Questions for survivalists

Oh, so a discussion of a hypothetical situation is fear? Now you really are stretching.

Your definition of "discussion" seems to differ from mine.

"I can shoot farther then he can throw."

"They will not stay long if their numbers are dropping from gunfire and they cannot fight back."

"Suppose I hole up with my family for 6 weeks with no visible light and no activity? After that, we are still well fed and well rested. The mob is weak, disorganized and dying."

"My door is barred and I am prepared to defend my home."

"Its either attack and die for sure, or go somewhere else and search for less dangerous food."
Having trouble articulating your example, or did you know it was irrelevant from the start?

Stick to threatening to shoot cops with your keyboard. You suck at debate.

if your memory is that bad, there's no hope for you. after all, it was only 6 years ago. maybe you read about it in the papers?
if your memory is that bad, there's no hope for you. after all, it was only 6 years ago. maybe you read about it in the papers?

You seem to overlook the fact that you failed to show how "katrina aftermath" validates your fears of an abdication of law and order by the authorities.

In fact, weren't you complaining that the police were overzealous?
You seem to overlook the fact that you failed to show how "katrina aftermath" validates your fears of an abdication of law and order by the authorities.
the katrina aftermath was big news, you should have heard about it. My pointing anything out to you would be superfluous.

In fact, weren't you complaining that the police were overzealous?
yep, and it taught us threepers and oathkeepers a good lesson about the uselessness of government during national emergencies. and 'overzealous'? try lawless.
Your definition of "discussion" seems to differ from mine.

"I can shoot farther then he can throw."

"They will not stay long if their numbers are dropping from gunfire and they cannot fight back."

"Suppose I hole up with my family for 6 weeks with no visible light and no activity? After that, we are still well fed and well rested. The mob is weak, disorganized and dying."

"My door is barred and I am prepared to defend my home."

"Its either attack and die for sure, or go somewhere else and search for less dangerous food."

I have also had discussions of what to do in case of zombie attacks. I have talked about what historical figures I would most like to meet. I have even talked about what would happen if you answered questions. These are hypothetical situations.

Now lets see if we can clarify things for you. Yes, I have guns. It is a hobby enjoyed by my father and my grandfather. I hunt. I target shoot. I live way out in the boonies, so they are useful tools. Did I buy any firearms specifically for survivalistic reasons? No. Can I shoot farther than you can throw? Duh.

Do we have extra food. You betcha. Is that unusual?
Riiiiigggghhhht. After all, a transport industry which is over 60% dependent on imports which are heavily influenced by unfriendly nations is SO stable we need never worry about it. Over 20,000 independent truck operators went out of business the last time diesel prices spiked near $5/gallon. Much of the recent increase in prices of everyday goods - including food - is due to rising transportation costs. A severe enough fuel crisis - something that is a very real threat in the current political and economic climate - could end up grounding half or more of our transportation industry.

The current financial problems in the US has little to do with unfriendly nations supplying oil. If there was a crisis as far as acquiring oil the US would simply take the oil. If they can go into Afghanistan and Iraq and help in Syria an oil embargo against the US would be economic warfare and the US would simply take over whatever country they felt could supply the oil.

The blindness of those like you who cannot see the potential for trouble that will lead to many of those out seeking food by any means because you just cannot admit to the potential for trouble. Instead of inquiring as to the motivations of those who make long-term preparations, you belittle them, searching out some of the worst examples to throw out there. Why is that?

I'm not belittling them. I'm questioning the logic of it.

Is it because you are as blindly faithful to the omnipotence of your precious mommy government as the most devout religious fundamentalist? Or is the thought of long-term preparedness repugnant to you because it means self-responsibility? Or is it simply because the vast majority of survivalists are conservative, so you automatically oppose the very idea?

Long term preparedness is neither necessary nor feasible. First, there is no food shortage. The country is more than capable of producing sufficient food for the population. Second, if a food shortage was manufactured, for example if the farmers decided to sell their food to China for Chinese yuan instead of to their neighbor for US dollars the farmers would be quickly "confronted". If the latter occurred armed service personnel would quickly return home to support their families. I doubt anyone would stay in Iraq or Afghanistan to fight for their country when their wife/husband and children or elderly parents were starving here.

The point being if large sections of the population have to endure unnecessary hardship there would be civil war, the government would completely collapse and, depending on circumstances, foreign invaders would take advantage of the situation as who is going to fight for the country? A long term situation would result in the country never returning to it's original form so the question is, "Preparing to survive for what type of future?"

We may believe in the principal of not taking the wheat that belongs to the farmer but that wheat will be taken, one way or the other, by the hungry. Once that happens the country will never return to the principals of private property, capitalism, etc.

It's ironic, in a way. In order to preserve the country and current ideals we live by we may well have to temporarily live by the very ideals we deplore such as communal/sharing. Sort of puts the Conservative between a rock and a hard place.
your naive view of the world is sort of startling. how long do you think it would be before trucks (fuel, food, and water) started getting hijacked by groups banding together for survival?

I asked why the deliveries stop and you talk about trucks getting hijacked. Why are trucks getting hijacked? What starts all this?
Conflict with oil producing nations would reduce fuel greatly. Natural disastors have interrupted flow and caused hording and price jumps that could cause slower or more limited deliveries.

A social or political collapse would ruin transport in the areas affected.

The US can take over any oil producing country. Even in a time of shortage vital services can be maintained.
the katrina aftermath was big news, you should have heard about it. My pointing anything out to you would be superfluous.

Give it a shot. If you can.

yep, and it taught us threepers and oathkeepers a good lesson about the uselessness of government during national emergencies. and 'overzealous'? try lawless.

So you admit that the authorities were on the scene. Are you claiming to be a member of Oathkeepers?
what I find entertaining and amusing is that fools like legion troll are going to find themselves in refugee camps or government shelters begging for food and aid while their wives and daughters are being raped by criminal gangs and he's powerless to stop them.

I strongly urge you to cancel your subscription to the Movie Channel.
I have also had discussions of what to do in case of zombie attacks. I have talked about what historical figures I would most like to meet. I have even talked about what would happen if you answered questions. These are hypothetical situations. Now lets see if we can clarify things for you. Yes, I have guns. It is a hobby enjoyed by my father and my grandfather. I hunt. I target shoot. I live way out in the boonies, so they are useful tools. Did I buy any firearms specifically for survivalistic reasons? No. Can I shoot farther than you can throw? Duh. Do we have extra food. You betcha. Is that unusual?

If having extra food isn't usual, why make such a big deal about it, and make the kind of statements you have in this thread about starving mobs?

Why would they be starving if hoarding food is "usual"?

Do you have extra food because you fear a societal collapse/government takeover?

Have you boasted about shooting unarmed people who ask you for food?

I asked why the deliveries stop and you talk about trucks getting hijacked. Why are trucks getting hijacked? What starts all this?

the disconnect between reality and fantasy that you display is amazing. You talk about a mob of unprepared and desperate people using construction equipment and firebombs to raid, raze, or destroy the homes of people who did prepare but are unwilling to give you their hard earned stocks yet can't conceive of people doing the same thing against trucks of fuel, food, or water?