Questions for survivalists

Or by the people who insist that those who work for, plan for and put for the effort necessary to having a good life be forced to take care of those who don't work, don't plan and put forth little effort. That is as ruinous as any survivalist.

The problem is most people's success is a result of luck and circumstance, however, they invariably attribute it to hard work and planning thereby disparaging others. If there are 10 jobs and 100 applicants, which is not unusual today, 90 people will be unemployed regardless of what effort they may have put in.

The second problem is the disparity in "wages". Does any human being deserve 100 times that of the average person? That's 100 homes and 100 cars and 100 times the amount of food and clothing. That's what a person earning 5 million a year is entitled to. And there are others earning 25 and 50 million a year. 500 or 1000 times the average person.

Unless one feels everything is infinite it means hundreds of families are doing without because of one person. That arrangement can not be sustained indefinitely.
It's not difficult to make a blanket statement after reading the responses. It's like some people look forward to a crisis. In any case it's apparent they definitely enjoy the preparation. Strange behavior for one who is enjoying their current life, is it not?

You asked a question of those who prepare for a crisis. Then you tried to point out that mobs would take the food and/or burn us out.

We simply replied and stated our intent to protect our homes and families.

The preparations are not time consuming at all. Your generalizations are nonsense.
The problem is most people's success is a result of luck and circumstance, however, they invariably attribute it to hard work and planning thereby disparaging others. If there are 10 jobs and 100 applicants, which is not unusual today, 90 people will be unemployed regardless of what effort they may have put in.

How is my saying my success is the result of hard work in any disparaging anyone else?? I got my job because I was the most qualified that wanted the job for what they were paying. I have worked my ass off to make the safety program a success and thereby adding to the success of the company. Luck and circumstance? Hell, you can say that everyone is alive due to luck and circumstance. But to dismiss the work I put into my career and the planning for my future is simply ignoring what separates me from the ones that were here and then were let go because they weren't worth keeping.

The second problem is the disparity in "wages". Does any human being deserve 100 times that of the average person? That's 100 homes and 100 cars and 100 times the amount of food and clothing. That's what a person earning 5 million a year is entitled to. And there are others earning 25 and 50 million a year. 500 or 1000 times the average person.

Not sure what relevance this has to the topic. None of those participating make $5 million a year.
"If we need our stores for a short term disaster, we will eat well, and even be able to assist others in eating well. (ever think of that you useless piece of shit - that long term stores can be used to help more people in a short term disaster?) And if we do, indeed, end up facing a wide spread long term disaster, we will also eat, though not quite as well because we will want to stretch our stores."

Hello? If you use the long term stores to feed the hungry during a short term disaster you won't have any left for the long term. And just how do you intend on determining a short term disaster from a long term disaster? The truth is you won't know the length of the disaster until you determine help is on the way.

That's a rather sleazy move; offering to help after knowing help is on the way. No doubt some will claim it was their Christian beliefs that compelled them to share even though they knew they wouldn't require the supplies they offered.

Sounds like a well played Republican move.
Well, unlike you, I actually have a functional brain. It is not that difficult to know a short term disaster from a long term one, at least for thinking people. Of course, those who cannot have any moments of cognition without the pre-approval of their political masters may have difficulty, but that is because you have nothing left in your empty progressive head that resembles a thinking brain. If the apparent differences between short term disasters and long term even need to be explained, it is highly doubtful you can comprehend the explanation. The idea that THINKING people would have to wait until your precious mommy government takes action to know long term from short term just shows how incapable you are of anything resembling cognition. Go back to your political masters and have them replace your thought control device - they have obviously short changed you.

You really are pathetic beyond comprehension. It is apparent that you are so beyond the bend you can't even see the bend any more. Poor, pathetic, moronic fool, with nothing in your life but to disparage those who actually have the ability to take care of themselves without depending on your precious mommy government. Perhaps you would be happier if you simply checked yourself into an institution that will take care of you like the little infant you obviously desire to return to.
Not sure what relevance this has to the topic. None of those participating make $5 million a year.
In Apple's world, there are only two types:

1: the poor who deserve everything handed to them on a silver platter with gold plate utensils just because they happen to exist, and

2: the rich, whose fault it is the poor aren't rich, and therefore are responsible to hand the poor everything they desire.

Since we are not so poor that we depend on his precious mommy government for our survival, we must be one of the rich. The idea that people can actually WORK to better themselves is beyond Apple's ability to comprehend.
You asked a question of those who prepare for a crisis. Then you tried to point out that mobs would take the food and/or burn us out.

We simply replied and stated our intent to protect our homes and families.

The preparations are not time consuming at all. Your generalizations are nonsense.

Preparing supplies for a family for six months is not time-consuming? If you say so.
How is my saying my success is the result of hard work in any disparaging anyone else?? I got my job because I was the most qualified that wanted the job for what they were paying. I have worked my ass off to make the safety program a success and thereby adding to the success of the company. Luck and circumstance? Hell, you can say that everyone is alive due to luck and circumstance. But to dismiss the work I put into my career and the planning for my future is simply ignoring what separates me from the ones that were here and then were let go because they weren't worth keeping.

Msg 535
Or by the people who insist that those who work for, plan for and put for the effort necessary to having a good life be forced to take care of those who don't work, don't plan and put forth little effort. That is as ruinous as any survivalist.

Not sure what relevance this has to the topic. None of those participating make $5 million a year.

The relevance being if they made less (net) then others would have more resulting in others being able to prepare for a crisis.
Maybe our camo-clad "fear-oes" should read this book instead of pretending to follow it.

Well, unlike you, I actually have a functional brain. It is not that difficult to know a short term disaster from a long term one, at least for thinking people. Of course, those who cannot have any moments of cognition without the pre-approval of their political masters may have difficulty, but that is because you have nothing left in your empty progressive head that resembles a thinking brain. If the apparent differences between short term disasters and long term even need to be explained, it is highly doubtful you can comprehend the explanation. The idea that THINKING people would have to wait until your precious mommy government takes action to know long term from short term just shows how incapable you are of anything resembling cognition. Go back to your political masters and have them replace your thought control device - they have obviously short changed you.

You really are pathetic beyond comprehension. It is apparent that you are so beyond the bend you can't even see the bend any more. Poor, pathetic, moronic fool, with nothing in your life but to disparage those who actually have the ability to take care of themselves without depending on your precious mommy government. Perhaps you would be happier if you simply checked yourself into an institution that will take care of you like the little infant you obviously desire to return to.

So tell me, are you a pathetic little fool who depends on a company to supply electricity? Water? Traffic lights?

Are you a pathetic little fool who depends on the government to protect you from terrorists? If not, then you must be in favor of Obama bringing all the troops home.

Where do you stand beside bent over in your crawl space?
In Apple's world, there are only two types:

1: the poor who deserve everything handed to them on a silver platter with gold plate utensils just because they happen to exist, and

2: the rich, whose fault it is the poor aren't rich, and therefore are responsible to hand the poor everything they desire.

Since we are not so poor that we depend on his precious mommy government for our survival, we must be one of the rich. The idea that people can actually WORK to better themselves is beyond Apple's ability to comprehend.

Talking about comprehension it's you who has the problem. Becoming rich has more to do with luck and circumstance than actually working. If you believe it's just a matter of working then share your knowledge. Post ads stating jobs available. Let the people know where to go for a job.

I'm sure there are a few posters here who either seek a job or know someone who does. If it's just a matter of working let's get this done. Where do they go to work?
Either you're going to go out and do something or cower in your basement. What's it going to be? And who is going to "mind the store" while you're gone? Looks like you still have a bit more planning to do.

Everyone needs a purpose or goal in life and if storing food in ones basement satisfies that need I suppose it's harmless enough. Like stamp collecting, I imagine. As the shelves fill up it can be likened to a book of stamps.

Taking inventory, rotating stock, labeling....each task reinforcing a false sense of security and accomplishment but we all have our pleasures, I guess.

you say this like we're going to be all alone. where did you get that idea?
Talking about comprehension it's you who has the problem. Becoming rich has more to do with luck and circumstance than actually working. If you believe it's just a matter of working then share your knowledge. Post ads stating jobs available. Let the people know where to go for a job.

I'm sure there are a few posters here who either seek a job or know someone who does. If it's just a matter of working let's get this done. Where do they go to work?
Bullshit, squared and cubed. The only LUCK in being wealthy is being born to wealth. People who get wealthy on their own (and there are still many who do) do so by a combination of intelligence (which you totally lack, so I can see your inability to understand) and hard work. Bad luck can play a role, setbacks and such, but you look at any self-made millionaire, and you will see a person who got there by working hard, and not letting bad luck deter them.

People want a job, their local paper has the classified section. And there is always the local state run employment service who invariably have a goodly number of jobs that go unfilled every day. Today's local paper for my area has 80 jobs listed - not bad for a small community and a Saturday paper. The Sunday paper always has 3-4 times as many as the Saturday paper. The Denver Post has over 2000 jobs listed, again, in the Saturday edition. Those who choose to hopelessly sit around at home because the jobs available don't pay what they want, I have little sympathy. A person with a low paying job that seeks a better one has a better chance at that job when it comes, than does the one who chose to sit around on the public dime waiting for the better paying job, not to mention being less of a strain on government assistance. Proving the willingness to work by actively working at a low paying job instead of sitting around waiting for something better is one of the biggest positives one can put on a job application.

Of course, those who get rich seldom do so by seeking to work for others. They do so by making their own job, and getting people to pay them to do it, whether their self-made job is a product or a service. Those who make themselves rich often start out small - and poor - and bust themselves to improve their lot, building on each success and never letting a setback lower their determination.

Oh, and just to make things clear, those who are self-made millionaires also supply the vast majority of those jobs you are demanding I point out.
So tell me, are you a pathetic little fool who depends on a company to supply electricity? Water? Traffic lights?
I pay a private company for the electricity and natural gas I use. Value given for value received - that is hardly dependence. I also buy canned goods, is that dependence? I buy nylon rope. Is that dependence? I have a well with and electric pump and windmill backup. LOCAL government runs our traffic lights, though we could probably get by with 4-way stop signs if we wanted to.

Are you a pathetic little fool who depends on the government to protect you from terrorists? If not, then you must be in favor of Obama bringing all the troops home.
Actually, for 40 years I was one of those protecting others from things like terrorists. You are REALLY getting pathetically desperate, aren't you? What does support of nations defense measures have to do with preparing for wide spread long term disaster? The pathetic little fool is the one that stares back at you out of the mirror.

Where do you stand beside bent over in your crawl space?
LOL What a useless fucking loser you are. You are so bad off, pathetic is woefully inadequate description. You are beyond contempt, and becoming actually boring in your mindless pursuit of demonizing those who think differently than you do. I participate in this site to relieve boredom, not dwell in it. Since you have been forced to retreat into troll type responses and utter useless nonsense, there is nothing left to say.
Your community, county, and state get federal aid, don't they?

Businesses you patronize get tax breaks, police and fire protection, and other government services, don't they?

You take veterans benefits, don't you?

Msg 535

The relevance being if they made less (net) then others would have more resulting in others being able to prepare for a crisis.

Preparation is not about being rich. It is about taking the time and effort to do so. Most people I know who have stored food & supplies are anything but rich.