Political evolution toward liberalism.

If I have more time tomorrow I will look into it... If I find I am wrong, Ill let you know.


What are the Vegas odds on that?
I would have to do research to come up with backup, to me its common sense but you are free do disagree. If I have more time tomorrow I will look into it... If I find I am wrong, Ill let you know.

LMAO... no Garud, it is not common sense. It is completely fabricated bullshit on your part. Now you are trying to divert away from admitting you just pulled that shit from your ass.
I would have to do research to come up with backup, to me its common sense but you are free do disagree. If I have more time tomorrow I will look into it... If I find I am wrong, Ill let you know.

Its already been done you fucking liar

Which of us is the liar Desh? Jarud's post clearly shows he hasn't backed up his claim.

Why do you keep lying Desh? Or is this another of your lies that you will pretend isn't a lie?
LMAO... no Garud, it is not common sense. It is completely fabricated bullshit on your part. Now you are trying to divert away from admitting you just pulled that shit from your ass.

Its my opinion, but it is not fact. I could be convinced otherwise.
Which of us is the liar Desh? Jarud's post clearly shows he hasn't backed up his claim.

Why do you keep lying Desh? Or is this another of your lies that you will pretend isn't a lie?

Logic would suggest that just because I have not backed up the claim does not mean it has not been done by someone else.
Logic would suggest that just because I have not backed up the claim does not mean it has not been done by someone else.

Logic would suggest that if your bullshit claim HAD been backed up by anyone else that she would have referred to that. But she did not. Nor has anyone shown plans that Reps have put in place that add funding to rich schools and remove it from poor ones as you claimed.
Good. I have a friend who bought 7 years worth of freeze dried food from Glenn Beck, he was sure he would have used it by now. So far it just takes up space in his garage and his mothers garage. Those who sold it to him are laughing all the way to the bank.

Sure you do, Gerud.

Is this more anecdotal hearsay from the Counselor?
Yet you said they had plans that did so... so you completely made that up? Thanks for admitting you are full of shit.

No, its my belief that they do, I've read about them in the past and listened to radio programs that made me believe that. I simply don't have a cite or reference today. I also could be wrong, I admit that I have not recently done research on the topic.

Have you never espoused an opinion that you believe to be true, without the evidence at your fingertips? Don't get so excited you pop your cork over this. It does not mean you are correct or that I am an idiot, it simply means I admit I don't have a cite for you at this time and I am not sure of the information.
No, its my belief that they do, I've read about them in the past and listened to radio programs that made me believe that. I simply don't have a cite or reference today. I also could be wrong, I admit that I have not recently done research on the topic.

Thanks for making a clean breast of it at last.

The witness is dismissed.

Court is adjourned.
Yet you said they had plans that did so... so you completely made that up? Thanks for admitting you are full of shit.

I know in your world admitting to anything less than perfection may mean that you are full of shit, but that is simply not the case. Just because one does not have the cites at his fingerprints does not mean his point is invalid.

Do you have any proof that my claim was invalid?
as a service academy graduate who attended when there were no women, I myself was initially against it. Now I see that women can serve in combat, especially in my branch of the service, every bit as bravely and effectively as men.

Really dimwit? So tell me, how many women can carry a 200 pound man under fire to safety? Tell me how women are not more emotional than men and how having women serving in combat where conditions are filthy and extremely deadly are conducive to being a woman? What happens to a woman in combat sitting in a foxhole that suddenly has her period? What happens to a woman who would be captured in battle?

Only dimwits of epic proportions can claim that women are equal in combat. That is like saying there is no difference between a vagina and a penis; although in your case there may actually be none.

I do agree, however, that the 20th century was totally WON by progressive liberalism.
The issues that, a hundred years ago, were considered hyper liberal and way on they left bank of our political philosophical spectrum, are now squarely in the middle of the stream. People can say that America is a center-right country, and that may be so, but only because the center of the country today is where the far left of the country was a hundred years ago.

I agree; the country has become more progressively stupid. Look at the election of Obama twice; the most inexperienced divisive partisan buffoon to ever inhabit the White House.
Awwwww...observe the desperate Dim Bulb TD trying to divert the discussion away from the OP because it makes him uncomfortable.

Awwww look at the desperate leftist dimwit trolling another thread with his incredible ignorance.

Yes Zappas, you are THAT incredibly stupid.
No, its my belief that they do, I've read about them in the past and listened to radio programs that made me believe that. I simply don't have a cite or reference today. I also could be wrong, I admit that I have not recently done research on the topic.

Have you never espoused an opinion that you believe to be true, without the evidence at your fingertips? Don't get so excited you pop your cork over this. It does not mean you are correct or that I am an idiot, it simply means I admit I don't have a cite for you at this time and I am not sure of the information.

LMAO... ok Garud... you admitted you made the shit up... that is enough. We all knew that to be the case. Now you are getting overly defensive after having been called out on it.