
Trump was very informative today as well, he told us with great emphasis that the virus was INVISIBLE. It was very informative.
You're an asset! I will be using you in the future for Trump speak.

Happy to do so! I'm also fluent in flaming dumbass such as this post:
It means lazy fucks are on notice and will be forced to return to work soon.

This situation is a lazy-fuck-apalooza.
It means "I'm worried I won't be returning to the minimum-wage job I've had for the past 20 years. I'm afraid they'll repo my trailer and turn off my cable, dammit!"

Trump was very informative today as well, he told us with great emphasis that the virus was INVISIBLE. It was very informative.

Watching Dr. Birx blanch when Trump claimed she said more testing wasn't necessary was an interesting moment. My favorite part of the day is when everyone, including Pence, says, in effect, "What the President meant to say was...."
Happy to do so! I'm also fluent in flaming dumbass such as this post:
It means "I'm worried I won't be returning to the minimum-wage job I've had for the past 20 years. I'm afraid they'll repo my trailer and turn off my cable, dammit!"

Yes, she’s a stable genius of the Trumpian species
Watching Dr. Birx blanch when Trump claimed she said more testing wasn't necessary was an interesting moment. My favorite part of the day is when everyone, including Pence, says, in effect, "What the President meant to say was...."
Fauci just pulled that. I guess Trump asked him to run against AOC.
Happy to do so! I'm also fluent in flaming dumbass such as this post:
It means "I'm worried I won't be returning to the minimum-wage job I've had for the past 20 years. I'm afraid they'll repo my trailer and turn off my cable, dammit!"


Lazy fucks are on notice. And it sho nuff ain't me.

The worthless wastes of oxygen who'd gladly live off the backs of others, collecting a check at their virtual mailbox every week/month.

Their newfound gravy train with biscuit wheels will come to a screeching halt -- hopefully sooner rather than later.

And you aren't fooling me. I know exactly who you are. Traded Cinnabar for this most obvious sock puppet.

Duuummmbbb and very unoriginal.

Lazy fucks are on notice. And it sho nuff ain't me.

The worthless wastes of oxygen who'd gladly live off the backs of others, collecting a check at their virtual mailbox every week/month.

Their newfound gravy train with biscuit wheels will come to a screeching halt -- hopefully sooner rather than later.

And you aren't fooling me.
I know exactly who you are. Traded Cinnabar for this most obvious sock puppet.

Duuummmbbb and very unoriginal.

....annnnnnd there it is, folks. The crazy paranoia of a sad old man in a Florida trailer home comes out.

All the sane people on this forum know that I deplore sock puppets; I think people who use them are lame, weak and cowardly....which is why you probably have at least one.
....annnnnnd there it is, folks. The crazy paranoia of a sad old man in a Florida trailer home comes out.

All the sane people on this forum know that I deplore sock puppets; I think people who use them are lame, weak and cowardly....which is why you probably have at least one.
I have zero, but you have several. And there is no doubt now.
I have zero, but you have several. And there is no doubt now.

First, I strongly doubt your veracity. Second, there's no way you could know something that doesn't exist so either you are lying or you're insane. I expect the latter more than the former.
Well I looked and found this. It's from the New Hacker's dictionary. Apparently it's for the nerds at MIT.

A prefix used with words such as ‘immediately’ as a qualifier. “When is the system coming up?” “Semi-immediately.” (That is, maybe not for an hour.) “We did consider that possibility semi-seriously.”"semi-immediately"&source=bl&ots=6pgssugqUc&sig=ACfU3U03MnxqRtl5C7R_aMd6a1Zjs-toqQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjX-66p5N7oAhWYZM0KHfuyCw4Q6AEwA3oECAsQNQ#v=onepage&q="semi-immediately"&f=false
Trump used the term, semi immediately. I’ve never heard anyone use that term. He also said the virus was a genius, because it’s going all over the place.

WTF -- "genius"? He's so stupid he doesn't know that it's nothing more than a snippet of RNA with a lipid (fatty) outer coating. Oh wait. Yes, I see it now. He's nothing but a snippet of a human being, with a fatty outer coating. And a stable genius. So nCOVID-19 is just like him!

It means lazy fucks are on notice and will be forced to return to work soon.

This situation is a lazy-fuck-apalooza.

So you seriously think that staying home as ordered in order to dampen the spread of a lethal disease = lazy? You work from home, so you've claimed. You must be super lazy. Maybe you can give the rest of us lazy lessons.

WTF is wrong with you?
....annnnnnd there it is, folks. The crazy paranoia of a sad old man in a Florida trailer home comes out.

All the sane people on this forum know that I deplore sock puppets; I think people who use them are lame, weak and cowardly....which is why you probably have at least one.

Life is Golden is female. Everything else is correct though.

I hope she doesn't go to her favorite dining place when things are back to normal and insult her wait staff, who were laid off when the non-essential businesses were closed, and call them lazy fucks. She might get something more than mayo in her wrap.
Life is Golden is female. Everything else is correct though.

I hope she doesn't go to her favorite dining place when things are back to normal and insult her wait staff, who were laid off when the non-essential businesses were closed, and call them lazy fucks. She might get something more than mayo in her wrap.
