Our Infamous Site

start with where you decided to tell him what he was doing wrong......

Please give me the quote where you imagined that happened, maybe we can get to the bottom of your comprehension failure.

I have for my entire life been the or one of the premier Free Mind Free Speech advocates of any place I have been, this idea that I am not a fan of either JPP or D is a strong indication that someone is doing to much acid.

I am pretty sure that at this point this site is a pubic service offered by a good citizen, one that the tech overlords will force closed soon, because this that we are doing is not allowed.

Quote Originally Posted by Mott the Hoople View Post
Do you honestly think if this site was generating revenue that Damo would hire a psychopath like Grind as a moderator or give customer service responsibilities to a misanthrope like Billy? LOL

You might want to have a personal conversation with Damo. I’ve known him for 15 years now and if Damo is anything he is fair and honest. I think you will find him so too.
Must have some pretty good sized stones to be found running a Free Mind Free Speech site like this this deeply into this next Dark Age.
I have never liked the man since he hit the tabloids. I’ve always found him to be a jerk. One of those guys that just tries too hard to fit in and just ends up giving creep vibes, but I repeat myself.

He's so creepy he couldn't talk about his baby daughter Tiffany without sexualizing her. Freud would have a field day with trump.

"In the 1994 broadcast of Leach’s syndicated show “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,” Trump responded to a question about what attributes his 1-year-old daughter Tiffany had inherited from himself and her mother, then-wife Marla Maples, by talking about the infant’s legs and breasts.

“Well, I think she’s got a lot of Marla, she’s a really beautiful baby,” said Trump, who was sat next to Maples. “She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part yet, but time will tell,” Trump added, while cupping his hands to his chest to indicate breasts."

He's so creepy he couldn't talk about his baby daughter Tiffany without sexualizing her. Freud would have a field day with trump.

"In the 1994 broadcast of Leach’s syndicated show “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,” Trump responded to a question about what attributes his 1-year-old daughter Tiffany had inherited from himself and her mother, then-wife Marla Maples, by talking about the infant’s legs and breasts.

“Well, I think she’s got a lot of Marla, she’s a really beautiful baby,” said Trump, who was sat next to Maples. “She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part yet, but time will tell,” Trump added, while cupping his hands to his chest to indicate breasts."

Absolutely creepy but worse with Ivanka. Yuck
I don't even want to google what trump might have said about baby Barron's, er, attributes. :laugh:

I have a rule, and that is if you don't like my comments here- YOU MAY FUCK OFF AT ANY TIME!

And the SAME to YOU, kind sir. At least we'll always have plenty of great music to listen to. Speaking of which, the latest Bob Dylan release, his first release of all original material in eight years, is very good. It's titled Rough and Rowdy Ways, definitely pick this one up if you're a fan of Bob's music. You won't be disappointed.
He's so creepy he couldn't talk about his baby daughter Tiffany without sexualizing her. Freud would have a field day with trump.

"In the 1994 broadcast of Leach’s syndicated show “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,” Trump responded to a question about what attributes his 1-year-old daughter Tiffany had inherited from himself and her mother, then-wife Marla Maples, by talking about the infant’s legs and breasts.

“Well, I think she’s got a lot of Marla, she’s a really beautiful baby,” said Trump, who was sat next to Maples. “She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part yet, but time will tell,” Trump added, while cupping his hands to his chest to indicate breasts."


OMG. That is one of the sickest things I have ever heard. WT actual Fuck.
Trump loves women, he has always loved women, he has usually done right by women because he feels an obligation to do so.

And he is a great father.

Let It Go

I agree about the women. I don't agree about the "great father." And I'll Let It Go when I've said all I have to say about it.
I like women too....lots of women....all kinds of women....I understand Trump when it comes to women!

When Trump said that nothing would have pleased him more than being the half the genetics of the best Playboy Centerfold ever.

So do I. He loves women so much that he cheated on his wives.