities are attributed to a guy in the sky, even though it is all about man's own greed.

It still doesn't take away from the fact that the Bible is exaggerated bullshit. And the bullshit is perpetuated(and manipulated deceivingly) by Rabbis and Christian ministers!

Beyond value? If it wasn't for the hocus pocus and belief in the imaginary god of the jews, the book would be near worthless to the majority of people. No one would give a fuck about Abraham and his descendants.

I'd wager historians find it of some value....unlike idiots like you....

YUP! This guy is a atheist jew for sure! The Atheist jews constantly bad mouth religion but ALWAYS manage to defend the OT(and Israel) because it is what empowers most jews. People have to believe the bullshit for the jews to excel.

Notice, I'm not the one bad mouthing religion nor am I defending it at all....nor am I talking about how the "bible" is used by others for religion.....I simply stating that when you consider who those
ancient people were that wrote it, their circumstances, their scientific ignorance, is what it is....their attempt to record their history as its seen from their perspective.
They talk about what they see as important and explain things as best they can with their limited abilities....
It wasn't written for morons like you that complain about their culture.
You're just too fuckin' shallow to consider who they were, what they were, and the fact that it is one of the earliest accounts of man....

Really? What did you learn from them? If the books were never found the world would be a far better place! It has been the source of countless slaughters!!!

It is apparent you are trying to make the OT more relevant then it is.

Its existence makes it relevant....its antiquity makes it relevant.
and you're an asshole.
Its existence makes it relevant....its antiquity makes it relevant.
and you're an asshole.

Who really gives a fuck about Abraham and his descendants other then the deceived sheep? It is a small piece of history that somehow got put on a pedestal!Why am I an asshole? because I have an opinion that differs from yours?lol
yeah. Nova seems like a jew.

Actually raised a Catholic, now an agnostic....even though its none of your fuckin' business and totally irrelevant to the debate.
I have no particular interest in any religion. I tolerate it, it doesn't scare me as it does the pinheads that actually do 'bad mouth' it at every opportunity.
The same people who give a fuck about the Pharaohs of Egypt, the Tzars of Russia, Confucius, and basically every other historical anything that has had a profound effect on our modern lives: every fucking intelligent person in the entire world who understands that you can understand a lot about the modern world by looking at relevant history.

I can't fathom not understanding that basic anthropological fact. Especially coming from someone who has labeled himself "wise". You have to live with these 'deceived sheep' and everything they do to your world -- why would you ever deliberately fail to figure out why they want what they want?
Its existence makes it relevant....its antiquity makes it relevant.
and you're an asshole.

It's funny Nova. I looked back to see exactly what point you are trying to make, and it see4ms that you are trying to bring this debate off topic.

I stated that organized religion is a bunch of bullshit and so is the OT, of which it's content is heavily manipulated by wolves in sheep's clothing.

And this is your reply? "What's your point?" ROTFLMAO!!!!! How can you miss the point? lol

Then you ramble on about its historical significance. We are talking about how it is interpreted by Organized religion! Yes a bunch of bullshit. Regardless of the superstitions those people had back then? The point is that those superstitions are being perpetuated by religious leaders.

Yet you keeping going back to it's historical relevance. Trying to dictate the thread I STARTED ABOUT RELIGION. The old testament is history to the Jews and should only mater to the Jews. If they want to believe all that bullshit in Genesis? Then it's up to them.
But to continue to spread their bullshit to the rest of the planet, via Christianity, is the problem.
Who really gives a fuck about Abraham and his descendants other then the deceived sheep? It is a small piece of history that somehow got put on a pedestal!Why am I an asshole? because I have an opinion that differs from yours?lol

Who gives a fuck about the Dead Sea Scrolls and hieroglyphics, etc....historians do...those that study and investigate the world they live in, those that
hunt for fossils and bones, those that dig in the "holy lands" for anything that can show them some insight into our past thats who....certainly not
fools like you.
It's funny Nova. I looked back to see exactly what point you are trying to make, and it see4ms that you are trying to bring this debate off topic.

I stated that organized religion is a bunch of bullshit and so is the OT, of which it's content is heavily manipulated by wolves in sheep's clothing.

And this is your reply? "What's your point?" ROTFLMAO!!!!! How can you miss the point? lol

Then you ramble on about its historical significance. We are talking about how it is interpreted by Organized religion! Yes a bunch of bullshit. Regardless of the superstitions those people had back then? The point is that those superstitions are being perpetuated by religious leaders.

Yet you keeping going back to it's historical relevance. Trying to dictate the thread I STARTED ABOUT RELIGION. The old testament is history to the Jews and should only mater to the Jews. If they want to believe all that bullshit in Genesis? Then it's up to them.
But to continue to spread their bullshit to the rest of the planet, via Christianity, is the problem.

If you didn't like my NOT mentioning religion in ANY of my posts, you could have ignored them....\
you bitched about the "bible" and claimed it had no value.....I'm trying to show you that it has value.