Questions for survivalists

the disconnect between reality and fantasy that you display is amazing. You talk about a mob of unprepared and desperate people using construction equipment and firebombs to raid, raze, or destroy the homes of people who did prepare but are unwilling to give you their hard earned stocks yet can't conceive of people doing the same thing against trucks of fuel, food, or water?

My point was there's no reason there has to be a shortage of food and water and people hoarding food and homes being firebombed, etc. If shortages occur it will be deliberately orchestrated and then total chaos will ensue.
The current financial problems in the US has little to do with unfriendly nations supplying oil. If there was a crisis as far as acquiring oil the US would simply take the oil. If they can go into Afghanistan and Iraq and help in Syria an oil embargo against the US would be economic warfare and the US would simply take over whatever country they felt could supply the oil.
LOL Really? So why did we not do so during the oil embargoes of the 70s? Just how ignorant are you? (or are you simply desperate to defend a stupid position?)

What do you suppose Europe, Russia, China, and others would do if the U.S. were to actually invade and take over the oil fields of one or more ME countries for our own use? Can you say World War III, even nuclear response? We may have the military capability to take over any one or even two ME countries, but we do not have the capability to handle the reaction of those who also depend on ME oil exports. The very idea just shows how horrendously ignorant you can be.

But, hey, you see no reason to prepare for more than a few days inconvenience due to man-made or natural disaster caused crises, then do not do anything except your normal attitude of depending on your precious mommy government to come to your pathetic rescue. Sit all comfortable in your home, and should the worst happen, you and yours will be among those pathetic souls wandering around looking for food and drinkable water while starving to death; killing and/or being killed by opposing mobs wandering around for the same purpose of basal survival. Go ahead and burn out some of those who had the foresight to prepare, as that is, indeed, likely to occur, though not nearly to the degree you seem to proclaim. Do you really think the mobs will survive hitting prepared and armed people long enough to get all of them? If one in 10 urban survivalists outlast the wandering mobs, they will be the survivors because NONE of the wandering mobs will survive unless they can find a survivalist willing to take them - in return for labor. Doubtful, because, by your own words, you murdering mindless animalistic liberals who have no reason to prepare for long term economic collapse are untrustworthy. Who would let your type in, in the first place, when you are just as likely to try to cut our throats in the night as actually work for what others had the foresight to stock?

Those who DO prepare for more than waiting for mommy government to come to the rescue are about 90% more likely to survive a truly major, society-changing disaster. Some, even many urban survivalists - especially those stupid enough to let it be widely known they DO have stocks of food, water, etc - will not survive the wandering mobs. But, some, even many WILL survive the wandering mobs. Conversely NONE of the wandering mobs will survive beyond a few months at most, with the vast majority being killed by each other the first few weeks, and the rest eventually starving as their numbers constantly dwindle to the point they can no longer sustain an attack on a defended position.

I truly hope that the stores I have stocked will never be needed for anything other than a hedge against inflation. I buy everyday foods in canned or dried form so I can use them in every day use as well as use in event that resupply becomes difficult or impossible. I hope the ammunition I have stored and continue to purchase monthly will continue to be used for nothing more than target practice and hunting. I hope the generator I have will continue to be used for nothing more than the occasional blackouts that occur around here. I hope some of the other things I have accumulated, such as medical and first aid will also only see occasional use for minor incidents. AND I truly hope more people will do their own preparations, so fewer people end up in wandering, murderous mobs of mindless animals.

But I am much too aware of history, as well as current events, to simply assume the civilization we depend on for day-to-day living can even be described as stable, let alone eternal.
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To be honest... I'd rather be mocked by an idiot than unprepared when the massive blizzard stops movement in my rural area. I prepare because it is smart and would in the city too, just differently.

Tell me I'm paranoid when my house is the only one in my area with electricity when the wires fall... I call it prepared. Tell me how "stupid" I am to store food, when the next door neighbors are hoping the melt comes soon because the milk went bad and all the meat went bad when the electricity went out...
To be honest... I'd rather be mocked by an idiot than unprepared when the massive blizzard stops movement in my rural area. I prepare because it is smart and would in the city too, just differently. Tell me I'm paranoid when my house is the only one in my area with electricity when the wires fall... I call it prepared. Tell me how "stupid" I am to store food, when the next door neighbors are hoping the melt comes soon because the milk went bad and all the meat went bad when the electricity went out...

Do you plan to blast the snowflakes?

This isn't about prudently storing extra food for a storm.

It's about the paramilitary fantasy bunker mentality that comes from fear.

Pervasive fear.

Survivalists imagine all sorts of apocalyptic scenarios and feverishly imagine themselves heroically defending their suburban homes against hordes of ravenous refugees and/or "jackbooted government thugs".

It's hilarious.
If having extra food isn't usual, why make such a big deal about it, and make the kind of statements you have in this thread about starving mobs?

Why would they be starving if hoarding food is "usual"?

Do you have extra food because you fear a societal collapse/government takeover?

Have you boasted about shooting unarmed people who ask you for food?

Please point out where I have boasted about anything. I have discussed preparedness and a willingness to defend my home. Do you think there is anything wrong with that?
Please point out where I have boasted about anything. I have discussed preparedness and a willingness to defend my home. Do you think there is anything wrong with that?

Boast 1

I am not afraid...

Boast 2

...No junior, no fear here.

Boast 3

My kids are proud of me...

Boast 4

...I had the foresight to lay in stores against a possible crisis...

Boasts 5 & 6 daughter could hit the flying bottle 8 or 9 times out of 10. I assure you I could score a torso hit much farther than a man can throw a flaming bottle.

Boast 7

I can shoot farther then he can throw. :)

Boasts 8 & 9

...I had the foresight to store ... I spent money on canned foods to store. They spent money on something else. Bad choices on their part, I would say.

Rambo's got nothing on you, does he?

According to you, you're smarter than the people you threaten to kill, you can shoot farther and more accurately than a man can throw a bottle, and your children are proud of you.



Verb: Talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.

Not a boast. You have continually claimed gun owners are motivated by fear. I responded with a simple statement of fact on the topic.

\(\(V\/V)/)/;857135 [B said:
Boast 2[/B]

See reply to "Boast 1".

\(\(V\/V)/)/;857135 [B said:
Boast 3[/B]

Ok, you got me here. I boasted about my kids being proud of me. Not for the reasons you think, but proud nonetheless.

\(\(V\/V)/)/;857135 [B said:
Boast 4[/B]

Not a boast. It was a statement in the context of the discussion.

\(\(V\/V)/)/;857135 [B said:
Boasts 5 & 6[/B]

Ok, you got me again. I boasted about my daughter's abilities.

\(\(V\/V)/)/;857135[B said:
Boast 7[/B]

Not even close to a boast. If you knew anything about guns you would know this is fact and not boasting. Let me help you with your education.
In the hunting world, some calibers are excellent at longer ranges and some at shorter ranges. Many calibers have met with unenthusuastic responses from buyers because of their limited range. The 47-70Govt and the 30-30 are two prime examples. They have an arcing trajectory that shortens their range. They are considered limited by their effective (or accurate) range of around 100 yards. How many people do you know who can throw a bottle 100 yards?

\(\(V\/V)/)/;857135 [B said:
Boasts 8 & 9[/B]

Not a boast at all. I see my purchases of extra goods as a safety measure, just like having a fire extinguisher, smoke detector, CO2 detector, and homeowners insurance. People without fire extinguishers or smoke detectors in their homes made bad choices.

\(\(V\/V)/)/;857135 [B said:
Rambo's got nothing on you, does he?[/B]

Well, one of us is real and one is a fictional character, but whatever.

\(\(V\/V)/)/;857135 [B said:
According to you, you're smarter than the people you threaten to kill, you can shoot farther and more accurately than a man can throw a bottle, and your children are proud of you. [/B]

You continue to talk about me threatening to kill people. YOu seem quite willing to ignore the fact that, in the context of the discussion, the ONLY people I have talked about killing were those raiding my home. I find that funny.

As I have said, pretty much anyone who shoots much or hunts at all can shoot farther and more accurately than a man can throw a bottle. Its not really much of a contest.

And yep, my kids are proud of me for a variety of reasons.

I guess I should have been more specific, since you have shown a propensity for ignoring context. You claim I boasted about shooting people who asked for food? Really? Even for you that is a sad attempt.
So your entire hypothetical was flawed from the beginning?

No. My point is there would be no natural reason. When a natural disaster occurs help would certainly arrive within a week or two. During natural disasters most people combine resources as they are all in the same situation.

On the other hand if the cause of shortages was man made, people had supplies but refused to share, the dynamics are quite different.
No. My point is there would be no natural reason. When a natural disaster occurs help would certainly arrive within a week or two. During natural disasters most people combine resources as they are all in the same situation. On the other hand if the cause of shortages was man made, people had supplies but refused to share, the dynamics are quite different.

Check this shit out. There are thousands of these websites, all about how to hoard stuff and kill people.