
Yes, I can and I'm proud of it. I have nothing to hide. I am highly suspicious that one in your cabal in particular sent you all an e-mail stating that meme was me. Are you going to deny this? You know who I am talking about. It's ludicrous and an outright lie. Then again, I never expected anything else from you.

The consensus of opinion was that you were meme. So can you confirm that you are Summersong18?
I am glad that you've cleared up the confusion, I will take your reply at face value.

Yes, I can and I'm proud of it. I have nothing to hide. I am highly suspicious that one in your cabal in particular sent you all an e-mail stating that meme was me. Are you going to deny this? You know who I am talking about. It's ludicrous and an outright lie. Then again, I never expected anything else from you.
Yes, I can and I'm proud of it. I have nothing to hide. I am highly suspicious that one in your cabal in particular sent you all an e-mail stating that meme was me. Are you going to deny this? You know who I am talking about. It's ludicrous and an outright lie. Then again, I never expected anything else from you.

I see Tom and Christie's obsession with you has transferred from the WOT.

This poor meme person. I hear though that private information is given out here to a select few. Of course, nothing definitive, but I would in the very least expect it to be valid information.

It doesn't take much for some of the usual suspects to go off on a fishing expedition.

It's all here in black and white, and now it looks like it still is on the WOT.

There must be an orgasmic sigh reverberating over the internet waves around the world. The guys can now go get a fresh pair of knickers and get back to the business of schoolyard shenanigans!!

Oh Happy Day! :clink:
I see Tom and Christie's obsession with you has transferred from the WOT.

This poor meme person. I hear though that private information is given out here to a select few. Of course, nothing definitive, but I would in the very least expect it to be valid information.

It doesn't take much for some of the usual suspects to go off on a fishing expedition.

It's all here in black and white, and now it looks like it still is on the WOT.

There must be an orgasmic sigh reverberating over the internet waves around the world. The guys can now go get a fresh pair of knickers and get back to the business of schoolyard shenanigans!!

Oh Happy Day! :clink:

They are like he schoolyard jump-rope rhymers

Ice cream soda, cherry on the top,
who's your friend I forgot...A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H

(and so on until the person stops jumping) You take the letter he/she lands on and think of a name of someone you know that begins with the letter.
I would wager that any independent bystander would be bewildered and dismayed as to why, a poster long deceased on the WOT board, should choose to resurrect herself for the primary reason of reopening old wounds.

I am glad that you've cleared up the confusion, I will take your reply at face value.
I guess you've forgotten that Prak said you were meme on the WOT a long time ago.

And don't forget he also told us dumbkis was Ice Dancer, and that turned out to be true. :cof1:

Yes, I can and I'm proud of it. I have nothing to hide. I am highly suspicious that one in your cabal in particular sent you all an e-mail stating that meme was me. Are you going to deny this? You know who I am talking about. It's ludicrous and an outright lie. Then again, I never expected anything else from you.
I knew the obsession wouldn't take long to transfer. The instigators of the meme saga owe her a huge apology.

I see Tom and Christie's obsession with you has transferred from the WOT.

This poor meme person. I hear though that private information is given out here to a select few. Of course, nothing definitive, but I would in the very least expect it to be valid information.

It doesn't take much for some of the usual suspects to go off on a fishing expedition.

It's all here in black and white, and now it looks like it still is on the WOT.

There must be an orgasmic sigh reverberating over the internet waves around the world. The guys can now go get a fresh pair of knickers and get back to the business of schoolyard shenanigans!!

Oh Happy Day! :clink:
I think that anyone with a dispassionate viewpoint would wonder why you felt the need to cover up your previous identities in the first place. Virtually everybody on here from the WOT have retained their original handles apart from you and Ice Dancer.

I knew the obsession wouldn't take long to transfer. The instigators of the meme saga owe her a huge apology.
I think that anyone with a dispassionate viewpoint would wonder why you felt the need to cover up your previous identities in the first place. Virtually everybody on here from the WOT have retained their original handles apart from you and Ice Dancer.

Still doing same old girly twitter Tom? WGAF what name anyone goes by? I never denied being me. I just ignored the skirts in the air gossip about it. Then there was your and Chris's habit of googling posters names and finding where else they visit and then posting that info.

Can you just drop the drama? Tu Tu is right, you all owe meme an apology...LOL
I think that anyone with a dispassionate viewpoint would wonder why you felt the need to cover up your previous identities in the first place. Virtually everybody on here from the WOT have retained their original handles apart from you and Ice Dancer.
Maybe they just like change. People here sometimes ask me to change current names, I oblige. Evince has been, in the past, deshrubinator, desrubinator, desh, and now evince, for instance.

They pretty much told everybody who they are, ID and Darla even knew who each were.
Well then you've said it yourself, people who change names usually volunteer the information themselves. Unless of course, they have something to hide.

Maybe they just like change. People here sometimes ask me to change current names, I oblige. Evince has been, in the past, deshrubinator, desrubinator, desh, and now evince, for instance.

They pretty much told everybody who they are, ID and Darla even knew who each were.
I would wager that any independent bystander would be bewildered and dismayed as to why, a poster long deceased on the WOT board, should choose to resurrect herself for the primary reason of reopening old wounds.

Oh for chrissakes Tom? Who died and annointed you the arbiter of any boards? You tried to pull this crap on the WOT, and acted as if people had to march lock-step with your thinking and if they didn't, suffer the daily onslaught of you and your buddy's crticisms.

YOU have brought the shit over here and almost from the very first posts you made you shit disturber!

You live for this strife and gossip. Day in, day out on the WOT you spewed your sophmoric crap on people you consider under you, you creep! You throw in a Christopher Hitchens piece and try and make it look like the reason you're here is for politics when your very words demonstrate you're a gossip Queen.

:gives:??? Only you and your girlfriends, that's who!
Well then you've said it yourself, people who change names usually volunteer the information themselves. Unless of course, they have something to hide.

LOL win an argument at any cost? Even if it's to your masculinity eh Tom? I have only been Ice Dancer here. TuTu has only been TuTu here. Neither of us has denied who we were, we just didn't find it neccesary to include you in the know from the jump.

Now, go apologise to meme would ya.
Maybe they just like change. People here sometimes ask me to change current names, I oblige. Evince has been, in the past, deshrubinator, desrubinator, desh, and now evince, for instance.

They pretty much told everybody who they are, ID and Darla even knew who each were.

Well everyone but meme, of course. that little fact kind of slipped right by, eh? :321:
Apologise for what exactly? Was this meme so mortified that she was mistaken for someone else that she ran screaming for the hills or is it more about you assuaging your perceived angst on her behalf?

LOL win an argument at any cost? Even if it's to your masculinity eh Tom? I have only been Ice Dancer here. TuTu has only been TuTu here. Neither of us has denied who we were, we just didn't find it neccesary to include you in the know from the jump.

Now, go apologise to meme would ya.
Yes, we all know who Darla is because dumbkis and her cohorts followed Darla here and brought all that info back to the WOT. Darla had the honor <sarcasm> of having her private information bandied around on two boards instead of just one.

Maybe they just like change. People here sometimes ask me to change current names, I oblige. Evince has been, in the past, deshrubinator, desrubinator, desh, and now evince, for instance.

They pretty much told everybody who they are, ID and Darla even knew who each were.