Our Infamous Site

--->Freedom of Speech<---
I applaud Damocles for providing a Site where everyone is considered adult enough to withstand the occasional "You're a Poo Poo Head" comment and can discuss whatever on Earth they want.

There's lots of Sites for the Cream Puffs, Candy Boys, and Twerps to be protected by 'Mommy' (Big Brother) ... if you want a 'Safe Place' GO THERE!

While this site was down for a couple of days, I went to google this site and found a site with hilarious reviews about this site. Apparently JPP is a infamous shithole. :laugh:

Here's one: Do you love to express your disgust and disdain for inferior non-white "people?" Do you enjoy calling idiots and morons on the other side of the political aisle foul names like c*nt, ni**er, c*cks*cker, and M-fer? Do attacks on our Glorious Leader infuriate you and are you willing to defend him day and night against libtards? Is your level of civil discourse that of an enraged 18-month-old toddler with a diaper full?

Then this place is for you! You will find all your lost family here -- the racists too vile for even the KKK. Nazis who were booted from StormFront for being too mean. 101 Ways to Lick Trump's Ass and more! Hurry, sign up before their advertisers realize what's going on and pull the plug!


1.5 out of 5

--->Freedom of Speech<---
I applaud Damocles for providing a Site where everyone is considered adult enough to withstand the occasional "You're a Poo Poo Head" comment and can discuss whatever on Earth they want.

There's lots of Sites for the Cream Puffs, Candy Boys, and Twerps to be protected by 'Mommy' (Big Brother) ... if you want a 'Safe Place' GO THERE!

We dont have free minds without free speech....and we will never know which ideas are better if we cant/wont conduct a full and fair combat of the ideas.

Combat.....I said Combat and I mean combat....and combat never was for sissies.
We dont have free minds without free speech....and we will never know which ideas are better if we cant/wont conduct a full and fair combat of the ideas.

Combat.....I said Combat and I mean combat....and combat never was for sissies.

Agree. (Damo needs to be given the Credit he deserves. I'm sure he's under tremendous pressure to 'conform' to the Demands of the PC Fascists)
They get paid for re-directs. They get paid every time someone clicks on an ad! It adds up to hundreds if not thousands a day.

If it weren't for that, the site would never be up!

A mod told me that it comes to about $1 day.....a site that estimates ad rev says $3....I went with the higher number to give your idea as much merit as possible.
Funny how the ones complaining are the ones posting the most on this thread.

I wonder who stuck around long enough to learn the ropes?

Phantasmal gets a shout out! Def one of our resident racist scum that I have on ignore. I disagree about the site being mostly Right leaning...but then again I have more than a dozen shit heads on ignore.

There are several open racist who spend their day calling other Forum Members the N-Word, but the Site Super Moderator; Phantasmal, has personal issues if you even mention the culture of The Catholic Church and it's abuses on White Boys. BTW, Banns aren't contested, you simply log on one day and find out you are Banned for violating "her" personal Rule 12b without any proof of a violation. Humm, wonder why this is so personal to her, but calling other members the N-Word is Free Speech.

I guess they don't understand our one and only rule
Domain names or IP addresses on a local computer can be resolved by adding entries in the local hosts file on a computer. Entries in the local hosts file have the added advantage that the system can run the application server, even when disconnected from the network.

If you pull the network plug, there ain't no IP gettin' resolved to the public though.

My question, if this were a scheduled maintenance- IS IT TOO DAMN MUCH TO MAKE A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT before just jerking the system down?

It probably wasn't scheduled maintenance. In the past he announced that the site would be down for X time while he did maintenance.
I did the same thing. I saw a few reviews that really made me think twice about this place - it really does draw the worst of the worst.

There's so much freedom of speech and limited moderation here that I don't understand why JPP doesn't draw in and keep more posters. While the site was down I went to two other ones I joined in the past, and they have stricter rules but tons of posters.
There's so much freedom of speech and limited moderation here that I don't understand why JPP doesn't draw in and keep more posters. While the site was down I went to two other ones I joined in the past, and they have stricter rules but tons of posters.

I wonder if adding more forums and sub-forums might draw them in?
I wonder if adding more forums and sub-forums might draw them in?

Damo's not big on adding more forums. I believe the only one added in all the years I've been here is the Religion & Philosophy forum. Damo did add the In Memoriam forum but that's pretty specialized. Can you think of any that might be of general interest?
Damo's not big on adding more forums. I believe the only one added in all the years I've been here is the Religion & Philosophy forum. Damo did add the In Memoriam forum but that's pretty specialized. Can you think of any that might be of general interest?

Not at this time right now. ;) I'm thinking about drinking more beer. ;)
There's so much freedom of speech and limited moderation here that I don't understand why JPP doesn't draw in and keep more posters. While the site was down I went to two other ones I joined in the past, and they have stricter rules but tons of posters.

For the same reasons against playing tag in a cow pasture. If I didn't know people here I probably wouldn't have stayed a week. I miss the feature they had at Amazon where any discussion of an ignored poster was blocked out. The title just said the person was ignored.
Did JPP not pay the light bill, and got their electricity cut off for the weekend?

Because, I worked in INFORMATION SERVICES for most of my adult life, and in the INFORMATION SERVICES world, maintenance is only done when there is always a system backup is in place. Maintenance is transparent to the customer. When a Server or Network goes down or is taken down- a duplicate one automatically kicks in

It's called System Redundancy!

Most systems in the Information World also have power redundancy built right in as well just to cover all the bases!

Give Damo a break. He loses money maintaining this site and yes if this was a revenue generating business with budgeted operating capital you’d have a very good point.

However JPP, from a technical operations standpoint is pretty much a one man show. Damocles and he’s a very busy professional with a real job and this sites ad revenue has never covered his operational cost or personal time.

So if you really would like to help Damo improve this sites operation please consider selecting the donate link and make a generous donation. I’m sure Damo will appreciate your help.
They get paid for re-directs. They get paid every time someone clicks on an ad! It adds up to hundreds if not thousands a day.

If it weren't for that, the site would never be up!

Do you honestly think if this site was generating revenue that Damo would hire a psychopath like Grind as a moderator or give customer service responsibilities to a misanthrope like Billy? LOL

You might want to have a personal conversation with Damo. I’ve known him for 15 years now and if Damo is anything he is fair and honest. I think you will find him so too.