Poet melting down (again)

I was, wasn't the train of thought at that moment about USF having sex with Rana?.....

No. See, you have reading comprehension issues. The train of thought was how could USF be outraged at someone wanting to bitchslap Gov. Jan Brewer, on so many levels, literally and figuratively, and then stoop to bandying sexual innuendos at Rana. There is a disconnect. Rana already told him that his machinations were wishful thinking on his part, and he "doubled down". If one is outraged by the Gov. being "disrespected" (according to some), then you can't be a textbook misogynist and lecher, in the next breath....it smacks of hypocrisy. But we all know, that's someone's "bread and butter".
And contrary to popular belief, no forum members are having sex with each other, getting rooms, or getting frisky, which some have interpreted as the meaning behind forum members having a "meeting of the minds".
Zap, you have to have self-esteem. You have it...they don't. They have no class, no shame, no scruples, and no lives. All folks have to do is come correct...even when disagreeing. They can't even do that.

Gee, I wonder why poet gets crap from people.
"People"???? Surely, you're using the term "loosely". LOL
The only "people" I get crap from are the racists, bigots, homophobes, and the cretins.

Dear poet, let go of the anger. You get crap because you constantly label people who disagree with you as racist/bigot/homophobe/cretin as a default. Given that you are both a racist and misogynist, don't you think that is a tad hypocritical?
Gee, I wonder why poet gets crap from people.

Crap? As in insults and personal attacks? Right. In lieu of debate. Let's not even talk about the right being morally, fiscally, ethically and intellectually "bankrupt". Are you serious? A "war on women"????? Repealing the Equal Pay Act????? And most of you have wives and girlfriends. How the fuck do they let you get away with that Neanderthal bs? I bet if they withheld the coochie, you change your "tunes", quick fast and in a hurry. Mitt Romney is a pussy. He flip flops more than a New Orleans whore. And he doesn't give a fuck about your poor ass. That's right, I said, "your poor ass"....because nobody, up in here, has any money to speak of. All of your asses are "working stiffs", and are living "paycheck to paycheck"...and if you have any disposable income, you don't mention it, lest you get heat from being a one percenter, the lowest, most selfish scum on Earth. And they're in bed with the insurance companies, Wall St., the Republican Congress, the Koch Bros., and the fucking lobbyists who are willing to give "kickbacks" to congressmen who are willing to blunt the laws which prevent moral debauchery, and not above "raping your ass", of monies, freedom, and rights. Whose side are you really on?
And the mf'ing Tea Party, populated by the most retarded and in-bred of you, talking about taking the country back, and you can't even read the mf'ing Constitution, let alone, understand what it says.
Seeing a boogie man behind every street corner, and mosque..you pussies. And you mf'ing fake Christians, who neither follow the teaching expressed in the Bible, but ready to point a quick finger at folks whom you think are lesser than your ass....gays, lesbians, Gentiles, Jews, Muslims, people of color, and the like. Christ, himself, would cast you into the eternal flames, for hypocrisy, lying, cheating, stealing, whore mongering, debauchery, hate, discrimination, and general evil. Y'all some sick mf'ers.
And you mf'ers lost the goddamn presidential election in 2008, and a black man took office, and tried to do some good, despite claims and calls to the contrary...all set to undermine his presidency for the sheer audacity of actually winning the election from a white man and bimbette. Never to be forgiven for the insult. Get over it. And get ready for four more years. Now, debate that.
Dear poet, let go of the anger. You get crap because you constantly label people who disagree with you as racist/bigot/homophobe/cretin as a default. Given that you are both a racist and misogynist, don't you think that is a tad hypocritical?

Racist against whom? Certainly not white people. As I have said, many times, I rail against the notion of "white privilege", which is not leveled at an individual or group, but against a system, which favors a said group, based on skin color. The white liberals don't see me as a racist, because of my rants. They are able to intellectualize "where I'm coming from" ( no doubt, due to their intellectual superiority over conservatives/Republican cretins), and take no offense at my outrage at the injustices, the hypocrisy, and the hate leveled at liberals, blacks, gays, lesbians, Democrats, pro-choice, feminists, women and the poor, the elderly, and the infirmed.
Misogynist?? I open doors for women. I compliment them. I help old ladies cross streets. I revere them, because of my saintly mother. And I'm in touch with my feminine side, as a gay man. As ridiculous a claim as me being a racist.
The fact that I wanted to slap the piss out of Jan Brewer, for the arrogance and audacity at challenging the POTUS, in his face, and pointing a finger, does not make me a misogynist. It makes me a normal human being, with strong feelings of outrage at such incredulity. I wanted to do what Barack Obama couldn't do as POTUS, and on the world stage. Slap the horse shit out of that dried up ol' racist hag, pull that weave out of her hair, and scrub her face into the dirt. Just like you would any tramp trying to assault you or take your money. Like your redneck ass has never hit a woman. You probably have been convicted of spousal abuse, pointing fingers at me. All you ho's.
Then that would make the hours and hours you and all the others here have spent antagonizing the guy absolutely pathetic.

That you can't just let someone you consider a "has-been" or a "never-was" go and ignore his replies, speaks VOLUMES about how sad you and USF and grind and all the others are that think ganging up on one guy and incessantly tag teaming him with belittling statements is a prudent way to spend entire days.

My God...thread after thread after thread all dedicated to poet and every single one filled with non-stop, petty personal attacks...you guys are all shining examples of "maturity".

Exactly! They're drawn to him like bees to honey, instead of just STFU and answering the posts they really (ha ha) care about.
Exactly! They're drawn to him like bees to honey, instead of just STFU and answering the posts they really (ha ha) care about.

I tell 'em, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful....and intelligent, and witty, and cool and talented, and because I'm loving me some me. LOL
Neither did I. We've even "made up" a couple times. He turned on me as soon as I simply disagreed with him on a couple issues.

Poet is not like you, Dune, and other reasonable liberals. He is completely incapable of respecting others' points of view.

And you're completely incapable of discussing others without resorting to superlatives. "Completely, nobody, everybody, from the beginning, always, never, meanest, most hateful, blah blah blah." How many times have you had to take back your words because you jumped the gun on somebody and were found to be wrong?

You think Poet's looking for glory on a message board? I think you're a hothead who's too thin-skinned to be on a message board.
Dear poet, let go of the anger. You get crap because you constantly label people who disagree with you as racist/bigot/homophobe/cretin as a default. Given that you are both a racist and misogynist, don't you think that is a tad hypocritical?

Dear Superfreak, heal thy self...
Yes there is. Use the ignore function.

Isn't that a cop out? I have the trolls on ignore and Webb (who may be a troll too, but mainly because he is a racist piece of shit). The point of a board is to discuss. Not just with those who share your views, but with all parties. We can't change the fact that poet is a misogynist asshole, but that doesn't mean we should ignore him or refuse to talk to him. Who knows, maybe one day he will let go of his anger and hate and actually become a civilized adult. But that won't happen if everyone puts him on ignore.
Racist against whom? Certainly not white people. As I have said, many times, I rail against the notion of "white privilege", which is not leveled at an individual or group, but against a system, which favors a said group, based on skin color. The white liberals don't see me as a racist, because of my rants. They are able to intellectualize "where I'm coming from" ( no doubt, due to their intellectual superiority over conservatives/Republican cretins), and take no offense at my outrage at the injustices, the hypocrisy, and the hate leveled at liberals, blacks, gays, lesbians, Democrats, pro-choice, feminists, women and the poor, the elderly, and the infirmed.
Misogynist?? I open doors for women. I compliment them. I help old ladies cross streets. I revere them, because of my saintly mother. And I'm in touch with my feminine side, as a gay man. As ridiculous a claim as me being a racist.
The fact that I wanted to slap the piss out of Jan Brewer, for the arrogance and audacity at challenging the POTUS, in his face, and pointing a finger, does not make me a misogynist. It makes me a normal human being, with strong feelings of outrage at such incredulity. I wanted to do what Barack Obama couldn't do as POTUS, and on the world stage. Slap the horse shit out of that dried up ol' racist hag, pull that weave out of her hair, and scrub her face into the dirt. Just like you would any tramp trying to assault you or take your money. Like your redneck ass has never hit a woman. You probably have been convicted of spousal abuse, pointing fingers at me. All you ho's.

Christie, Rana... the above highlights what I am talking about in the one you continually defend.
Crap? As in insults and personal attacks? Right. In lieu of debate. Let's not even talk about the right being morally, fiscally, ethically and intellectually "bankrupt". Are you serious? A "war on women"????? Repealing the Equal Pay Act????? And most of you have wives and girlfriends. How the fuck do they let you get away with that Neanderthal bs? I bet if they withheld the coochie, you change your "tunes", quick fast and in a hurry. Mitt Romney is a pussy. He flip flops more than a New Orleans whore. And he doesn't give a fuck about your poor ass. That's right, I said, "your poor ass"....because nobody, up in here, has any money to speak of. All of your asses are "working stiffs", and are living "paycheck to paycheck"...and if you have any disposable income, you don't mention it, lest you get heat from being a one percenter, the lowest, most selfish scum on Earth. And they're in bed with the insurance companies, Wall St., the Republican Congress, the Koch Bros., and the fucking lobbyists who are willing to give "kickbacks" to congressmen who are willing to blunt the laws which prevent moral debauchery, and not above "raping your ass", of monies, freedom, and rights. Whose side are you really on?
And the mf'ing Tea Party, populated by the most retarded and in-bred of you, talking about taking the country back, and you can't even read the mf'ing Constitution, let alone, understand what it says.
Seeing a boogie man behind every street corner, and mosque..you pussies. And you mf'ing fake Christians, who neither follow the teaching expressed in the Bible, but ready to point a quick finger at folks whom you think are lesser than your ass....gays, lesbians, Gentiles, Jews, Muslims, people of color, and the like. Christ, himself, would cast you into the eternal flames, for hypocrisy, lying, cheating, stealing, whore mongering, debauchery, hate, discrimination, and general evil. Y'all some sick mf'ers.
And you mf'ers lost the goddamn presidential election in 2008, and a black man took office, and tried to do some good, despite claims and calls to the contrary...all set to undermine his presidency for the sheer audacity of actually winning the election from a white man and bimbette. Never to be forgiven for the insult. Get over it. And get ready for four more years. Now, debate that.

ROFLMAO.... debate what? you just proved my point.
I find it interesting how many liberals on this site will defend Poet's most heinous remarks. For example, I haven't heard anyone on the left condemn his remark about wanting to smack a woman across the face. On the contrary, they will ignore it altogether, and then accuse conservatives of "picking on Poet," as though a 60-year-old man is not capable of defending himself. No other lefty receives this special treatment. I wonder why that is the case?

Poet is clearly a very troubled individual. Unfortunately, rather than attempt to encourage him to be a better person, many of our resident liberals go out of their way to defend his poor behavior.

I, too, have anger issues sometimes. The difference is that I do not hate people based on their beliefs. I actually don't hate anyone. I get along perfectly well with Dune, Don, Mott, and many other liberals. Dune and I have even had sharp disagreements...but at the end of the day, we respect each other. That is impossible with Poet. In Poet's little world, anyone who disagrees with him and just go fuck themselves.

They can't bring themselves to do it...they hang on my every word. LOL

More like, you hang on their every word. You add someone to your "ignore list" every day, only to respond to one of their posts within a 24 hour period. What are we supposed to make of that?