
Obama disagrees with you. On his radio address today, he said that Afghanistan is where Al Qaeda trains, plots and threatens to launch their next attacks and that attack could be in any nation, which means that every nation has a stake in ensuring that our mission in Afghanistan succeeds. He's right.

I think right now the economy is the biggest threat that we have in the world.

The fear I have is the take over of Pakistan and their nuclear weapons by radicals. I think that the Bush government and now the Obama government simplifies the convoluted world of terrorism for the general American public and that is why I read to find out what is really going on in the international community.
Hi, good to see you. I hope you're feeling well.
Actually, maybe it's me, but I lean toward the format here. How many times at WOT did you have to scroll past the same cut & paste piece and silly sig lines to get where you wanted to be. 15 T. Jefferson quotes plus 12 Iron Crosses is a little much in order to get to the next post. It's more direct and instantaneous here.......I guess.

Be well!

Hi, Belme. It's good to see you, too! While you have a point about the WOT format, if there was a post with 15 T. Jefferson quotes plus 12 Iron Crosses, well, I just passed it by, knowing the content was not worth my time. I'll get used to this one. I need to find the IA button over here.

And yes, I'm well. Still working on gaining a few pounds. Hubby took me down to the 'Quarter this morning for a Bloody Mary and a hearty breakfast al fresco. Beautiful day in New Orleans!
You will enjoy the conservatives on here, this forum has some very intelligent people and they are young! They have independent thought and don't just parrot the tired lines. Hey, it sounds like you!

Well, that was SUCH a compliment, but you're full of shit about the young part, at least when referring to me! Thanks for the invite over, froggie. I would have recognized you anywhere!
It should be on the drop-down on their post bit click their name in the top of the post and you should get a drop-down menu that should include "ignore user", you can ignore them, but then you can also add to that and ingore all threads started by them so they don't appear in searches...

That is something you have to tweak in your USERCP.

USFreedom has yet to post.

Thanks for the info. It will be useful. While I would love for all us refugees from the War on Terror Board to have somewhat of a clean slate coming here, there are some from there who may show up here that I don't need to tolerate. I lived well without them over there. I just needed to know that I can live well without them here.

Hi, Belme. It's good to see you, too! While you have a point about the WOT format, if there was a post with 15 T. Jefferson quotes plus 12 Iron Crosses, well, I just passed it by, knowing the content was not worth my time. I'll get used to this one. I need to find the IA button over here.

And yes, I'm well. Still working on gaining a few pounds. Hubby took me down to the 'Quarter this morning for a Bloody Mary and a hearty breakfast al fresco. Beautiful day in New Orleans!

I'm wading around here getting used to it too.
Spoil yourself! Getting the weight back on is an important part of getting yourself back to feeling well and confident. If I lived in NO, I'd be dragging the Contessa(for her health of course) for some of that Cajun or French cooking as often as possible, to say nothing of chicory coffee and beignets. Indulge yourself. it's good for you.
Again, because of the large influx of new members I have relaxed rules on post counts and Registered users can join and post in Social Groups if they are a member now without having to reach the 15 post limit and wait for their promotion to "verified user".
I'm wading around here getting used to it too.
Spoil yourself! Getting the weight back on is an important part of getting yourself back to feeling well and confident. If I lived in NO, I'd be dragging the Contessa(for her health of course) for some of that Cajun or French cooking as often as possible, to say nothing of chicory coffee and beignets. Indulge yourself. it's good for you.

I think you're the kind of husband that mine is: Indulgent. Well, hell, I scared the bejesus out of him with the cancer. He wants to keep me around. Now that the cancer is gone, and so is 20% of the body weight, he's trying to force food on me.

Taking me out for breakfast in the French Quarter was a brilliant move on his part. I ate. But the most important part of that is that I didn't throw up, part of my daily routine.

TMI, right? Sorry.

Hi Folks, its me SJJ, aka WetNoodle. I will contact Gomer about this new Spamarator Board, just kidding. We need to start passing the word around to everyone, not just yellow dog Democrats...LOL We need to contact Summer, Free, Ninja, Kismet, Gyski1, Zappy, Prakosh, King, No Limbaugh, Tammey, Dumbo, etc etc. For me to post here, we need the hole gang back, not just the Cabalistas...LOL
Oh, bloody hell. Just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water .....

Hi Folks, its me SJJ, aka WetNoodle. I will contact Gomer about this new Spamarator Board, just kidding. We need to start passing the word around to everyone, not just yellow dog Democrats...LOL We need to contact Summer, Free, Ninja, Kismet, Gyski1, Zappy, Prakosh, King, No Limbaugh, Tammey, Dumbo, etc etc. For me to post here, we need the hole gang back, not just the Cabalistas...LOL
I think you're the kind of husband that mine is: Indulgent. Well, hell, I scared the bejesus out of him with the cancer. He wants to keep me around. Now that the cancer is gone, and so is 20% of the body weight, he's trying to force food on me.

Taking me out for breakfast in the French Quarter was a brilliant move on his part. I ate. But the most important part of that is that I didn't throw up, part of my daily routine.

TMI, right? Sorry.

Be patient, it takes time, but, bit by bit, all the bad diminishes and the good comes back. My wife weighs exactly what she weighed when I met her, she looks as beautiful as the senorita I met 35 years ago. The hair's not all the way back but she's learned to style it to her satisfaction. Are you finished with the chemo and radiation yet? The nausea is a tough one but time will take care of that too. Has the Dr. varied the pills to find one that works?
Lack of stamina plagued my wife the most. She still has to be careful to remember that she's been sick and she's not in her 20s any more. The spirit is what's most important, everything else will follow. That's MY job.

Many thanks, Exalted Leader. Now froggie's group will get a new refugee!

Again, because of the large influx of new members I have relaxed rules on post counts and Registered users can join and post in Social Groups if they are a member now without having to reach the 15 post limit and wait for their promotion to "verified user".
Welcome folks and hope you can take full on every view in the world being spouted because that is what happens here.

If you came from a cave site ( one in which everyone on the site believes the exact same thing and just wacks each ohther off all day long) then you may be disappointed here.

Desh, errrr that's called a circle jerk.