Political evolution toward liberalism.

Remember the last three summers when they were screaming about how the Euro was dead and the EU was falling apart and how it was all over for Federalism in Europe.
Throwing money at them does not necessarily make them work. Cutting their funding certainty does not making them work.

Another dim bulb who uses leftist union math to support his brain dead talking points. There are no cuts in education dimwit; merely reductions in the level of INCREASES. The teachers union used similar rhetoric in the State of California. They basically claimed reducing the annual INCREASE in spending from 5% to 3% was essentially a cut.

Yes, Democrats really are THAT stupid.
Here in Texas we have what's called the "Robin Hood" plan regarding our schools. Chapter 41 of the Texas Education Code stated the wealthier school districts pay more into the fund and the less well off school districts pay less.

Chapter 41 of the Texas Education Code makes provisions for certain school districts to share their local tax revenue with other school districts. For the purposes of the school finance system in Texas, districts are designated as either property wealthy or property poor. The relative wealth of the school district is measured in terms of the taxable value of property that lies within the school district borders divided by the number of students in weighted average daily attendance (WADA). Chapter 41's provisions are sometimes referred to as the "share the wealth" or "Robin Hood" plan because districts that are deemed to be property wealthy are required to share their wealth with property-poor school districts. The funds that are distributed by the property-wealthy districts are "recaptured" by the school finance system to assist with financing of public education in school districts that are property poor.


Now Texas Righties are trying to do away with the law...proof to back Jarod's claim.

Do you have something more substantive to back up the bolded part? Are Republicans merely doing away with the law, or are they trying to pass something more workable?

Do you actually think that money equals better education? Why?
Remember the last three summers when they were screaming about how the Euro was dead and the EU was falling apart and how it was all over for Federalism in Europe.

Who is this "they" you speak of? You don't believe that the European Union is in trouble? How do you arrive at that?
BRAVO; although I would not call it a "police" state just yet, merely Government dependency.

what would it take for you to call it a 'police' state? to be arrested for anything based upon a 'reasonable' officers idea of probable cause? to have your freedom and liberty assaulted by being arrested though you have committed no crime? to be denied the right to retain your freedom in the face of that unlawful arrest and if you do resist, be murdered for it and have your killer be given immunity for acting in the interests of the state? maybe just being forced to show your papers on any street corner simply because the police don't care for you exercising your rights? or does it take mass murder by agents of the government with the states approval?
what would it take for you to call it a 'police' state? to be arrested for anything based upon a 'reasonable' officers idea of probable cause? to have your freedom and liberty assaulted by being arrested though you have committed no crime? to be denied the right to retain your freedom in the face of that unlawful arrest and if you do resist, be murdered for it and have your killer be given immunity for acting in the interests of the state? maybe just being forced to show your papers on any street corner simply because the police don't care for you exercising your rights? or does it take mass murder by agents of the government with the states approval?

The day we can be arrested for walking on the street and prosecuted without representation and a jury of our peers will be that day.

None of the wild-eyed extreme propositions above apply here. Of course if you would like to cite actual cases where anyone in this country have been denied their Constitutional rights, I am all eyes and ears.

I still live in the REAL world; not a paranoid fantasyland.
maybe some of these nutters are coming down from the moutian of lies they have been taking introvieniously for decades
The day we can be arrested for walking on the street and prosecuted without representation and a jury of our peers will be that day.
so if a person is arrested, held without bail for a year or more, denied legal representation, and forced to submit a confession to a crime or face even more confinement with the above denials, THAT is a police state?

None of the wild-eyed extreme propositions above apply here. Of course if you would like to cite actual cases where anyone in this country have been denied their Constitutional rights, I am all eyes and ears.

I still live in the REAL world; not a paranoid fantasyland.
just so I can get an accurate gauge on what YOU consider reasonable as well as what constitutes a denial of constitutional rights, list them for me. list what YOU consider reasonable and what YOU consider a denial of rights.
Oh Ill be there just tell me where to stand

can I wear a bullet proof vest?

do you want me in front of the food court or the ticket booth?