Questions for survivalists

Bullshit, squared and cubed. The only LUCK in being wealthy is being born to wealth. People who get wealthy on their own (and there are still many who do) do so by a combination of intelligence (which you totally lack, so I can see your inability to understand) and hard work. Bad luck can play a role, setbacks and such, but you look at any self-made millionaire, and you will see a person who got there by working hard, and not letting bad luck deter them.

People want a job, their local paper has the classified section. And there is always the local state run employment service who invariably have a goodly number of jobs that go unfilled every day. Today's local paper for my area has 80 jobs listed - not bad for a small community and a Saturday paper. The Sunday paper always has 3-4 times as many as the Saturday paper. The Denver Post has over 2000 jobs listed, again, in the Saturday edition. Those who choose to hopelessly sit around at home because the jobs available don't pay what they want, I have little sympathy. A person with a low paying job that seeks a better one has a better chance at that job when it comes, than does the one who chose to sit around on the public dime waiting for the better paying job, not to mention being less of a strain on government assistance. Proving the willingness to work by actively working at a low paying job instead of sitting around waiting for something better is one of the biggest positives one can put on a job application.

Of course, those who get rich seldom do so by seeking to work for others. They do so by making their own job, and getting people to pay them to do it, whether their self-made job is a product or a service. Those who make themselves rich often start out small - and poor - and bust themselves to improve their lot, building on each success and never letting a setback lower their determination.

Oh, and just to make things clear, those who are self-made millionaires also supply the vast majority of those jobs you are demanding I point out.

Are you saying most people prefer government handouts to getting a job? If so, having checked out government handouts your description of "low paying" job must be the greatest understatement this year.

However, you are honest when you write, "Of course, those who get rich seldom do so by seeking to work for others. They do so by making their own job...Oh, and just to make things clear, those who are self-made millionaires also supply the vast majority of those jobs you are demanding I point out."

Of course. Again, everyone would make their own job if they had the insight and ability. The point being it is not due to them lacking a work ethic. And those who do create jobs become wealthy off the labor of others which means the wealthy do not become wealthy due a greater work ethic, at least not on their part.

Is that so difficult to follow?
I pay a private company for the electricity and natural gas I use. Value given for value received - that is hardly dependence. I also buy canned goods, is that dependence? I buy nylon rope. Is that dependence? I have a well with and electric pump and windmill backup. LOCAL government runs our traffic lights, though we could probably get by with 4-way stop signs if we wanted to.

And some people pay a government for roads and the military and medical care and child supervision centers and....It's hardly dependence.

Actually, for 40 years I was one of those protecting others from things like terrorists. You are REALLY getting pathetically desperate, aren't you? What does support of nations defense measures have to do with preparing for wide spread long term disaster? The pathetic little fool is the one that stares back at you out of the mirror.

Ahhh, so you determine which government services are required. Should they build highways/interstate but ignore citizens in crisis?

LOL What a useless fucking loser you are. You are so bad off, pathetic is woefully inadequate description. You are beyond contempt, and becoming actually boring in your mindless pursuit of demonizing those who think differently than you do. I participate in this site to relieve boredom, not dwell in it. Since you have been forced to retreat into troll type responses and utter useless nonsense, there is nothing left to say.

As I previously stated everyone needs a purpose or goal in life and if storing food in ones basement satisfies that need I suppose it's harmless enough. Taking inventory, rotating stock, labeling....each task reinforcing a false sense of security and accomplishment but we all have our pleasures, I guess.
We buy groceries. When we shop, we buy a little extra every time. Does that sound difficult and time consuming?

So you just place the canned goods on the shelf and they stay there, year after year? You have no list of what you have or keep it up to date? I suggest you check that bag of flour that has been sitting down there for the last 10 years. You may be surprised at what you find.
Preparation is not about being rich. It is about taking the time and effort to do so. Most people I know who have stored food & supplies are anything but rich.

That may be so but there are many more who can not afford to eat properly today so to expect them to have a reserve of food for months is just silly.
So...your friends & relatives are as pathetic as you are? Unsurprising.

Ahhh, naivety. All those well-to-do folks kept their shoulder to the wheel, their nose to the grindstone, sacrificed the little pleasures to get where they are.

Unfortunately, one day reality is going to hit you hard and you're not going to like it.
So you just place the canned goods on the shelf and they stay there, year after year? You have no list of what you have or keep it up to date? I suggest you check that bag of flour that has been sitting down there for the last 10 years. You may be surprised at what you find.

I think knowing what is on the shelves is not difficult. You place on one side and pull off the other side. Not tough. Even with a list, it is hardly a full-time job or even a serious hobby.
That may be so but there are many more who can not afford to eat properly today so to expect them to have a reserve of food for months is just silly.

And the small part of the population that are already hungry are not part of the discussion. The bulk of the population can afford what we are talking about.
And the small part of the population that are already hungry are not part of the discussion. The bulk of the population can afford what we are talking about.

This might be a good time to reiterate my position.

If a crisis of such proportion requires people to have months of supplies on hand the world will not be the same after 4 months or 6 months or a year. If the average apartment dweller survives on 4 - 6 months worth of stores what will they do after that? Things will not return to the way they were. The country will not be full of wild animals to hunt. If there's no fuel no decent farms will become operative. The only food available will be the food people already collected before the crisis.

Few will survive in a cold climate due to a lack of heating fuel so the migration south will result in land wars. Those not willing to share, to give up part of their land, to share the remaining fuel and farm equipment and their food on hand will be battling the northern "hordes".

My point is what are people surviving for? Unless the government quickly supplies massive aid the country will disintegrate into a jungle. That won't take long and once it starts it will be incredibly difficult to stop. As the survivalists here constantly tell us they will be fighting against both their neighbor and the government. Ultimately, those who refuse to share must be destroyed for the sake of humanity.
Ahhh, naivety. All those well-to-do folks kept their shoulder to the wheel, their nose to the grindstone, sacrificed the little pleasures to get where they are.

Unfortunately, one day reality is going to hit you hard and you're not going to like it.

Was that intended to make sense? If so, it failed. Utterly so.
so your friends, family, and local news stations all feel that the community owes you an existence?

Huh? I wrote in msg 552, "The problem is most people's success is a result of luck and circumstance, however, they invariably attribute it to hard work and planning thereby disparaging others."

Many people's excuse for not helping/sharing is the needy are lazy or have some other undesirable attribute when the fact is a large measure of ones success is due to factors beyond their control; namely, luck and circumstance. Conversely, a large measure of a person's lack of success is due to poor luck and poor circumstances.
That's what these people said, too.

Some people are too stupid to have guns. Sadly, the video shows quite a few of those. It also shows people who are clueless about firearms and were played by whoever handed them a gun too big for them.

Irrelevant to the topic at hand.
Some people are too stupid to have guns. Sadly, the video shows quite a few of those. It also shows people who are clueless about firearms and were played by whoever handed them a gun too big for them. Irrelevant to the topic at hand.

How so?
Some people are too stupid to have guns.
Careful how you phrase things, or the next thing you know liberals will be demanding IQ tests to purchase firearms - where the libs determine what denotes a correct answer.

Test administrator: "Was Jimmy Carter a good president?"

Firearm purchaser: "No"

Test administrator: "Sorry, you are not smart enough to own a gun."