
Apparently SS and Kissie are here, see how long it takes you to work out who they are.

It is why it is up to us, the progressives to show them the road less traveled.

I enjoy your being here and you will raise the level of the bar and isn't that what progressives are all about? besides, there are those of us who would miss your perspective. I learn from and it and so, at least you have that in your court.
You'll get used to it, and if you have questions, don't be afraid to ask one of the staff or the old hats.

I've loosened the rules on new members so y'all can post links right away. I had a post limit for posting links, but with the influx of the new people it seemed to be more of an annoyance than a protection against ad-spammers.

Are you familiar with the aol message board format? It was rather simple, but if I selected a recent post, I could read all the posts that lead up to it. Is that option available here? I have chosen "threaded" here. Maybe I need to just poke a little longer.
Are you familiar with the aol message board format? It was rather simple, but if I selected a recent post, I could read all the posts that lead up to it. Is that option available here? I have chosen "threaded" here. Maybe I need to just poke a little longer.
I am unfamiliar with their format, but you do have the option to have threaded and to reverse the flow so that the latest post is at the top if you wish.

Maybe Froggie can give you some tips to make the site more like what you are used to.

There are several skins available as well.
Are you familiar with the aol message board format? It was rather simple, but if I selected a recent post, I could read all the posts that lead up to it. Is that option available here? I have chosen "threaded" here. Maybe I need to just poke a little longer.

Hi, good to see you. I hope you're feeling well.
Actually, maybe it's me, but I lean toward the format here. How many times at WOT did you have to scroll past the same cut & paste piece and silly sig lines to get where you wanted to be. 15 T. Jefferson quotes plus 12 Iron Crosses is a little much in order to get to the next post. It's more direct and instantaneous here.......I guess.

Be well!
Hi all,
I am Tom Prendergast, erstwhile refugee from the US and the War on Terror board. Hopefully there will be more to follow now that it has been shut down!!
Hi Tom, I think I'm finally here also. Which board are "we" on?
Tom, nur, bud and everyone else who has made the switch...good to see others are migrating to this site.

Glad to be here myself!

Zappa! Yeah, I didn't have your address, but I am glad others did!

I was thinking of singlemankenneth, Ricky and some of the others who may not know about this site and i don't have their full address...

It shouldn't be hard. Sheer volume would be a prime clue.
What is the need to change names wherever they go? Could it be embarrassment from the earlier incarnations?

i would be embarrassed, wouldn't you. they try to sneak up on us!
Hi, good to see you. I hope you're feeling well.
Actually, maybe it's me, but I lean toward the format here. How many times at WOT did you have to scroll past the same cut & paste piece and silly sig lines to get where you wanted to be. 15 T. Jefferson quotes plus 12 Iron Crosses is a little much in order to get to the next post. It's more direct and instantaneous here.......I guess.

Be well!
There are many great features too, like email alerts when someone has addressed a post you made and private message notices! Damo has done a great young! These young whippersnappers! I wish I could spend a day with him to learn about all the wonderful things you can do with your computer.
He is very willing to address problems and ways to improve the site. It keeps getting better all the time. there are also features where you may find posts that people have made and other topics that are similar to the ones you like to address. I am still learning to navigate this site myself, but it just keeps getting better all the time. like you said, it is nice not to have to see the "cross" and all the other obnoxious things!
Hi Tom, I think I'm finally here also. Which board are "we" on?

Nurcats, these guys have a TREE! I know you'll be thrilled. I just got here and don't know my way around, but have read some really interesting people. And some of the same old, same old.

Darlin' glad you came here, too.
Nurcats, these guys have a TREE! I know you'll be thrilled. I just got here and don't know my way around, but have read some really interesting people. And some of the same old, same old.

Darlin' glad you came here, too.

You will enjoy the conservatives on here, this forum has some very intelligent people and they are young! They have independent thought and don't just parrot the tired lines. Hey, it sounds like you!
Apparently SS and Kissie are here, see how long it takes you to work out who they are.

It didn't take long for me. Interesting that we on THIS side decided to assume our old AOL message board names or those closely related enough to be recognizible, but those on the OTHER side decided to try to disguise themselves. One exception: someone told me that USFreedom assumed his old name here. I only now need to know how to ignore author in this forum to fix that.

(By the way, THIS side means the caring, thinking population.) ON which side does everyone else think they are?
It didn't take long for me. Interesting that we on THIS side decided to assume our old AOL message board names or those closely related enough to be recognizible, but those on the OTHER side decided to try to disguise themselves. One exception: someone told me that USFreedom assumed his old name here. I only now need to know how to ignore author in this forum to fix that.

(By the way, THIS side means the caring, thinking population.) ON which side does everyone else think they are?

I believe it is in your profile area. Web is the only one I have on IA.
It should be on the drop-down on their post bit click their name in the top of the post and you should get a drop-down menu that should include "ignore user", you can ignore them, but then you can also add to that and ingore all threads started by them so they don't appear in searches...

That is something you have to tweak in your USERCP.

USFreedom has yet to post.
Obama disagrees with you. On his radio address today, he said that Afghanistan is where Al Qaeda trains, plots and threatens to launch their next attacks and that attack could be in any nation, which means that every nation has a stake in ensuring that our mission in Afghanistan succeeds. He's right.

No, the 9/11 terrorist were real, Al Qaeda was over- exaggerated by the Bush White House. they were not as organized, nor as large an organization as the White House would have us believe. They were in part not supported by their terrorist brothers and sister organizations. The other organizations had plans to bring down governments on a local level, like Egypt. Their groups were then brought under more intense observations and their local missions were often thwarted by the additional "aide" given to them by the CIA. they were not happy about the attention they were receiving and condemned Osama for his actions.

Al Qaeda, by Jason Burke