Question for conservatives: Reason for racial disparity in prison population?

The disparity in value placed on education between white and black people is caused by a moral failure on behalf of black people.

The disparity in value placed on education between white and black people is caused by a biological failure on behalf of black people.
Well, on average, black culture places less of an emphasis on scholastic achievement. Also, with a higher single parent household rate, that makes it harder for the children to receive support from parents with things like studying and homework. Culturally, births out of wedlock are more accepted among black people. Some subsets of whites have this issue as well, but it's far more common among the black population.

That being said, there are subsets of blacks that are high achieving and have few single parent households. West Indian blacks tend to perform far better than the average black person here because of a greater emphasis on education. Thomas Sowell discusses this in many of his books and columns.

Why do white people value education more than black people?
The disparity in value placed on education between white and black people is caused by a moral failure on behalf of black people.

The disparity in value placed on education between white and black people is caused by a biological failure on behalf of black people.

it's more like a long history of the system not working for blacks, and even outright excluding them. of course, skepticism of the system is to be expected, and criminality slightly more accepted in the subculture.
it's more like a long history of the system not working for blacks, and even outright excluding them. of course, skepticism of the system is to be expected, and criminality slightly more accepted in the subculture.

So one of the effects of “a long history of the system not working for blacks and outright excluding them” is a greater likelihood of being imprisoned?

How does “a long history of the system not working for blacks and outright excluding them” lead to their increased imprisonment?

Can you expand on this “ “a long history of the system not working for blacks and outright excluding them”?
What adjectives would you use to describe a group of people who value education?

What adjectives would you use to describe a group of people who dont value education?
If we're looking at averages, the first statement is true.

As for the second statement, well, "The Bell Curve" does suggest that white people have a higher average IQ than black people. The question there becomes -- does IQ encompass all intelligence? I would argue it doesn't. I favor the 8 intelligences theory. IQ is just one of those 8.

So the second statement is false when looking at how broadly being "smart" should be defined.

Why do white people value education more than black people?
I wanted to see who was going to be cuck enough to blame the Democrats first. It was you. You win. :)

I merely pointed out that these conditions occur in predominantly democrat run locales. That is not aPortioning blame, but pointing out fact

I am sorry if that fact hurts your feels snowflake