Political evolution toward liberalism.

I know in your world admitting to anything less than perfection may mean that you are full of shit, but that is simply not the case. Just because one does not have the cites at his fingerprints does not mean his point is invalid.

Do you have any proof that my claim was invalid?

1) You made a bullshit claim. You got called on it. You have posted on the board numerous times since with more diversionary bullshit. You have had plenty of time to produce evidence if it existed. But you haven't, because you CANNOT.

2) You are seriously asking me to prove a negative? It is your bullshit claim, it is yours to back up, not mine to disprove.
LMAO... ok Garud... you admitted you made the shit up... that is enough. We all knew that to be the case. Now you are getting overly defensive after having been called out on it.

If someone says, the sky is blue, and you ask for some documentation and that person says I don't have any documentation right now Ill try to get back to you..... Does that mean the sky is not blue? Does that mean the person was full of shit? Does that mean he is not correct?
If someone says, the sky is blue, and you ask for some documentation and that person says I don't have any documentation right now Ill try to get back to you..... Does that mean the sky is not blue? Does that mean the person was full of shit? Does that mean he is not correct?

More diversionary nonsense Garud?
If someone says, the sky is blue, and you ask for some documentation and that person says I don't have any documentation right now Ill try to get back to you..... Does that mean the sky is not blue? Does that mean the person was full of shit? Does that mean he is not correct?

Geruds arguments must be a never-ending source of mirth in his particular milieu...
pure fucking nonsense. They want to promote COMPETITION within schools. COMPETITION helps to raise the bar overall.

Pretending funding is an issue, shows you are simply a partisan hack on this issue. We pay more per capita for education than most developed nations, yet our education system sucks.
That's dumb as shit talking point water carrier
If someone says, the sky is blue, and you ask for some documentation and that person says I don't have any documentation right now Ill try to get back to you..... Does that mean the sky is not blue? Does that mean the person was full of shit? Does that mean he is not correct?

No simple factual point. Sorry you could not follow.

Tell us Garud... what is 'factual' about the first quote? You asked QUESTIONS. You did not state fact. Are you truly that retarded?
You owe him an answer first.

No, I do not. He made a claim. I asked him to back it up. He then tried to divert the topic with a question to me.

Anything else you want to whine about? Perhaps you could go on and on and on about being forced to ignore the guy you claim to hate/dislike etc... ???
How many of you Republicans are still admitting you were against West Point allowing women? Remember when this was a huge issue and many Republicans were so against it. Now to be against allowing women into a publically funded school would be political suicide.

The Right trails in social progress, the drag there feet and kick and scream until the tide is so strong they can no longer fight it, then they pretend they were always for it.

It will be the same with issues like this one.


Gay marriage in general...



this is an illusion. some social issues we are more liberal on but we are much more conservative these days on tax rates, fiscal issues, hell even drug laws. there used to be a time when heroin, cocaine, weed etc were all legal.

in some ways we are much more conservative today than in the past.
Completely fabricated bullshit Garud. Show us any evidence of such...

Here in Texas we have what's called the "Robin Hood" plan regarding our schools. Chapter 41 of the Texas Education Code stated the wealthier school districts pay more into the fund and the less well off school districts pay less.

Chapter 41 of the Texas Education Code makes provisions for certain school districts to share their local tax revenue with other school districts. For the purposes of the school finance system in Texas, districts are designated as either property wealthy or property poor. The relative wealth of the school district is measured in terms of the taxable value of property that lies within the school district borders divided by the number of students in weighted average daily attendance (WADA). Chapter 41's provisions are sometimes referred to as the "share the wealth" or "Robin Hood" plan because districts that are deemed to be property wealthy are required to share their wealth with property-poor school districts. The funds that are distributed by the property-wealthy districts are "recaptured" by the school finance system to assist with financing of public education in school districts that are property poor.


Now Texas Righties are trying to do away with the law...proof to back Jarod's claim.
this is an illusion. some social issues we are more liberal on but we are much more conservative these days on tax rates, fiscal issues, hell even drug laws. there used to be a time when heroin, cocaine, weed etc were all legal.

in some ways we are much more conservative today than in the past.

Do you at least acknowledge that being tough on drugs and wanting them to be illegal is a Conservative position?
Do you at least acknowledge that being tough on drugs and wanting them to be illegal is a Conservative position?

I would say a higher proportion of conservatives want that stuff banned, though I am not sure I am willing to say it's exclusively a conservative issue. Plenty of liberals are ardent fans of the war on drugs. Obama loves kicking down doors
Yup...just as I thought.

No answer from SF.

So in your whiny little world, he doesn't need to back up his claim, but I should have to answer his diversionary question?

Why do you give a fuck anyway Zap? Do you ever contribute to a thread discussion or do you just come on here to whine and bitch about how unfair the world is to you?