
So you seriously think that staying home as ordered in order to dampen the spread of a lethal disease = lazy? You work from home, so you've claimed. You must be super lazy. Maybe you can give the rest of us lazy lessons.

WTF is wrong with you?
Stop assigning words and meanings to what I write.

Lazy fucks are around always, not just during a pandemic. They don't want to work and will latch on to the gubmint tit for as long as possible.

There are a lot of lazy people who don't want to work. Around long before any pandemic. Surely you know that?
Life is Golden is female. Everything else is correct though.

I hope she doesn't go to her favorite dining place when things are back to normal and insult her wait staff, who were laid off when the non-essential businesses were closed, and call them lazy fucks. She might get something more than mayo in her wrap.
You go with that.
Well I looked and found this. It's from the New Hacker's dictionary. Apparently it's for the nerds at MIT.

A prefix used with words such as ‘immediately’ as a qualifier. “When is the system coming up?” “Semi-immediately.” (That is, maybe not for an hour.) “We did consider that possibility semi-seriously.”"semi-immediately"&source=bl&ots=6pgssugqUc&sig=ACfU3U03MnxqRtl5C7R_aMd6a1Zjs-toqQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjX-66p5N7oAhWYZM0KHfuyCw4Q6AEwA3oECAsQNQ#v=onepage&q="semi-immediately"&f=false
Has Trump been hanging with nerds from MIT? Hmmmm, maybe, Ive misjudged him.
One of our neighbors messaged me and said that he claimed that staying at home was a death too, not like the virus deaths but "very real". WTF!
There were so many hilarious things. He also said hospitals have all the ppe they need, no shortage. Shortages are fake news. The nurses and doctors crying for ppe, fake news.
None at all...;)
Dutch is not a sock. I’m waiting for your information on the profile change, thanks

If you don’t trust me, please send it to another mod, we would really like to get to the bottom of this! Thanks
Life is Golden is female. Everything else is correct though.

I hope she doesn't go to her favorite dining place when things are back to normal and insult her wait staff, who were laid off when the non-essential businesses were closed, and call them lazy fucks. She might get something more than mayo in her wrap.

Seriously? Wow. Okay. Are you sure "she" started out that way?

Dutch is not a sock. I’m waiting for your information on the profile change, thanks

If you don’t trust me, please send it to another mod, we would really like to get to the bottom of this! Thanks
I replied to you on the other thread...If you need more info than I provided, I'll send it to another mod...but all I left out was the name change....
(I would have reported it at the time if I trusted you;))
Dutch is not a sock. I’m waiting for your information on the profile change, thanks

If you don’t trust me, please send it to another mod, we would really like to get to the bottom of this! Thanks

Thanks for the confirmation, but I'm certain that some of our more paranoid members won't believe anything that goes against their world view. Kinda sad, but there is nothing to be done for them.
Stop assigning words and meanings to what I write.

Lazy fucks are around always, not just during a pandemic. They don't want to work and will latch on to the gubmint tit for as long as possible.

There are a lot of lazy people who don't want to work. Around long before any pandemic. Surely you know that?

You would be happier if you stick to worrying about your own work ethic and stop fretting over someone else's alleged lack of one.
Dutch is not a sock. I’m waiting for your information on the profile change, thanks

If you don’t trust me, please send it to another mod, we would really like to get to the bottom of this! Thanks

Hahaha -- yeah, the "profile change" that's about as real as all the "deliveries" and "fostering" and other imaginary good deeds. :laugh:
Unfortunately that could be true. Just tossing this out there, but I doubt President Pence would fire him. Jus' sayin'. :D

No, I do have to admit that Pence's ego isn't as fragile and paper-thin as Trumpelthinskin's, so likely he would keep this experienced and honorable man at his helm.
Seriously? Wow. Okay. Are you sure "she" started out that way?

Ewww! No, she's a female. I'm not sure why she's spazzing out about ppl not going into work because of the COVID pandemic. Probably afraid, like most conservatives, that someone's going to get something she isn't getting.
Ewww! No, she's a female. I'm not sure why she's spazzing out about ppl not going into work because of the COVID pandemic. Probably afraid, like most conservatives, that someone's going to get something she isn't getting.

Is there any doubt she'll trip some person older than her to be first in line to cash her Trump check?
I replied to you on the other thread...If you need more info than I provided, I'll send it to another mod...but all I left out was the name change....
(I would have reported it at the time if I trusted you;))

So in other words, you are making up some paranoid fantasy that someone got into your JPP account, changed your name, and it's all Phantasmal's fault? Either you were drunk again when you thought that that actually happened, or it's a flare-up of your usual paranoia.

It never happened. You put "retired teacher" on your profile because LV called you out on your lies about it, and so did plenty of others. There's something pathological about someone who insists on claiming a career that they never had. Esp. when they start making up lies about their profile being hacked.
