Yes, there is a huge proportion of poor people in prison. They also cannot afford lawyers.
the system has worked for them longer.
Can you expand on that?
How does poverty lead to increased levels of incarceration?
desperate times call for desperate measures.
What conditions?
You don’t know?
I merely pointed out that these conditions occur in predominantly democrat run locales. That is not aPortioning blame, but pointing out fact
I am sorry if that fact hurts your feels snowflake
What effects did the war on poverty have on black people?
What type of desperation? Could you elaborate on what is causing this desperation?
Why do white people value education more than black people?
Poverty can often be a vicious cycle for certain cultures. A child raised in a broken home will often be more inclined towards crime, and then that child may grow up to produce a child in the same situation.
So black nationalism and the social safety net caused black people to value education less which led to the racial disparity in prison population.
What does valuing education less lead to that could cause black people to commit more crime?
What I mean is there seems to be a step missing in the process of that equation.
What is the link between valuing education less and committing more crime?
Like those cultures that were given billions of acres of stolen real estate in the 19th century, vs those that were slaves and excluded from the homestead acts and doomed to be eternal tenants in their homeland.
What is the link between valuing education and being less likely to go to jail?
True or false
The racial disparity in prison population is a moral failure on behalf of black people.
The racial disparity in prison population is a biological failure on behalf of black people.
Why are people who value education less more likely to commit crime?
What types of conditions are they living under?