
I was waxing a little nostalgic Tom and had a hankering to see you publicly orgasm.

You're always UP for the job you little wanker!!! :eek:

Carry on Thomasina. Every time you open your mouth, the evidence is overwhelming.... :readit:

You GO GIRL!!!!

I note that your English is improving. Are you still hoping to replace your imagination with memories? Save your pennies, you might be able to pay someone.
I note that your English is improving. Are you still hoping to replace your imagination with memories? Save your pennies, you might be able to pay someone.

Well hello crotchedy old one. I see you were incapable of moving past message boards and occupying yourself with the higher pursuits of life, like actually having one, life that is.

Then again, playing with Tom, might be considered "The LIFE", eh old chap? :p

Pennies? P-shaw! You think wooden nickels are a treasure.

Now back to your life old man.
Going back over the posts on this thread, I can see where egordon started this. There was no reason to mention names, unless she just wanted to start trouble, which she did.

You are wrong, dear. These crones have been unmercifully attacking Liz (E Gordon) and Froggie for years. And when I say unmercifully I mean ridiculing cancer sufferers, etc. Now if you wish to join them please be my guest but do not think that the faces they show here accurately reflect their disgusting behaviour.
Well hello crotchedy old one. I see you were incapable of moving past message boards and occupying yourself with the higher pursuits of life, like actually having one, life that is.

Then again, playing with Tom, might be considered "The LIFE", eh old chap? :p

Pennies? P-shaw! You think wooden nickels are a treasure.

Now back to your life old man.

Oh come, come, dear. You can do better than that.