Why? That is exactly what they did. They did not fear the federal government. They guys writing, were the government. The country had just been established. But they feared England returning to stop the American experiment from taking root. England did in 1812.
Why? That is exactly what they did. They did not fear the federal government. They guys writing, were the government. The country had just been established. But they feared England returning to stop the American experiment from taking root. England did in 1812.
Why? That is exactly what they did. They did not fear the federal government. They guys writing, were the government. The country had just been established. But they feared England returning to stop the American experiment from taking root. England did in 1812.
every piece of documentation suggests that they feared a strong central government. the guys writing it were NOT the government because the government had not been elected yet. WE THE PEOPLE ratified the constitution that created the government. It is an idiotic notion that the only reason they created an army was to defend against England only.
what judicial activism?
It is the height of absolute stupidity to believe that the founding fathers and framers of the constitution (let alone ALL of the state delegates and the people that voted) would allow the newly created federal government any shred of power over their firearms after they had just won independence from their former central government that tried to impose power over their firearms.
ah, so this is your problem. you look at the constitution as a document that restricts the people when it is actually a document that restricts the government. your education failed you.
I'm trying not educate you on it. You refuse to learn.
Did Heller disturb any SCOTUS precedent?
What specifically do you consider judicial activism in Heller?
Surely it can not be the holding that the 2nd Amendment secures an individual right.
In Breyer's minority opinion, the dissenters all agreed that when examining the 2nd Amendment the "starting point . . . based on the Court's precedent and today’s opinions, [which[ the entire Court subscribes, [is that] the 2nd Amendment protects an “individual” right." (of course the dissenters decide to dismiss and ignore the determinations forced by that conclusion)
So, besides the dissenters going off on their goofy tangents, where's the activism?
They did not fear the current central government because it had almost no power which is why they wanted to revise it to create a stronger one. Many argued they acted illegally since they did more than revise the Articles but created an entirely new government. And, it did not require a unanimous vote to make those changes as the Articles required.
You have been arguing they can prohibit felons from owning firearms. Is that absolute stupidity?
where the hell did you learn that idiotic piece of bullshit history from?
It is basic American history. You aren't familiar with the Articles of Confederation and the constitutional convention called to revise the Articles because of the excessively weak central government? Apparently you are not smarter about American history.
i didn't say that the redid it because of the weakness, I said they feared a central government because of their experience. THAT is why they wrote a document that limits that federal government.
They certainly created a government that fractured governmental power as much as possible to keep any faction from gaining control (including a majority). But, they didn't fear a central government enough to keep them from changing from a government with all the power in the states to one with a much stronger central government that could tax the people directly, raise an army, coin money, and regulate interstate commerce--all things the Articles could not do. Certainly Hamilton did not fear a central government because he wanted the federal government to have power over the states.
They did not favor a Bill of Rights because they thought it unnecessary--that would have been a big mistake.
the power to tax people directly didn't exist at the time of the ratification of the constitution, so i'm left to believe that you know jack shit about most of the constitution or its history.
Can felons purchase firearms under federal law (unless restored)? If not, then it is because government has regulated that activity whether justified by the 2nd, 5th, interstate commerce clause, or other constitutional provision.
In 2017 the 3rd Circuit held prohibiting nonviolent felons from owning weapons is unconstitutional.