
The tone of this thread dropped dramatically since jamie came on board.

But then, sarcasm, strife and sh*t-stirring are her raison d'etre.

I'm sure they will see that comment as justification for their childish behaviour. Better to put them all on ignore. They screwed up WOT and they seem hell bent on screwing up this place.
Jamie wouldn't know sarcasm if it bit her scrawny, unwanted arse.
Put them all on ignore? That's an excellent idea you have old chap. Go for it. Funny, everything was just fine here before y'all stampeded this board.

I'm sure they will see that comment as justification for their childish behaviour. Better to put them all on ignore. They screwed up WOT and they seem hell bent on screwing up this place.
Jamie wouldn't know sarcasm if it bit her scrawny, unwanted arse.
Johnny One-Note has spoken. Joining the ranks of one-hit wonders and has-been child actors.

It's old, Free.

Find a new insult.

Hope you make lots of friends here with this. How's it working for ya?

Try thinking before you open your pie-hole, next time.
Or did you forget your little snarky comment about IA??

I'm doing pretty good.
How are you doing, continuing your eternal victim stance??
Don't forget how this bastard revelled in talking about double penetration and sloppy seconds with Abysmal. All he's ever done is find out something about a poster and then endlessly repeat the same old shit. The girls naturally just lapped it up.

Speaking of "lapping it up", did all that pervious talk make you all hot and bothered.

I guess you'll now have to go find yourself a leather boy, for the rest of the evening.
Try thinking before you open your pie-hole, next time.
Or did you forget your little snarky comment about IA??

I'm doing pretty good.
How are you doing, continuing your eternal victim stance??

Now, now Free. Liz is supposed to get the pass because she's sick and all.

You must sit there and take it. It's the only "right thing" to do.
Whatever Darla posted on this board should have stayed on this board. Nobody on the WOT needed to read C&P's of her comments here, which were brought over by the stooges. Not to mention Code Pink pictures where dumbkis photoshopped a costume on Darla and started entire threads bashing her.

Shouldn't you then be telling Nurcats, Tom, froggie, and the rest, that what happened on the WOT board should have stayed there and not been brought over here??

Shouldn't you then be telling Nurcats, Tom, froggie, and the rest, that what happened on the WOT board should have stayed there and not been brought over here??


Not only that, but it was frog who spilled the beans about this board and all you have to do is read one darla post and you have read them all. She was easy to figure out after all the practice we have had with her and praks 100's of troll names.