
I disagree. I think she's really smart and funny.

Considering how this board was being overrun by StromFront rejects, unrepentant racists, loser trolls, and rightwing dotards, Owl and some of the other lefty newbies undeniably elevated the discourse on this forum.

How anyone can legitimately complain about Owl or Jade Dragon in the face of the plethora of overt racist pigs who post relentlessly here, strains credulity. I see a lot more complaining about Owl and Jade, than I do about genuine racist swine like Prasekrek, Text Driver, CFM, and their assorted boyfriends. I chalk it up to the rightwing's affinity for bigotry and ignorance!
Considering how this board was being overrun by StromFront rejects, unrepentant racists, loser trolls, and rightwing dotards, Owl and some of the other lefty newbies undeniably elevated the discourse on this forum.

How anyone can legitimately complain about Owl or Jade Dragon in the face of the plethora of overt racist pigs who post relentlessly here, strains credulity. I see a lot more complaining about Owl and Jade, than I do about genuine racist swine like Prasekrek, Text Driver, CFM, and their assorted boyfriends. I chalk it up to the rightwing's affinity for bigotry and ignorance!

Water finds its own level, eh?
Considering how this board was being overrun by StromFront rejects, unrepentant racists, loser trolls, and rightwing dotards, Owl and some of the other lefty newbies undeniably elevated the discourse on this forum.

How anyone can legitimately complain about Owl or Jade Dragon in the face of the plethora of overt racist pigs who post relentlessly here, strains credulity. I see a lot more complaining about Owl and Jade, than I do about genuine racist swine like Prasekrek, Text Driver, CFM, and their assorted boyfriends. I chalk it up to the rightwing's affinity for bigotry and ignorance!

The race card. Big surprise. /sarcasm
:rolleyes: Of course you're completely unbiased in this matter.

I don't know who MAGAt is and can't find the name in the community. How about you linking me up to the posts?
Here's the link to the ban announcement. https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?89202-MAGAt If you know Rana, she can fill you in on why the ban happened....you might feel differently about your funny smart friend...(Rana did not think the sharing was appropriate, and so...)
The thread/forum is secret now...don't you find that odd? Why would that be necessary? Of course, you can ask Fowl...she'll just say something like: "....110 views--the "b" is pretty popular..." and send you the link...
that one does so loves to count-and checks her handiwork often, apparently...;)
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Here's the link to the ban announcement. If you know Rana, she can fill you in on why the ban happened....you might feel differently about your funny smart friend...(Rana did not think the sharing was appropriate, and so...)
The thread/forum is secret now...don't you find that odd? Why would that be necessary? Of course, you can ask Fowl...she'll just say something like: "....110 views--the "b" is pretty popular..." and send you the link...
that one does so loves to count-and checks her handiwork often, apparently...;)

Oh noes you forgot your link! lol

Here's an idea. Instead of beating around the bush in 7th-grade-girl "I know something you don't know" fashion, why don't you just come out like an actual adult and say what you mean? Afraid?

Here you go, since you're too passive-aggressive to speak your mind. I'll do it for you.

Toxic: "There is a politics forum on another site that's all people who used to be on Amazon. I joined it under several fake names and posted what ppl were talking about there on this JPP forum, so all of my accounts (Mary, Robynne, Trump, Donald, etc.) were banned. Meanwhile, a new person named "Ear" joined and posted a link to a page with a lot of bad stuff about me, like I'm racist and stuff. I'm not! Really! Mason and Owl refuse to ban that person. One day someone on JPP named "Magat" posted the link to that bad stuff here and was banned. I just know it was Mason or Owl but no one will believe me, especially the JPP mods! I got a friend from JPP to join that Goodreads group so that they could tell me if they're talking about me over there. Sometimes they do! But they won't let me in! Waaaaah! I just can't move on and talk about politics here because I'm completely obsessed with Goodreads and what they might be saying about me. Completely! Now they even made it 'secret' so I can't see who's there! Owl thinks it's because I'm trying to get Christiefan banned for posting the link to the post with the link to GR but I'm not I swear! I would never! Well, except for Aimee and Owl and 3LK and Mina and a couple others... never ever! Why doesn't anyone feel sorry for me??????????"

There you go, your Acme Attention Whore Crumb du Jour(tm). Make it last! lol
Poor Fowl....(now all four of you have the cesspool to yourself:)
(I reported the fake TOPICWAQ account/stolen picture again this morning...GR will pay attention eventually...they always do...)
Oh noes you forgot your link! lol

Here's an idea. Instead of beating around the bush in 7th-grade-girl "I know something you don't know" fashion, why don't you just come out like an actual adult and say what you mean? Afraid?

Here you go, since you're too passive-aggressive to speak your mind. I'll do it for you.

Toxic: "There is a politics forum on another site that's all people who used to be on Amazon. I joined it under several fake names and posted what ppl were talking about there on this JPP forum, so all of my accounts (Mary, Robynne, Trump, Donald, etc.) were banned. Meanwhile, a new person named "Ear" joined and posted a link to a page with a lot of bad stuff about me, like I'm racist and stuff. I'm not! Really! Mason and Owl refuse to ban that person. One day someone on JPP named "Magat" posted the link to that bad stuff here and was banned. I just know it was Mason or Owl but no one will believe me, especially the JPP mods! I got a friend from JPP to join that Goodreads group so that they could tell me if they're talking about me over there. Sometimes they do! But they won't let me in! Waaaaah! I just can't move on and talk about politics here because I'm completely obsessed with Goodreads and what they might be saying about me. Completely! Now they even made it 'secret' so I can't see who's there! Owl thinks it's because I'm trying to get Christiefan banned for posting the link to the post with the link to GR but I'm not I swear! I would never! Well, except for Aimee and Owl and 3LK and Mina and a couple others... never ever! Why doesn't anyone feel sorry for me??????????"
There you go, your Acme Attention Whore Crumb du Jour(tm). Make it last! lol
Early morning classic meltdown...wow!!:blowup:
Good morning Foul and Eunuch 1. I see your up early spinning the same stale BS we have been hearing for months. If you want to act like petulant children at least come up with some new material. Top your not helping either.
Yeah...whatever.... Things are just about cleaned up here, though...that messy meltdown, though, may help speed up the process...