Questions for survivalists

It takes time to grow food. Again, one family struggling to survive is going to have a much harder time than a group of people.
Let's see, we're talking about a type of person who plans ahead, and you act as if they are going to wait until they crack open their last jar of peanut butter before they start worrying about what comes next? YOU are the one who plans on sitting on your dead useless ass until things go south, and then expect others to provide for you because you were too stupid and lazy to do for yourself. Survivalists plan ahead, including getting the next batch of food ready before current supplies run out. What the hell, maybe a bunch of us will go out and secure the granaries and warehouses - we are a hell of a lot closer than your city mobs.

LOL They'll have nothing to say as their supplies are gone. They are coming to join the group. The group is not coming to join them.
One, we are not so stupid as to allow our supplies to run out to zero before we start looking for more. Two: the only reason we would come within a country mile of your murdering mobs would be to take them out for the subhuman scum you are.

Watching people die by refusing to help when capable of doing so may not be a legal definition of murder but the person whose child dies will not parse the difference.
You assume the capability exists. When one stores for their family, they do not store for 100 other families. We are not these millionaires you keep complaining about who "should be able to feed 100" in your communist rants. The vast majority of us are little better oof - if at all - than the average. Some of us would even be considered poor, such as a good friend of mine who lives in a 10X50 mobile home with his wife and daughter. He, too, stores food in the event of a long term wide spread disaster.

You may think it reasonable for people to starve their own children so we can feed your sorry lazy "it's unnecessary to have long term stores for emergencies" egocentric assholes. We don't.

And if society is rebuilt along the lines you suggest, I would be happy to die FIGHTING your sorry totalitarian subhuman asses. Because your idea would be the end of anything even remotely resembling freedom. Of course, I'd be even happier making your type die for your pitiful cause, and let your cause die with you.
And if society is rebuilt along the lines you suggest, I would be happy to die FIGHTING your sorry totalitarian subhuman asses. Because your idea would be the end of anything even remotely resembling freedom. Of course, I'd be even happier making your type die for your pitiful cause, and let your cause die with you.

Spoken like am insane, murderous asshole. Semper Fi, fuckface.
Spoken like am insane, murderous asshole. Semper Fi, fuckface.

Murderous? What has been described is nothing short of the ruination of the USA. The idea that those who planned should be vindictively burned out and their property taken by force, and that is fine. But if they defend their homes they are murderers and will be compared to serial killers?

Your credibility is nil.
Let's see, we're talking about a type of person who plans ahead, and you act as if they are going to wait until they crack open their last jar of peanut butter before they start worrying about what comes next? YOU are the one who plans on sitting on your dead useless ass until things go south, and then expect others to provide for you because you were too stupid and lazy to do for yourself. Survivalists plan ahead, including getting the next batch of food ready before current supplies run out. What the hell, maybe a bunch of us will go out and secure the granaries and warehouses - we are a hell of a lot closer than your city mobs.

Either you're going to go out and do something or cower in your basement. What's it going to be? And who is going to "mind the store" while you're gone? Looks like you still have a bit more planning to do.

Everyone needs a purpose or goal in life and if storing food in ones basement satisfies that need I suppose it's harmless enough. Like stamp collecting, I imagine. As the shelves fill up it can be likened to a book of stamps.

Taking inventory, rotating stock, labeling....each task reinforcing a false sense of security and accomplishment but we all have our pleasures, I guess.
Either you're going to go out and do something or cower in your basement. What's it going to be? And who is going to "mind the store" while you're gone? Looks like you still have a bit more planning to do. Everyone needs a purpose or goal in life and if storing food in ones basement satisfies that need I suppose it's harmless enough. Like stamp collecting, I imagine. As the shelves fill up it can be likened to a book of stamps. Taking inventory, rotating stock, labeling....each task reinforcing a false sense of security and accomlishment but we all have our pleasures, I guess.

The childish, sadistic glee with which these GI Joe wannabes dream about murdering their unarmed neighbors highlights the sickness at the heart of rightwing survivalism, and exposes the hollowness of their Christianity.
Murderous? What has been described is nothing short of the ruination of the USA. The idea that those who planned should be vindictively burned out and their property taken by force, and that is fine. But if they defend their homes they are murderers and will be compared to serial killers?

Your credibility is nil.

Wasn't the country built on a common sense of purpose? People working together.

The ruining of the country is being accomplished by those who have the same attitude as the survivalists, everyone for themselves. Grab all one can and to hell with everyone else.
Wasn't the country built on a common sense of purpose? People working together. The ruining of the country is being accomplished by those who have the same attitude as the survivalists, everyone for themselves. Grab all one can and to hell with everyone else.

You've described the modern Republican ethos - "I got mine".

The Teabaggers and their cynical corporate masters have promulgated a zero-sum view of the world that has permeated American society with the putrid stench of selfishness and greed.

Rightwing survivalism is the insane love child of the Christian apocalypic vision and the crazed paranoia of the white fundamentalist.

The resentment, fear and rage that burn in the hearts of "real Americans" find an outlet in the paramilitary Doomsday fantasies of the survivalist.

In their nightmare dream world they can avenge their imagined slights and assuage their feverish fear by preparing for armed "defense" in a scenario that will never come - or if it does, will obliterate them and their puny preparations in short order.
The childish, sadistic glee with which these GI Joe wannabes dream about murdering their unarmed neighbors highlights the sickness at the heart of rightwing survivalism, and exposes the hollowness of their Christianity.

It's unfortunate their lives are empty and they find fulfillment in preparing for the worst rather than working for the good of all. When it comes to their professed belief in Christianity which includes the belief God will look after things and man is not to involve himself in undue worry about the future it appears they lack considerable faith. Their motto seems to be the good Lord will not provide for the needy and neither will they.
It's unfortunate their lives are empty and they find fulfillment in preparing for the worst rather than working for the good of all. When it comes to their professed belief in Christianity which includes the belief God will look after things and man is not to involve himself in undue worry about the future it appears they lack considerable faith. Their motto seems to be the good Lord will not provide for the needy and neither will they.

The phrase "fear not" appears numerous times in the Bible.

It's sad that the rightwing Christian skips those words when they're picking out the parts they like to justify persecuting those they fear and hate.

The JPP survivalist seeks to conceal the true nature of their sickness, and fails.

Rooted in fear, nurtured by hate.

The sickening sentiments these animals express on "their" websites and blogs, where they mistakenly assume "it's just us" are truly disgusting.
Either you're going to go out and do something or cower in your basement. What's it going to be? And who is going to "mind the store" while you're gone? Looks like you still have a bit more planning to do.

Everyone needs a purpose or goal in life and if storing food in ones basement satisfies that need I suppose it's harmless enough. Like stamp collecting, I imagine. As the shelves fill up it can be likened to a book of stamps.

Taking inventory, rotating stock, labeling....each task reinforcing a false sense of security and accomplishment but we all have our pleasures, I guess.

I can do both. I can plant a garden without abandoning my home. I do not plan to be alone in this endeavor, so we can do both.

I have several goals in life. The preparations are certainly not my purpose in life. We started with a large stock of canned goods and we shop weekly. It is not much of a task. Not much more than making sure the batteries in our smoke detectors are good and the fire extinguishers are up to date.

The only portion of my preparedness that gets much attention is the firearms. And that is because we all like to shoot and I hunt. But that is just a matter of keeping them in good working order and clean. When I buy ammo I buy more than I need. That way I have plenty, we can shoot when we want, I the recent price fluctuations are not as much of a pinch.
The childish, sadistic glee with which these GI Joe wannabes dream about murdering their unarmed neighbors highlights the sickness at the heart of rightwing survivalism, and exposes the hollowness of their Christianity.

More bullshit. Who here dreams of killing anyone? We have talked about defending our homes. If you are going to simply make up shit don't pretend to be participating in the actual discussion.
Either you're going to go out and do something or cower in your basement. What's it going to be? And who is going to "mind the store" while you're gone? Looks like you still have a bit more planning to do.

Everyone needs a purpose or goal in life and if storing food in ones basement satisfies that need I suppose it's harmless enough. Like stamp collecting, I imagine. As the shelves fill up it can be likened to a book of stamps.

Taking inventory, rotating stock, labeling....each task reinforcing a false sense of security and accomplishment but we all have our pleasures, I guess.
YOU were the one who came up with the "cower in the basement" you fucking liar. Go ahead and mock. You are clueless, less than clueless. You have made up no less that 4 different reasons why it is a bad idea to stock for a long term disaster, from claiming subhuman mobs of savages would be justified in murdering us for what we took the time and effort to store, to the pitiful idea that a rebuilt society will shun us for being independently able to survive (labeled "selfish"), all the way to threatening that Central America would invade and take our stores. It is pitiful the way you grasp at outright moronic reasons it is wrong.

Well, too bad for you that you have to demonize everything that goes against your ideology of absolute government dependence. Truly pitiful that someone is so hopelessly frightened of independence they must advocate tyranny to feel safer. You advocate cooperation while completely ignoring the fact that we have explained our plans to cooperate with other survivalists in our areas.

Here is the bottom line: if we never need our stores, we will eat well, and cheaper than most because buying bulk is always less expensive. If we need our stores for a short term disaster, we will eat well, and even be able to assist others in eating well. (ever think of that you useless piece of shit - that long term stores can be used to help more people in a short term disaster?) And if we do, indeed, end up facing a wide spread long term disaster, we will also eat, though not quite as well because we will want to stretch our stores.

And if we do ever face a long term, wide spread disaster, YOU will die. But better for you, because you could never handle the society based on individual freedom and personal responsibility that will rise in place of the current corrupt and oppressive mommy government mess you progressives have managed to thrust on the rest of us the last 50 years.
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Wasn't the country built on a common sense of purpose? People working together.

The ruining of the country is being accomplished by those who have the same attitude as the survivalists, everyone for themselves. Grab all one can and to hell with everyone else.

Or by the people who insist that those who work for, plan for and put for the effort necessary to having a good life be forced to take care of those who don't work, don't plan and put forth little effort. That is as ruinous as any survivalist.
You've described the modern Republican ethos - "I got mine".

The Teabaggers and their cynical corporate masters have promulgated a zero-sum view of the world that has permeated American society with the putrid stench of selfishness and greed.

Rightwing survivalism is the insane love child of the Christian apocalypic vision and the crazed paranoia of the white fundamentalist.

The resentment, fear and rage that burn in the hearts of "real Americans" find an outlet in the paramilitary Doomsday fantasies of the survivalist.

In their nightmare dream world they can avenge their imagined slights and assuage their feverish fear by preparing for armed "defense" in a scenario that will never come - or if it does, will obliterate them and their puny preparations in short order.

Yeah, if you can't debate you may as well just make up whatever you want about the people don't believe as you do. Its easier than actual facts.
It's unfortunate their lives are empty and they find fulfillment in preparing for the worst rather than working for the good of all. When it comes to their professed belief in Christianity which includes the belief God will look after things and man is not to involve himself in undue worry about the future it appears they lack considerable faith. Their motto seems to be the good Lord will not provide for the needy and neither will they.

What a load of meadow muffins. How in the hell can you make blanket statements about our lives based solely on this topic?

Our lives are empty? WTF? If it makes you feel superior to ignore reality and to try and look down on us you might look at your own motivations for that.
Lighten up a little, chaps.

Everything is going to be fine (and if the worst happens i'll kindly post you all some food, because i'm nice like that).
YOU were the one who came up with the "cower in the basement" you fucking liar. Go ahead and mock. You are clueless, less than clueless. You have made up no less that 4 different reasons why it is a bad idea to stock for a long term disaster, from claiming subhuman mobs of savages would be justified in murdering us for what we took the time and effort to store, all the way to threatening that Central America would invade and take our stores. It is pitiful the way you grasp at outright moronic reasons it is wrong.

Well, too bad for you that you have to demonize everything that goes against your ideology of absolute government dependence. Truly pitiful that someone is so hopelessly frightened of independence they must advocate tyranny to feel safer.

Here is the bottom line: if we never need our stores, we will eat well, and cheaper than most because buying bulk is always less expensive. If we need our stores for a short term disaster, we will eat well, and even be able to assist others in eating well. (ever think of that you useless piece of shit - that long term stores can be used to help more people in a short term disaster?) And if we do, indeed, end up facing a wide spread long term disaster, we will also eat, though not quite as well because we will want to stretch our stores.

And if we do ever face a long term, wide spread disaster, YOU will die. But better for you, because you could never handle the society based on individual freedom and personal responsibility that will rise in place of the current corrupt and oppressive mommy government mess you progressives have managed to thrust on the rest of us the last 50 years.

"If we need our stores for a short term disaster, we will eat well, and even be able to assist others in eating well. (ever think of that you useless piece of shit - that long term stores can be used to help more people in a short term disaster?) And if we do, indeed, end up facing a wide spread long term disaster, we will also eat, though not quite as well because we will want to stretch our stores."

Hello? If you use the long term stores to feed the hungry during a short term disaster you won't have any left for the long term. And just how do you intend on determining a short term disaster from a long term disaster? The truth is you won't know the length of the disaster until you determine help is on the way.

That's a rather sleazy move; offering to help after knowing help is on the way. No doubt some will claim it was their Christian beliefs that compelled them to share even though they knew they wouldn't require the supplies they offered.

Sounds like a well played Republican move.
What a load of meadow muffins. How in the hell can you make blanket statements about our lives based solely on this topic?

Our lives are empty? WTF? If it makes you feel superior to ignore reality and to try and look down on us you might look at your own motivations for that.

It's not difficult to make a blanket statement after reading the responses. It's like some people look forward to a crisis. In any case it's apparent they definitely enjoy the preparation. Strange behavior for one who is enjoying their current life, is it not?