
Well hello crotchedy old one. I see you were incapable of moving past message boards and occupying yourself with the higher pursuits of life, like actually having one, life that is.

Then again, playing with Tom, might be considered "The LIFE", eh old chap? :p

Pennies? P-shaw! You think wooden nickels are a treasure.

Now back to your life old man.

Here you are again squawking about our addiction to a message board, but I noticed you showed up and are still here, kettle black?

Harlequin, you never change! :clink:
I guess you've forgotten that Prak said you were meme on the WOT a long time ago.

And don't forget he also told us dumbkis was Ice Dancer, and that turned out to be true. :cof1:

They have forgotten more than they always seem to remember. I have an excuse, they are young (cough, cough) and that shouldn't be a problem with them, the forgetting part, I mean.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I already saw that. A lot of people join, but never post. If he did, it was very little.

Again, he was welcomed to this board on April 2, 2009 and that's a fact.

You rather like repeteive names, don't you? Abba (or whatever), SS. Tu Tu........... Meme!
And don't spin the discussion in my direction. I am not denying anything.
Frog was the one who told you I was meme and that's an outright lie. Of course, you lapped it up, like a good little doggie.

You rather like repeteive names, don't you? Abba (or whatever), SS. Tu Tu........... Meme!
And don't spin the discussion in my direction. I am not denying anything.
I've told you more than once where we heard the meme story but your obsession with Frog is getting in the way of your comprehension. :doh:

In any case, who gives a hoot? meme's the one who jumped all over us, not the other way around.

Frog was the one who told you I was meme and that's an outright lie. Of course, you lapped it up, like a good little doggie.
Here you are again squawking about our addiction to a message board, but I noticed you showed up and are still here, kettle black?

Harlequin, you never change! :clink:

Well actually Foggy...

Once I discovered that y'all were making such a fuss about people signing up here and not using there WOT screennames I decided to piss in your cornflakes and sign up with my screenname from the WOT.

Now I'll just wager those pm's should be wild and crazy going back and forth since I put up my "new Avatar". At least judging by all the visits to my profile y'all have made. I can see once again it takes the least amount of effort to get y'all in a veritable dither over the lamest stuff.

You guys are as predictable as a morning bowel movement!!

Thanks for the negative rep Foggy. Back at'cha with a positive one. Remember all that positive energy and stuff....

Now back to what y'all do best when we 'git'cha' :tantrum:
Cool Avatar, lady. Yahooooooooooooo!!

Well actually Foggy...

Once I discovered that y'all were making such a fuss about people signing up here and not using there WOT screennames I decided to piss in your cornflakes and sign up with my screenname from the WOT.

Now I'll just wager those pm's should be wild and crazy going back and forth since I put up my "new Avatar". At least judging by all the visits to my profile y'all have made. I can see once again it takes the least amount of effort to get y'all in a veritable dither over the lamest stuff.

You guys are as predictable as a morning bowel movement!!

Thanks for the negative rep Foggy. Back at'cha with a positive one. Remember all that positive energy and stuff....

Now back to what y'all do best when we 'git'cha' :tantrum:
Read what I said about that hon, and please stop being so obsessive about defending the liar.:rolleyes:


I've told you more than once where we heard the meme story but your obsession with Frog is getting in the way of your comprehension. :doh:

In any case, who gives a hoot? meme's the one who jumped all over us, not the other way around.
I only have a issue with people hiding behind new IDs, if they are open about it then there is no problem.

Well of course Your Majesty. We shall in the future pass everything by you first before we proceed. We know how you have to answer to the Queen and all.

How's Low doing anyways? Those Chinese herbs helping his gout? :fogey:
Hahahaha! You really can be charming at times Apple :)

I'll tell you a true story. Years ago I had a car accident and was hospitalized for months. When I came home I was taking strong pain meds.

Anyway, the government phoned and asked why I hadn't filed an income tax return. I explained I was hospitalized and would get on it shortly. It would take a couple of weeks as my cognitive functions were impaired and they didn't have to worry about my moving/skipping out because if I moved addresses I'd never find my way home. :)
Henry VIII had a servant called the Groom of the Stool, are you applying for the position?

No, I think one 'stool warmer' is enough in a guy's life, but if Low croaks, give me a jingle. I might be able to find a replacement.

I have extensive background in HR and headhunting.

By that time, we can use Low's head as a rearview mirror ornament.

Kind of in memoriam, ya know?

We know Low aint' going to heaven and he deserves an honored resting place.... :nolovejesus:
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No, I think one 'stool warmer' is enough in a guy's life, but if Low croaks, give me a jingle. I might be able to find a replacement.

I have extensive background in HR and headhunting.

By that time, we can use Low's head as a rearview mirror ornament.

Kind of in memoriam, ya know?

We know Low aint' going to heaven and he deserves an honored resting place.... :nolovejesus:

My goodness, you obsess about me even when you are talking to Tom. You really do have a problem, don't you? It's a nice day here. 26 degrees, bright sunshine. Just the day for sitting under the trees on the beach with some pretty female company. I had an amazing dinner the other day at one of the most expensive Vietnamese restaurants in town. All paid for by a very grateful young lady. Just thought you, of all people, would like to know.:pke:
My goodness, you obsess about me even when you are talking to Tom. You really do have a problem, don't you? It's a nice day here. 26 degrees, bright sunshine. Just the day for sitting under the trees on the beach with some pretty female company. I had an amazing dinner the other day at one of the most expensive Vietnamese restaurants in town. All paid for by a very grateful young lady. Just thought you, of all people, would like to know.:pke:


Thanks Free! I new the old fart DIDN'T have me on Ignore.

FOS as usual.... :nuke:

At present I only have the idiot with the van on ignore.
Why change the habit of a lunchtime. He was on everyone's IA list on WOT, it is only a matter of time before this forum will have grown tired of his childishness.