Poet melting down (again)

P.S. The reason you haven't had trouble with him is because you're a liberal. In his own words, liberals automatically get a free pass.
Neither did I. We've even "made up" a couple times. He turned on me as soon as I simply disagreed with him on a couple issues.

Poet is not like you, Dune, and other reasonable liberals. He is completely incapable of respecting others' points of view.

The guy gets verbally assaulted almost non-stop by almost every single poster on these boards, not to mention he also has to deal with the usual asswipes like USF, bravo, dweebway and Yurt who live for being the biggest douchebags they can and using their ability to irritate others to start shit with poet every single day.

MAYBE if he saw some of the more "reasonable" people here siding with him instead of jumping on the "slam poet" bandwagon he might be a bit more receptive of others ideas.

God knows I don't agree with 100% of what he says, but I don't follow him around from thread to thread like so many here, incessantly belittling his sexuality or any of his chosen profession.
The guy gets verbally assaulted almost non-stop by almost every single poster on these boards, not to mention he also has to deal with the usual asswipes like USF, bravo, dweebway and Yurt who live for being the biggest douchebags they can and using their ability to irritate others to start shit with poet every single day.

MAYBE if he saw some of the more "reasonable" people here siding with him instead of jumping on the "slam poet" bandwagon he might be a bit more receptive of others ideas.

God knows I don't agree with 100% of what he says, but I don't follow him around from thread to thread like so many here, incessantly belittling his sexuality or any of his chosen profession.
Thanks, for thinking I am reasonable. I have my moments, but i can be very unreasonable at times. I just think it is ow you approach people on your differences. I try not to call people names, but I don't always follow this rule.

as long as we are going to continue to talk about poet as if he's not around .. :p

guy just needs to chillax a bit. I don't get it. I've had tussles with pretty super liberals, and most people know I get along with all spectrums of opinions, but poet just likes to hold onto anger, and take things way too personally sometimes.

I honestly enjoyed a few posts he made recently, and thanked them. He recently wrote on my wall to stop thanking him, and that I lacked honor and integrity for thanking his posts.... wtf? O_o

I kinda want to believe that everyone is capable of chilling out and smoking the metaphorical joint. And being able to step away from the politics and just be on at least decent terms. Poet may be the first person that honestly likes having "enemies." I think he thrives on it or something..
The guy gets verbally assaulted almost non-stop by almost every single poster on these boards, not to mention he also has to deal with the usual asswipes like USF, bravo, dweebway and Yurt who live for being the biggest douchebags they can and using their ability to irritate others to start shit with poet every single day.

MAYBE if he saw some of the more "reasonable" people here siding with him instead of jumping on the "slam poet" bandwagon he might be a bit more receptive of others ideas.

God knows I don't agree with 100% of what he says, but I don't follow him around from thread to thread like so many here, incessantly belittling his sexuality or any of his chosen profession.

as if poet doesn't start it and dish it out....you are such a whiner zappa
We've all tried to get along with Poet. He's just not a reasonable person. He chooses to be an asshole, and there's nothing we can do about that.

LOL. Bitch, please. Post any and all evidence where you've "tried to get along with Poet". LMAO. Such tripe. Not reasonable. No, not willing to fold up and fade away, is all.
An asshole? Bitch, you're projecting. Again.
Neither did I. We've even "made up" a couple times. He turned on me as soon as I simply disagreed with him on a couple issues.

Poet is not like you, Dune, and other reasonable liberals. He is completely incapable of respecting others' points of view.

Lies and sissy chatter. Not like other reasonable liberals????? LOL. "Reasonable" being the key word, here. Disagreed? You have never disagreed without adding insult to injury.
You don't understand the rules of engagement. The real Voltaire would.
I've approached Poet just fine. He hates conservatives, or anyone who even remotely resembles a conservative. That is the root of the problem.

Some people make excuses for Poet's behavior. Even one of his supporters privately agreed that he's over-sensitive, but that it's basically justified because he's "a gay black man." I personally do not feel that anyone needs to make excuses for a 60-year-old man being a dick.

I'm technically 59.4, but that's neither here nor there. What about your behavior? What about you being overly sensitive. And now I'm a "dick"???????????? I'm not going to even dignify that with a response, but can imagine what I'd say, can't you?
P.S. The reason you haven't had trouble with him is because you're a liberal. In his own words, liberals automatically get a free pass.

What? Bitch, please. Don't you give conservatives a free pass? Sounds like whining to me. What a pussy. (Since I'm a dick)
I'm technically 59.4, but that's neither here nor there. What about your behavior? What about you being overly sensitive. And now I'm a "dick"???????????? I'm not going to even dignify that with a response, but can imagine what I'd say, can't you?

Absolutely not. I'm not inclined to share or brag...but when my integrity is questioned, or I'm accused of lying, then bitch, you got me coming for you. And no thank you...I have someone to do that for me. Valkyrie.

Darling, if? I'm spending countless hours, trying to get attention on a political debate forum?????????????????? (To you, it might be a political message board....it's a political debate forum, with no one debating due to skills lacking).
Go look in a mirror. You're touting yourself as the great French writer, Voltaire, when you are not even remotely approaching notoriety. Who impersonates long dead people? As if.
And that's supposed to be remarkable or noteworthy? You don't know me. Stop pretending that you do. My production company just won another award, which is really no one's business or interest, and which I wouldn't have normally shared, but I did to counter your assertion that I'm "not at all remarkable". I so am. Getting ready to work on the videos for my upcoming sophomore cd, so many collaborations to consider. I'm so busy, and at the best time of my life. And you're a poser. LOL.

$100 that in no more than 2 months time Poet will bitch and piss and moan about someone stalking him with the information in these very posts.
as long as we are going to continue to talk about poet as if he's not around .. :p

guy just needs to chillax a bit. I don't get it. I've had tussles with pretty super liberals, and most people know I get along with all spectrums of opinions, but poet just likes to hold onto anger, and take things way too personally sometimes.

I honestly enjoyed a few posts he made recently, and thanked them. He recently wrote on my wall to stop thanking him, and that I lacked honor and integrity for thanking his posts.... wtf? O_o

I kinda want to believe that everyone is capable of chilling out and smoking the metaphorical joint. And being able to step away from the politics and just be on at least decent terms. Poet may be the first person that honestly likes having "enemies." I think he thrives on it or something..

Not at all. I simply believe in "live and let live". Others here, believe in "torched Earth".
$100 that in no more than 2 months time Poet will bitch and piss and moan about someone stalking him with the information in these very posts.

Really? What is there to say about it. The short film that my production team worked on (composed and wrote the theme song for) won an award. Is anyone seriously going to research who, what, when, where and why? That's stalking. I've told the truth about myself, wherever I go. This is no different. Why does it need to be brought up again, but to taunt, harass, or to defame? And you don't have $100.
Really? What is there to say about it. The short film that my production team worked on (composed and wrote the theme song for) won an award. Is anyone seriously going to research who, what, when, where and why? That's stalking. I've told the truth about myself, wherever I go. This is no different. Why does it need to be brought up again, but to taunt, harass, or to defame? And you don't have $100.