Question for our gun enthusiast friends.

Would have thought we learned our lesson in the 20s, but I guess not.

Nope. We didn't. Since then, we've had the Bretton Woods crash (a cash crash during the Nixon years, brought about by policies from FDR finally coming to a head). The result was the abandonment of commodity money. It's just paper and electronic bits now.

The S&L crash of the Carter years, another cash crash as Carter tried to directly interfere with the S&L markets by implementing price controls and regulations.

The crash just after the Clinton years, and a direct result of price controls (interest rates too low for the market) on money, and the resulting speculation in the stock market that eventually collapsed as one giant pyramid scheme.

The housing market crash, a direct result of Bush keeping interest rates low, deregulating banks and real estate loans, a Clinton era mandate to make loans to 'the poor' (and unqualified), and the resulting speculation that came from it followed by the inevitable crash.

The one that is setting up even now, another cash crash, this time centered around student loan debt that cannot be repaid and the housing markets again.

A major one that is setting up even now, involving social security and medicare collapsing.

No, we don't seem to learn, do we?
Are you talking about the 20,000 laws written by the NRA Lobby to turn us back into the Wild West?
The NRA lobby doesn't write laws, dumbass.
Prepare yourself for a revolutionary change in gun laws as you know them.
Only if you want to start a war. People WILL defend their right to self defense, even against a rogue government.
Watch what becomes of the word "INFRINGED"! You'll have a better understanding of that term and also the word "Militia" before this is all through!
Changing the Constitution does not justify what you want.
You'll have to find something else, other than a couple of misplaced words in our Constitution, to use as an excuse from now on!
They are not misplaced. You are attempting to change the Constitution.
The NRA lobby doesn't write laws, dumbass.

Only if you want to start a war. People WILL defend their right to self defense, even against a rogue government.

Changing the Constitution does not justify what you want.

They are not misplaced. You are attempting to change the Constitution.

Maybe thinks the NRA is a 3rd house of Congress.
Maybe thinks the NRA is a 3rd house of Congress.

The NRA has bought and paid for- lock, stock, and barrel- every single Republican in the Senate!

WTF are you talking about?

How do you like the new do?

you can't be serious, right?

prepare yourself for alot of bodies

as will that it won't be tolerated and that we the people are the militia

no, we won't.

You do realize that he and others like him, will be saying this:

"Prepare yourself for a revolutionary change in gun laws as you know them."

for years; because they'll never admit that they're just stupid.

You do realize that he and others like him, will be saying this:

"Prepare yourself for a revolutionary change in gun laws as you know them."

for years; because they'll never admit that they're just stupid.

without a doubt, but I certainly want them to have fair warning that all of their idiocy and bluster will eventually come to a head