Our Infamous Site

That's correct. However, there are occasions when one poster has accused another of having been molested as a child by a pedophile and/or priest. That's when they get tagged.

Now that you know that, may I get your opinion? If the discussion is about abusive priests, and one member says of another: "That's why she's always so distraught. Too much time spent on her knees as a child," would you take that as an insinuation of something other than praying?

Yes. OTOH, I'd say it buts up to the line but doesn't cross it. Obviously not my call to make. I do think other posts are considered in reviewing the context. If they aren't, they should be.
That's correct. However, there are occasions when one poster has accused another of having been molested as a child by a pedophile and/or priest. That's when they get tagged.

Now that you know that, may I get your opinion? If the discussion is about abusive priests, and one member says of another: "That's why she's always so distraught. Too much time spent on her knees as a child," would you take that as an insinuation of something other than praying?

Dutch should have been banned for a 12 B antisemitic attack on the Frank sisters
Do you honestly think if this site was generating revenue that Damo would hire a psychopath like Grind as a moderator or give customer service responsibilities to a misanthrope like Billy? LOL

You might want to have a personal conversation with Damo. I’ve known him for 15 years now and if Damo is anything he is fair and honest. I think you will find him so too.

Grind is definitely out there- way out there!

Damocles seems like an amiable type.

But there are some other mods that are a little quirky as well!
Give Damo a break. He loses money maintaining this site and yes if this was a revenue generating business with budgeted operating capital you’d have a very good point.

However JPP, from a technical operations standpoint is pretty much a one man show. Damocles and he’s a very busy professional with a real job and this sites ad revenue has never covered his operational cost or personal time.

So if you really would like to help Damo improve this sites operation please consider selecting the donate link and make a generous donation. I’m sure Damo will appreciate your help.

Didn't mean to offend anyone.

But, I worked in an environment where a system down would cost the company I worked for about a million dollars a minute.

Why! Because when it went down about 25,000 people around the globe could not do their high paying jobs..

So, if there were an outage, we had better have immediate answers, or we would have lost our jobs.
1.5/5 seems like a pretty generous rating of JPP. Even as a potential outsider complaining about toxic racism and white supremacy. As a 14-year veteran, I would give zero fucks for JPP. Same goes for P & FP, if I were to rate those long-dead fossils.
Nobody is asking any of you to stay. Yet here you are

I just shows how novel a concept freedom of speech is to many on the left

And yet many on the right want nudity, actions they don't agree with and bad words censored on TV and movies. And they've been successful.

It probably wasn't scheduled maintenance. In the past he announced that the site would be down for X time while he did maintenance.

That is good to know. It isn't really a big deal.

When I noticed the site was down, I just went and did something else.

I really didn't know whether the site would ever come back up. The last forum, I was a member of, went down and never came back up again.

No notice! No nothing!
A mod told me that it comes to about $1 day.....a site that estimates ad rev says $3....I went with the higher number to give your idea as much merit as possible.

If all they make here is $3 a day, I would say thy are fools to go to this expense with no return for their investment dollar.
It is interesting to read those reviews. I get their issues. I could be "King" and demand you all follow my version of decorum, but that would be more than I want to do when providing a free service for y'all to vent at each other and share your views. I've struggled... I don't like much of what some folks say, but that is their words and not mine. I'm sure you noticed... I don't curse and would never call somebody by the "c-word" let alone much of the other stuff, however I don't demand you follow what I do.

Anyway, folks that post here enjoy it, even if they sometimes tell us how awful we are for letting the other side say such awful things.
Do you honestly think if this site was generating revenue that Damo would hire a psychopath like Grind as a moderator or give customer service responsibilities to a misanthrope like Billy? LOL

You might want to have a personal conversation with Damo. I’ve known him for 15 years now and if Damo is anything he is fair and honest. I think you will find him so too.

So why is racism allowed to foster here?

Why doesn't management ever do any fact checking- and allow such blatant Fake News to be posted here daily?

Is that being fair and honest or just irresponsible?