Questions for survivalists

But at least he answered a simple question, huh?

He said "yes".

Why would the fuel delivery stop? What would stop it?

Conflict with oil producing nations would reduce fuel greatly. Natural disastors have interrupted flow and caused hording and price jumps that could cause slower or more limited deliveries.

A social or political collapse would ruin transport in the areas affected.
Conflict with oil producing nations would reduce fuel greatly. Natural disastors have interrupted flow and caused hording and price jumps that could cause slower or more limited deliveries. A social or political collapse would ruin transport in the areas affected.

Fear apparently fuels a collapse in spelling.

Spelling? That is all you have? lol No fear here. But I am, at least, able to carry on a discussion.

Did I say it's "all" I have?

Do you stockpile food, water, supplies, guns and ammunition because you suffer constant fear of apocalyptic societal collapse and/or government confiscation of your precious manhood-symbols?

Do you prefer to call it being "prepared", "vigilant", or some other code word for paranoid panic?

Did I say it's "all" I have?

Do you stockpile food, water, supplies, guns and ammunition because you suffer constant fear of apocalyptic societal collapse and/or government confiscation of your precious manhood-symbols?

Do you prefer to call it being "prepared", "vigilant", or some other code word for paranoid panic?

Wow, look at that. Questions. Imagine being asked questions. Now what was it I am supposed to do when asked questions? Let me see........

No junior, no fear here.
Mad? lol I am amused. Thats about all.


I wanted to give you a break from the constant fear.

  • Fear of the government.

  • Fear of hungry people wanting to share your hoarded food.

  • Fear of societal upheaval.

  • Fear that unarmed, you are not equal to others.

I wanted to give you a break from the constant fear.

  • Fear of the government.

  • Fear of hungry people wanting to share your hoarded food.

  • Fear of societal upheaval.

  • Fear that unarmed, you are not equal to others.

Oh? Well thank you very much. However, I really don't need a break from your imagination. I am not afraid of any of those things.
Oh? Well thank you very much. However, I really don't need a break from your imagination. I am not afraid of any of those things.

That's good.

You haven't stocked up on food and water, or hoarded guns and ammunition in anticipation of a breakdown of civil authority.
what I find entertaining and amusing is that fools like legion troll are going to find themselves in refugee camps or government shelters begging for food and aid while their wives and daughters are being raped by criminal gangs and he's powerless to stop them.
what I find entertaining and amusing is that fools like legion troll are going to find themselves in refugee camps or government shelters begging for food and aid while their wives and daughters are being raped by criminal gangs and he's powerless to stop them.

When is your imaginary boogeyman going to suffer these imaginary catastrophes?
That's good.

You haven't stocked up on food and water, or hoarded guns and ammunition in anticipation of a breakdown of civil authority.

So the only reason anyone would ever store extra food or have extra ammunition is fear?
So the only reason anyone would ever store extra food or have extra ammunition is fear?

If they made statements like these, yes.

Oh, so I should hand out food and allow my own family to starve? Yeah, that is a typical response. I worked hard to earn the money to buy what I have. I had the foresight to lay in stores against a possible crisis. But I should just hand them out to people who didn't plan ahead? lol I have no murderous intent towards anyone who is not threatening the safety of my family. The fact that they are starving, while tragic, is not my concern. I do not have the resources to feed the entire county. Let me ask you a question. (although I seriously doubt it will be answered) If you have had the good sense to store food, and some crisis does happen, what would you do? Bear in mind, if you give up your stores your family may well starve to death very soon. What would you do?

One garden hose with a sprinkler on my roof will minimize the damages. Hell, they could even be helping me out. If the fire damages are minimized by the water they will still look serious, and the house will look abandoned. It will also depend on the arm strength of the thrower. I can shoot farther then he can throw.

Depending on the nature of the crisis, sharing my larder could mean starvation for my family. So I will be just as desperate but better equipped. A few weeks is an eternity if you have no food at all. By then the crowds will be too week to do much. And yes, I do believe a small group can hold off 50 or 100 people. Yes they have superior numbers. But the doorways are small, so that numerical superiority is only good if we are in the open. They will not stay long if their numbers are dropping from gunfire and they cannot fight back.

Apple, suppose we who have prepared for a catastrophic event, do as you say or suggest? I have my stores, and the first group with children get food. Do they leave and go somewhere else? No, they stay where there is food and hope to survive on my goodwill. Now, suppose I live in an area with a population of 150k people. How long will my stores last? 3 days? A week? And then what? Do I pass out my guns and ammo and join the mob looking to raid someone else's stored supplies? And if we don't find any, do my wife and daughter get taken away by men who have my guns? Do we all just roam around looking for the next handout until the gov't gets back on its feet and helps us? The sad part is, with all of the overabundance in this nation, we have forgotten how to prepare for the bad times. All grasshoppers and no ants mean starvation in short order.

The biggest thing that the "people will take your supplies" advocates are forgetting is that we who prepared for this have done a fair amount of thinking about all the possibilities. We prepared for them. Suppose the world collapsed tomorrow. The grocery stores are empty in 2 days, and the food taken is gone by the end of the week. Except for those who have stored significant supplies, the suburbs and urban areas are out of food within 2 weeks. Now, without food howlong will the mob remain active and coherent? 3 weeks? A month? Suppose I hole up with my family for 6 weeks with no visible light and no activity? After that, we are still well fed and well rested. The mob is weak, disorganized and dying. Not a serious threat.

First of all, how would they know I had some? I hadn't planned on cooking in the front yard. My door is barred and I am prepared to defend my home. That you think that people who failed to plan ahead deserve an equal share of what I had the foresight to store speaks volumes. I spent money on canned foods to store. They spent money on something else. Bad choices on their part, I would say.

The situation would dictate whether I answer my door or not. If not, they would try to break in. I would prefer that everyone store away some food and necessities. Your remark accusing us of preferring to see children die rather than share is emotional drivel. If I share to save this child, the next day I have more families with children begging for food. And then more and more and more. Until I am out of food and my own children starve.

Its either attack and die for sure, or go somewhere else and search for less dangerous food.