
ROFLMAO You don't know the half of it, old girl.
Pray tell, what have I missed? I just did a 90 minute Zoom conference with my family. It was the injection I needed, you know “love is a drug”. My family is so incredibly thoughtful, quick, funny. I encourage using Zoom’
Pray tell, what have I missed? I just did a 90 minute Zoom conference with my family. It was the injection I needed, you know “love is a drug”. My family is so incredibly thoughtful, quick, funny. I encourage using Zoom’

You haven't missed a dang thing. :)

Sorry you have to be away from your family.
Define, semi immediately

Thank you

That's the front of the tractor.

But this...

69ea2d07721c9dc351c18b93f2d003f9.jpg truck bad?

LOL Truck porn!!

To me the classic stainless steel tanker is the most awe inspiring rig on the road.


I used to work for a company that owned one of these for hauling liquid chemical for bulk shipment and delivery. One of the drivers attempted to unload without venting the top. The tank sucked in and collapsed.. Not a pretty sight; not a good day...
A couple of whores in the cab? Sure why not? I hear that the bad orange man likes that.

Tsk, tsk. You let your irrational emotions and desire for cheap carnal pleasure cloud your judgement.

See the stainless steel mirror at the front of the trailer. And the fabric vinyl sides? There is something very large and very expensive inside.
Tsk, tsk. You let your irrational emotions and desire for cheap carnal pleasure cloud your judgement.

See the stainless steel mirror at the front of the trailer. And the fabric vinyl sides? There is something very large and very expensive inside.

Yeah I see them.